



  • 中文名:金融英語(第二版)
  • 作者:陶艷珍、顧艷輝
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年8月
  • 定價:29.8 元
  • ISBN:9787302501848


本書按橫縱兩條線索組織內容: 橫向線索是貨幣→信用→金融機構; 縱向線索是貨幣→貨幣的需求與供給→貨幣的均衡與失衡→貨幣政策。各章節的編排遵循循序漸進的課堂教學規律,從知識結構圖開始,依次是學習目標、熱身聽力、課前討論、正文、本章小結、生活中的金融學、專業辭彙,最後以多種形式的練習結束。各環節環環相扣,層層遞進,幫助學生較為紮實地掌握相關金融專業知識和英語語言知識。


Chapter 1Money and Monetary System
Structure of Chapter 1
Learning Objectives
Warmingup Listening
Prereading Discussion
1.1The Origin and Definition of Money
1.2The Function of Money
1.3The Evolution of Payment System
1.4Monetary System
Summary of Chapter 1
Finance in Our Daily Life
Specialized Vocabulary
Test Yourself
Chapter 2Credit
Structure of Chapter 2
Learning Objectives
Warmingup Listening
Prereading Discussion
2.1An Overview of Credit
2.2The Forms of Credit
Summary of Chapter 2
Finance in Our Daily Life
Specialized Vocabulary
Test Yourself
Chapter 3Interest and Interest Rate
Structure of Chapter 3
Learning Objectives
Warmingup Listening
Prereading Discussion
3.1An Overview of Interest and Interest Rate
3.2Calculation of Interest and Discounting
3.3The Theory of Term Structure of Interest Rates
3.4The Risk Structure of Interest Rates
Summary of Chapter 3
Finance in Our Daily Life
Specialized Vocabulary
Test Yourself
Chapter 4Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Rates
Structure of Chapter 4
Learning Objectives
Warmingup Listening
Prereading Discussion
4.1Introduction to Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rates
4.2Foreign Exchange Market
4.3Theories of Exchange Rate Determination
Summary of Chapter 4
Finance in Our Daily Life
Specialized Vocabulary
Test Yourself
Chapter 5Financial Market
Structure of Chapter 5
Learning Objectives
Warmingup Listening
Prereading Discussion
5.1An Overview of Financial Market
5.2Money Market
5.3Capital Market
5.4Financial Derivatives Markets
Summary of Chapter 5
Finance in Our Daily Life
Specialized Vocabulary
Test Yourself
Chapter 6Financial Institutions
Structure of Chapter 6
Learning Objectives
Warmingup Listening
Prereading Discussion
6.1Economic Basis for Financial Institution
6.2Functions of Financial Institution
6.3Types of Financial Institution
Summary of Chapter 6
Finance in Our Daily Life
Specialized Vocabulary
Test Yourself
Chapter 7The Central Bank
Structure of Chapter 7
Learning Objectives
Warmingup Listening
Prereading Discussion
7.1An Overview of the Central Bank
7.2The Functions of the Central Bank
7.3The Independence of the Central Bank
7.4The Peoples Bank of China
Summary of Chapter 7
Finance in Our Daily Life
Specialized Vocabulary
Test Yourself
Chapter 8Money Demand
Structure of Chapter 8
Learning Objectives
Warmingup Listening
Prereading Discussion
8.1The Implication of Money Demand
8.2The Factors that Determine Demand for Money
8.3Theories of Money Demand
Summary of Chapter 8
Finance in Our Daily Life
Specialized Vocabulary
Test Yourself
Chapter 9Money Supply
Structure of Chapter 9
Learning Objectives
Warmingup Listening
Prereading Discussion
9.1The Quantity of Money Supply
9.2The Mechanism of Money Supply
9.3The Theories of Money Supply
Summary of Chapter 9
Finance in Our Daily Life
Specialized Vocabulary
Test Yourself
Chapter 10Monetary Policy
Structure of Chapter 10
Learning Objectives
Warmingup Listening
Prereading Discussion
10.1The Targets of Monetary Policy
10.2The Instruments of Monetary Policy
10.3The Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy
10.4The Potency of Monetary Policy
Summary of Chapter 10
Finance in Our Daily Life
Specialized Vocabulary
Test Yourself

