

金瀏,北京工業大學教授、博士生導師,國家優秀青年基金獲得者,國家自然科學基金創新研究群體骨幹。兼任中國地震學會基礎設施防震減災青年委員會主任委員及《中國海洋平台》雜誌編委等,為Journal of Structural Engineering、Corrosion Science和EngineeringStructures等國內外20多種期刊雜誌審稿人。現主要從事多災害作用下混凝土材料與構件性能研究工作,主持和參與973計畫項目、國家自然科學基金項目(創新群體項目、重大項目及重點項目等)、國家重點研發項目及中國博士後科學基金項目等10餘項。在Engineering Structures、Cement and Concrete Research、InternationalJournal of Impact Engineering、Journal of Structural Engineering及土木工程學報等期刊上發表論文140餘篇,第一或通訊作者SCI論文40餘篇、EI論文70餘篇,被引用1400餘次;授權軟體著作權4項。論文獲國際著名刊物《InternationalJournal of Impact Engineering》和《Finite Elements in Analysis and Design》“近五年高被引”2篇,中國土木工程學會優秀論文二等獎1篇,《水利學報》優秀論文1篇。


  • 中文名:金瀏
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:江蘇
  • 出生日期:1985年
  • 職業:教授,博士生導師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:混凝土及混凝土工程結構
  • 職務:改革與發展規劃處副處長、兼一流學科建設辦公室副主任 
  • 主要成就:博士,教授,博士生導師,國家自然科學基金創新研究群體骨幹成員




北京工業大學建築工程學院, 教授、博士生導師.


(1) 混凝土細觀力學
(2) 多災害作用材料與構件破壞機理
(3) 混凝土材料與構件尺寸效應


[1] 國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金項目, 51822801、多災害作用下混凝土與混凝土構件性能研究、2019/01-2021/12、150萬元、在研、主持
[2] 國家重點研發計畫專項, 2016YFC0701100、高性能結構體系抗災性能與設計理論研究、2016/08-2020/08、子課題負責人、60萬元、在研、主持
[3] 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,51508011、荷載作用對混凝土中氯離子擴散行為影響的理論研究、2016/01-2018/12、24萬元、結題、主持
[4] 中國博士後科學基金項目(一等),2015M570105、開裂混凝土中氯離子擴散行為模擬的分析模型與方法、2015/08-2016/12、8萬元、結題、主持
[5] 國家自然科學基金創新群體項目,51421005、重大工程結構抗震與減震控制、2015/01 -2020/12、1200萬元、在研、參加。
[6] 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫集成項目,91215301、高壩、地下結構及大型洞室群地震災變集成研究、2013/01-2016/12、2400萬元、結題、參加。
[7] 973計畫項目,2011CB013600、近海重大交通工程地震破壞機理與失效模式、2011/11- 2016/11、544萬元、結題、參加。


