

錢嘛快遞是一款IOS平台的套用。需要錢也適用於Mac2.2或更高版本 錢嘛Express是錢嘛為iPhone打造速度最快的工具,在旅途中捕捉金融交易從高端到低端的重新設計。 完 美伴侶 錢嘛Express是錢用得最完 美的伴侶應用程式在您的Mac。新增購買,而你在商場和它的存在在你的Mac,當你回家。從您的銀行下載活動在您的Mac和你的結餘為當前在運行的錢好快。


  • 軟體名稱:錢嘛快遞
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體語言:簡體中文
  • 軟體版本:mac2.2
  • 軟體大小:5.56MB


需要錢也適用於Mac2.2或更高版本 錢嘛Express是錢嘛為iPhone打造速度最快的工具,在旅途中捕捉金融交易從高端到低端的重新設計。 完 美伴侶 錢嘛Express是錢用得最完 美的伴侶應用程式在您的Mac。新增購買,而你在商場和它的存在在你的Mac,當你回家。從您的銀行下載活動在您的Mac和你的結餘為當前在運行的錢好快。 包括只要你喜歡跑錢嘛快儘可能多的iPhone手機。這意味著,無論你在哪裡,你和你的配偶會看到同一個桶和賬戶餘額。錢嘛快速消除超支保持每個人都在同一頁上。 直接導航 由於我們開發錢也快,我們研究了導航過程和完善它,你可以得到任何重大的螢幕採用了單一的水龍頭。清脆的,新的標籤欄為您提供了直接訪問活動,會計,水桶,和設定。 在分析流程,我們問自己,“我們該怎么辦最常,”我們都同意它是捕捉交易,而在商店或餐廳。這就是為什麼有一個美麗而著名的新交易按鈕,在新標籤欄的底部中心。完 美貼合您的指尖。 快添置 這是沒有好有在你的口袋裡你的財務狀況,如果你不能快速記錄您的購買。誰想要一個唯讀的應用程式,只更新您的餘額一兩天以後呢. 這就是為什麼我們專注我們的大部分時間來確保你可以在錢嘛Express附加交易之前您拿鐵已準備好或者你的雜貨裝袋。 每一個水龍頭是必不可少的,每一個視覺已經被打磨賺錢好快一個歡樂的使用。 後台同步 你討厭等待同步到您的應用程式完成,當然,我們做的。這就是為什麼我們修改了同步的錢也快,使其更快,然後我們在後台扔了。 同步現 在是自動的每一次發射,保存,或錢也快退出。設定齒輪圖示旋轉,讓你知道一個同步發生,但你永遠不必等待它。 進不去,記錄您的購買,並全身而退。您的財務數據是安全可靠地同步到Mac,讓您不必等待或擔心。 美麗的圖形 每一個圖示,每一個背景,而在錢也快每一個控制是新的和改進。我們一直在努力,以確保所有的圖形都是有意義的,華麗的Retina顯示屏。你可以專注於不帶任何視覺上的混亂查看您的財務信息。Requires MoneyWell for Mac 2.2 or newer MoneyWell Express is a top-to-bottom redesign of MoneyWell for iPhone to create the fastest tool for capturing financial transactions on the go. The Perfect Companion MoneyWell Express is the perfect companion app for MoneyWell on your Mac. Add a purchase while you're at the mall and it's there on your Mac when you get home. Download activity from your bank on your Mac and your balances are current when you run MoneyWell Express. Include as many iPhones as you like running MoneyWell Express. This means that no matter where you are, both you and your spouse will see the same bucket and account balances. MoneyWell Express eliminates overspending by keeping everyone on the same page. Direct Navigation As we developed MoneyWell Express, we studied the navigation process and refined it so you can get to any major screen with a single tap. The crisp, new tab bar gives you direct access to Activity, Accounts, Buckets, and Settings. While analyzing the flow, we asked ourselves, "What do we do most often" We all agreed it was capturing transactions while at a store or restaurant. That's why there's a beautiful and prominent New Transaction button in the bottom center of the new tab bar. A perfect fit for your fingertip. Faster Additions It's no good having your finances in your pocket if you can't quickly record your purchases. Who wants a read-only app that only updates your balances a day or two later That's why we focused much of our time on making sure you could add a transaction in MoneyWell Express before your latte is ready or your groceries are bagged. Every tap is essential and every visual has been polished to make MoneyWell Express a joy to use. Background Sync Do you hate waiting for syncs to finish in your apps We certainly do. That's why we reworked the sync in MoneyWell Express to make it faster, and then we threw it in the background. Syncing is now automatic on every launch, save, or exit of MoneyWell Express. The Settings gear icon spins to let you know a sync is occurring, but you never have to wait for it. Get in, record your purchase, and get out. Your financial data is safely and securely synced to your Mac without making you wait or worry. Beautiful Graphics Every icon, every background, and every control in MoneyWell Express is new and improved. We have worked hard to make sure all the graphics are meaningful and gorgeous on Retina displays. You can focus on viewing your financial information without any visual clutter.




