



  • 中文名:銀雨瀟瀟
  • 作者約翰·D· 麥克唐納
  • 原作品:The lonely silver rain  
  • 譯者:尹建新 、唐在龍 
  • 出版社:湖南人民出版社  
  • 出版時間:1988年12月 
  • 頁數:251 頁 
  • 定價:2.7 元 
  • 開本:16 開(787mm×1092mm) 
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN: 7217005779 


John D MacDonald was born in Sharon, Pa, and educated at the Universities of Pennsylvania, Syracuse and Harvard, where he took an MBA in 1939. After war service in the Far East he wrote hundreds of stories for the pulps and over seventy novels, including the 21 in the Travis McGee sequence.


Travis McGee is back in action and he is in fine, fine form....What a treat. It is John D. MacDonald s 21st Travies McGee book and, without reservaton, his best.THE SAN DIEGO TRIBUNESearching for a wealthy friend s yacht, Travis McGee puts himself square in the center of the international cocaine trade, and finds himself the target of some of the most ruthless villains he s ever met. Contemplating his own mortality for the first time, Travis McGee discovers amid all the danger the astonishing surprise behind the cat-shaped pipe cleaners someone is leaving at his door. This is vintage McGee in a novel that confirms John D. MacDonald s reputation as one of the greatest storytellers of all time.