[1]JinLiu, Yu Wenxuan, Du Xiuli, Zhang Shuai, Li Dong. Meso-scale modelling of thesize effect on dynamic compressive failure of concrete under different strainrates. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019, 125: 1-12
[2]JinLiu, Yu Wenxuan, Du Xiuli, Yang Wangxian. Mesoscopic numerical simulation ofdynamic size effect on the splitting-tensile strength of concrete. EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 2019, 209: 317-33.
[3]LiuJin, Shuai Zhang, Junyan Han, Dong Li, Xiuli Du. Effect of cross-section sizeon flexural compressive failure of RC columns: Monotonic and cyclic tests.Engineering Structures, 2019, 186: 456-470
[4]ZhangRenbo, Jin Liu*, Tian Yudong, Dou Guoqin, Du Xiuli. Static and dynamicmechanical properties of eco-friendly polyvinyl alcohol fiber reinforcedultra-high-strength concrete. Structural Concrete, 2019,doi.org/10.1002/suco.201800149.
[5]DuXiuli, Zhang Pei, Jin Liu*, Lu Dechun. A multi-scale analysis method for thesimulation of tunnel excavation in sand-gravel strata. Tunneling andUnderground Space Technology, 2019, 220-230.
[6]JinLiu, Ding Zixing, Li Dong, Du Xiuli. Experimental and numerical investigationson the size effect of moderate high-strength reinforced concrete columns undersmall-eccentric compression. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2018,27(5): 657-685.
[7]JinLiu, Yu Wenxuan, Su Xiao, Zhang Shuai, Du Xiuli, Han Junyan, Li Dong. Effect ofcross-section size on the flexural failure behavior of RC cantilever beamsunder low cyclic and monotonic lateral loadings. Engineering Structures, 2018,156: 567-586.
[8]JinLiu, Zhang Renbo, Dou Guoqin, Du Xiuli. Fire resistance of steel fiberreinforced concrete beams after impact loading. Fire safety Journal, 2018, 98:24-37.
[9]JinLiu, Zhang Renbo, Du Xiuli. Characterization of the temperature-dependent heatconduction in heterogeneous concretes. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2018,70(7): 325-339.
[10]JinLiu, Zhang Renbo, Tian Yudong, Dou Guoqin, Du Xiuli. Experimental investigationon static and dynamic properties of steel fiber reinforced ultra-high-strengthconcretes. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 178: 102-111.
[11]LiDong, Jin Liu*, Du Xiuli. A theoretical method to determine the tortuous cracklength and the mechanical parameters of concrete in direct tension—a particlesize effect analysis. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 197: 128-150.
[12]JinLiu, Zhang Renbo, Dou Guoqin, Xu Jiandong, Du Xiuli. Experimental and numericalstudy of reinforced concrete beams with steel fibers subjected to impactloading. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2018, 27(7): 1058-1083.
[13]JinLiu, Zhang Shuai, Li Dong, Xu Haibin, Du Xiuli, Li Zhenbao. A combinedexperimental and numerical analysis on the seismic behavior of short reinforcedconcrete columns with different structural sizes and axial compression ratios.International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2018, 27(9): 1416-1447.
[14]JinLiu, Hao Huimin, Zhang Renbo, Du Xiuli. Determination of the effect of elevatedtemperatures on dynamic compressive properties of heterogeneous concrete.Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 168: 685-694.
[15]JinLiu, Miao Liyue, Han Junyan, Du Xiuli. Size effect tests on shear failure ofinterior RC beam-to-column joints under monotonic and cyclic loading.Engineering Structures, 2018, 175: 591-604.
[16]ZhangPei, Jin Liu, Du Xiuli. Computational homogenization for mechanical propertiesof sand cobble stratum based on fractal theory. Engineering Geology, 2018, 232:82-93.
[17]JinLiu, Zhang Renbo, Du Xiuli. Computational homogenization for thermal conductionin heterogeneous concrete after mechanical stress. Construction and BuildingMaterials, 2017, 141: 222-234.
[18]JinLiu, Li Dong, Du Xiuli, Lu Aizhen. Experimental and numerical study on sizeeffect in eccentrically loaded stocky RC columns. ASCE Journal of StructuralEngineering, 2017, 143(2): 04016170.
[19]JinLiu, Du Min, Li Dong, Du Xiuli, Xu Haibin. Effects of cross section size andtransverse rebar on the behavior of short squared RC columns under axialcompression. Engineering Structures, 2017, 142: 223-239.
[20]JinLiu, Xu Jiandong, Zhang Renbo, Du Xiuli. Numerical study on the impact perfor-mances of reinforced concrete beams: a mesoscopic simulation method.Engineering Failure Analysis, 2017, 80: 141-163.
[21]DuMin, Jin Liu*, Du Xiuli, Li Dong. Size effect tests of stocky RC columnsconfined by stirrups. Structural Concrete, 2017, 18(3): 454-465.
[22]ZhangRenbo, Jin Liu*, Liu Mengjia, Du Xiuli, Li Yue. Numerical investigation ofchloride diffusivity in cracked concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2017,69(16): 850-864.


