



  • 軟體名稱:銀河快車
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:46.21MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
銀河Express是一個解謎遊戲不同於任何你打過。你的任務很簡單:幫助喬納森·羅,空間送外賣,繪製了他的課程,並指導他和他的船員安全地通過宇宙。收穫?你只需要一個位的控制,當然,你的船!在旅途中電網將定向提升,引導船舶安全的交貨點。沒有時間限制或計數銀河鐵道的生活,剛坐下來,享受找出一個解決方案,每一個日益嚴重的複雜難題的挑戰! 主要特點 創新性和挑戰性的拼圖機械 - 10秒掌握的控制,更長的時間才能掌握遊戲! 平滑的難度曲線 - 銀河快車不會牽你的手,但也不會留下你在塵土中。 120的難題解決了! 支持Retina顯示屏 簡單的解決方案共享 - Twitter,Facebook和喬納森是在我們的社會中,指揮你的networkz! 壯觀的iPad - 一個更大的螢幕展示了遊戲的獨特的藝術風格,並給了玩家足夠的空間來繪製他們的課程。 低電池巧用工程 迷人的故事情節和尖刻的幽默 - 多久你真的用這個詞尖刻的嗎? 提高空間推理能力 - 銀河Express是一場偉大的比賽,為家長與孩子們玩一個家庭友好的故事與邏輯為中心的遊戲 Galaxy Express is a puzzle solving game unlike any that you've ever played. Your job is simple: help Jonathan Rowe, space delivery boy, plot his course and guide him and his crew safely through the universe. The catch You only have a bit of control over the course your ship takes! Place directional boosts on your trip grid to guide your ship safely to its delivery point. There isn't a time limit or a life count in Galaxy Express; just sit back and enjoy the challenge of figuring out a solution for each growingly complex puzzle! Key Features Innovative and challenging puzzle mechanic – ten seconds to master the controls, much longer to master the game! Smooth difficulty curve – Galaxy Express won't hold your hand, but it won't leave you in the dust either. 120 puzzles to solve! Retina display support Easy solution sharing – twitter, facebook, Jonathan has is in ur social, commanding ur networkz! Works spectacularly on iPad – a bigger screen shows off the game's distinctive art style, and gives the player plenty of room to plot their course. Engineered for low battery useage Captivating storyline and acerbic humor – how often do you really get to use the word acerbic! Improves spatial reasoning skills – Galaxy Express is a great game for parents to play with kids; a family-friendly story with logic-focused gameplay


