1 Zhenlin Jin, K. He and R. Du. On the Design and Analysis of a Novel Controllable Mechanical PressBased on 2-DOF Planar Mechanism. Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2005 ASME Internationl Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. DETC2005-84713. 2005, Long Beach.California USA
2 Jin Zhenlin,Gao Feng,Zhang XH. Design and analysis of a novel isotropic six-component force/torque sensor.SENSORS AND ACTUATORS.PHYSICAL A 109 (2003)17-20 (EI收錄: (SCI收錄IDS NO.:754YL 影響因子1.229)
3 Liu XJ,Jin ZL,Gao Feng,Optimum design of 3-DOF spherical parallel manipulators with respect to conditioning and stiffness indices.Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2000, 35: 1257~1267 (EI收錄)(SCI收錄)
4 Feng Gao, Weimin Li, Xianchao Zhao, Zhenlin Jin. New kinematic structures for 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-dof parallel manipulator designs.Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2002,37(6)(EI收錄 EX) (SCI收錄IDS NO.:607DG)
5 Jin Zhenlin,Gao Feng. Optimal Design of a 6-Axis Force Transducer Based on Stewart Platform Related to Sensitivity Isotropy.Chinese journal of mechanical engineering. 2003,16(2). (EI收錄)
6 Jin Zhenlin,Gao Feng. A Novel 6-sps Parallel 3-dimensional Platform Manipulator and its Force / motion Transmission Analysis. Chinese journal of mechanical engineering. 2002,15(4):11~15 (EI收錄)
Jin Zhenlin was born in Fushun, China, in 1962. He is a Professor at School of Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan University, China. He obtained his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Yanshan University in 2001. In the same year, he joined Robotics Research Institute, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, as a Postdoctor. He is currently engaged in research and development on novel force sensor with parallel architecture, parallel manipulator, programmable mechanical press , parallel kinematic machine and their applications.