1. Zhen-Min Jin, H.W.Green II, Zhou Yi. Melt topology in partially molten mantle peridotite during ductile deformation.Nature, 1994, 372, 164-167(獲該期封面照片).
2. Zhang J. F, Green H.W, Bozhilov,Jin Z.M. Faulting induced by precipitation of water at grain boundaries in hot subducted oceanic crust.Nature, 2004, 428:633-636. (第一作者為博士研究生)
3. Z.-M.Jin, J. Zhang, H.W. Green II, S. Jin. Eclogite Rheology: Implications for subducted lithosphere.Geology, 2001, 29(8): 667-670.
4. Z.M.Jin, H.W. Green II, R.S.Borch. Microstructures of olivine and stress in the upper mantle beneath Eastern China.Tectonophysics, 1989, 169, 23-50.
5. Z.M.Jin, Quan Bai, D.L. Kohlstedt. High-temperature creep of olivine crystals from four localities.Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 1994,82: 55-64.
6. Jin Zhenmin, Zhang Junfeng, H.W.Green, Jin shuyan. Rheological properties of deep subducted oceanic lithosphere and their geodynamic implications.Science in china (Series D), 2002, 45 (11) : 769-977.
7. Jin, Zhenmin, Ji, S-C, Jin shuyan. Lattice preferred orientation of olivine and seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle beneath the south-eastern China.Chinese J. Geophysics, 1994, 37 (3): 413-424.
8. Xiang-Wen Liu,Zhen-Min Jin, H.W.Green II. Clinoenstatite exsolution in diopsidic augite of Dabieshan: Garnet peridotite from depth of 300 km.American Mineralogist, 2007, 92: 546 -552. (第一作者為博士研究生)
9. H. Kern,Z.M. Jin, Shan Gao et al. Physical properties of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Sulu terrain, Eastern China: implication for the seismic structure at the Donghai (CCSD) drilling site.Tectonophysics, 2002, 354, 315-330.
10. Q.Bai,Z.M. Jin, H.W.Green II. Experimental investigation of the rheology of partially molten peridotite at the upper mantle pressure and temperature, in:《Deformation-enhanced Fluid transport in the Earth’s crust and mantle》,Edited by M.B.Holness, 1997, Chapman &Hall, London,40-61.
11. S. Zhao,Z. Jin, J. Zhang, H. Xu, G. Xia and H. W. Green II, Does subducting lithosphere weaken as it enters the lower mantle?Geophys. Res. Lett.,2012, 39, DOI: 10.1029/2012GL051666. (第一作者為博士研究生)
12. XU Haijun,JIN Zhenmin, Roger MASON, OU Xingong, Magnetic susceptibility of ultrahigh pressure eclogite: The role of retrogression,Tectonophysics, 2009, 475 (2) 279-290.(第一作者為博士研究生)
13.Wu, Y., Y. Fei,Z. Jin, X. Liu, The Fate of subducted upper continental crust: An experimental study,Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2009, 282: 275-284. (第一作者為博士研究生)
14.Yongfeng Wang, Junfeng Zhang, Zhenmin Jin, David L. Kohlstedt, Low oxygen fugacity dependency for the deformation of partially molten lherzolite,Tectonophysics, 2012, 580, 114-123. (第一作者為博士研究生)
15.Lili Xu, Shenghua Mei, Nathaniel Dixon, Zhenmin Jin, Ayako M. Suzuki, David L. Kohlstedt, Effect of water on rheological properties of garnet at high temperatures and pressures,Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2013, 379,158-165. (第一作者為博士研究生)
16.Yanfei Zhang, Yanbin Wang, Yao Wu, Craig R. Bina, Zhenmin Jinand Shuwen Dong, Phase transitions of harzburgite and buckled slab under eastern China,Geochemistry, GEophysics, Geosystems, 2013, 30, DOI: 10.1002/ggge.20069. (第一作者為博士研究生)
18.Y. F. Zhang, Y. Wu, C. Wang,Z. M. Jinand H. Schertl, Experimental constraints on the genesis of Jadeite quartzite from Shuanghe, Dabie Mountain ultra-high pressure metamorphic terrane,Sci. China Earth Sci., 56, 1-13, 2013, doi: 10.1007/s11430-013-4763-6. (第一作者為博士研究生)