



  • 中文名:銀河禮讚:我親歷的中國科幻
  • 作者譚楷
  • 出版時間:2023年11月
  • 出版社:四川人民出版社
  • ISBN:9787220134760
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:精裝




Prologue: The Singularity of the Big Bang of
Chinese Science Fiction .......................................................001
第一章 1979年那個春天
Chapter One The Spring of 1979
1. 我寫《銀河禮讚》
How I Write In Praise of Our Galaxy..................................008
2. 雷鋒難當,讓我尷尬
The Awkward Moment When I Discover the Difficulty of
Being Lei Feng .................................................................012
A “Mr. Tan Kai” Working for Scientific Literature ..............014
4. 楊瀟、吳顯奎、董仁威
Yang Xiao, Wu Xiankui, Dong Renwei ...............................018
5. 祖國啊,我要燃燒
My Passion for the Motherland............................................022
第二章 乍暖還寒時節
Chapter Two The Chill of Early Spring
1. 首任主編張爾傑
First Chief Editor Zhang Erjie .............................................028
2. 老賈進入“科幻狀態”
Old Jia Entering “Sci-Fi Mode” ...........................................032
3. 美術編輯向際純
Art Editor Xiang Jichun........................................................036
4. 多年形成“熊貓性格”
The “Panda Personality” Formed Over the Years................040
5. 一枚恐龍蛋引發大風波
A Stir Caused by a Dinosaur Egg.........................................045
6. 三句箴言與一首詩
Three Proverbs and a Poem..................................................049
第三章 磕磕絆絆尋路難
Chapter Three Stumbling to Find a Way
1. 面臨中國科幻的“大蕭條”
The “Great Depression” of Chinese Science Fiction...........056
2. 一次辦“小報”的經歷
Running a “Tabloid” .............................................................059
3. 九寨溝筆會、天津筆會
Writer’s Workshop in Jiuzhaigou and Tianjin .....................062
4. 1986,頒發首屆中國科幻銀河獎
In 1986, Presenting the First China Science Fiction
Galaxy Award ...................................................................067
5. 兩個渠道,齊頭並進
Two Channels Going Hand in Hand ....................................072
6. 書海狂潮,匆匆過客
The Book Frenzy and the Passer-By....................................076
第四章 一個回頭彎
Chapter Four A Setback
1. 深深感謝《人民日報》
My Deepest Gratitude for People’s Daily............................082
2. 訪問東瀛,大開眼界
Visiting Japan, an Eye-Open Journey .................................088
3. 改刊《奇談》,準備檢討
Changing the Magazine Title into “Qitan” and Preparing
for Self-Evaluation ...........................................................096
4. 檢討過關,收穫有三
Three Benefits after Self-Evaluation....................................102
第五章 青山遮不住,畢竟東流去 Chapter Five The Unstoppable Force
1. 楊瀟單槍匹馬闖聖馬利諾
Yang Xiao Going to San Marino by Herself........................108
2. 如果中國申辦科幻會失敗了,將是WSF的恥辱
If China’s Bid for Hosting Worldcon Fails,
It Will Be a Shame for WSF .............................................112
3. 在京城,挨家挨戶自述清白
Door-to-Door Self-Defense in Beijing.................................116
4. 1991,這是WSF最成功的年會
1991, the Most Successful Annual Meeting for WSF .........122
5. “5·23”臥龍歷險記
5.23, the Adventure at Wolong.............................................128
第六章 1992開始,背水一戰
Chapter Six The Beginning of 1992, the Last Stand
1. 楊瀟推薦《致加西亞的信》
Yang Xiao Recommending A Message to Garcia ...............134
2. 韓松,皮條河遇有緣人
Han Song, Meeting the Destined One at River Pitiao .........139
3. 和吳岩走在北三環路上的快樂時光
4. 是誰啟動了王晉康的科幻大腦
Who Turned On the Science Fictional Brain of Wang Jingkang
5. 柳文揚、孫維梓……閃光的生命
Liu Wenyang, Sun Weizi and All the Stars ..........................157
6. 看流星雨,看“彗木之吻”
7. 歡呼“西遊記宮”的倒塌
Cheering at the Fall of “Xiyouji Gong” ...............................169
8. 默默無聞的鋪路石
The Silent Paving Stones......................................................173
第七章 “灰姑娘”驚艷中華
Chapter Seven The Breathtaking Appearance of the Chinese
1. 阿來,帶著高原風來了
Entering Alai, with the Wind from the Plateau....................184
2. 楊振寧、潘家錚、宋健力挺中國科幻
Yang Zhenning, Pan Jiazheng, Song Jian Fully Supporting
Chinese Science Fiction ...................................................192
3. 申辦國際科幻大會, 一路綠燈
Bidding for Worldcon Going without a Hitch .....................196




