


  • 中文名:金思丁
  • 工作單位:成都理工大學能源學院
  • 教學職稱:副教授
  • 畢業院校:中國地質大學(武漢)
3.維也納大學(University of Vienna),2013年10月至2015年10月,國家公派聯合培養項目:Chemostratigraphy and geochemical proxies of climatic cycles, sea-level changes and sequence stratigraphy based on pelagic Tethyan sedimentary archives (Late Cretaceous)
4. 2016年至今於成都理工大學任職
(1)2018.07-2019.07 中石化頁岩油氣富集機理與有效開發國家重點實驗室開放課題《川東南長寧地區龍馬溪組富有機質頁岩形成的天文驅動力研究》,主持;
(2)2017.12-2021.12 國家科技重大專項2017zx05036-004-006《鄂爾多斯盆地三疊系陸相頁岩氣儲層特徵與演化》,技術負責人;
(3)2019.01-2021.12 國家自然科學基金41802030 《四川盆地長寧地區下志留統龍馬溪組下段深水頁岩旋迴地層學研究》,主持。
(4)2020.04-2023.12 《塔河油田石炭系、三疊系、白堊系基礎地質及開發潛力研究》,石炭系負責人。
(1) Jin, S. D., Wang, H.*, Cao, H. Y., Gan, H. J., Chen, S., 2020. Lake‐type controls on sedimentary infill and petroleum source rocks in the Palaeogene Fushan Depression, Beibuwan Basin, South China. Geological Journal, 55, 3936-3956.
(2) Jin, S. D., Deng, H. C.*, Zhu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, S. B., Fu, M. Y., 2020. Orbital control on cyclical organic matter accumulation in Early Silurian Longmaxi Formation shales, Geoscience Frontiers, 11, 533-545.
(3) Liu Y., Jin, S. D.*, Cao, Q., Zhou, W., 2019. Tertiary hydrothermal activity and its effect on reservoir properties in the Xihu Depression, East China Sea. Petroleum Science, 16: 14-31.
(4) Jin, S. D., Deng, H. C.*, Liu, Y., 2019. Study on Mechanisms of shale gas generation in Sichuan Basin, West China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28 (6): 4622-4626.
(5) Jin, S. D., Cao, H. Y.*, Wang, H., Wagreich, M., Richoz, S., 2019. Orbital cyclicity in sedimentary sequence and climatic indications of C-O isotopes from Lower Cretaceous in Qingxi Sag, Jiuquan Basin, NW China. Geoscience Frontiers, 10, 467-479.
(6) Jin, S. D., Cao, H. Y.*, Wang, H., Chen, S. B., 2018. The Paleogene multi-phase tectono-sedimentary evolution of the syn-rift stage in the Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Energy Exploration and Exploitation, 36(6), 1519-1545.
(7) Cao, H. Y., Jin, S. D.*, Sun, M., Wang, H., 2016. Astronomical forcing of sedimentary cycles of Late Eocene Liushagang Formation in the Bailian Sag, Fushan Depression, Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea. Journal of Center south University, 23, 1427-1438.
(8) Jin S. D., Wang, H.*, Cao, H. Y., Chen, S., Lin, Z. L., Yu, J. H., Pan, S. Q., 2014. Sedimentation of the Paleogene Liushagang Formation and the response to regional tectonics in the Fushan Sag, Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 107 (2): 112-130.
(9) Jin, S. D., Wang, H.*, Chen, S., Gan, H. J., Lv, Z. Y., Cao, H. Y., 2013. Control of anticline crest zone on depositional system and its geological significance for petroleum in Changshaling, Yinger Sag, Eastern Jiuquan Basin. Journal of Earth Science, 24(6), 947-961.


