
博士畢業後赴義大利比薩高等師範學校(Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)進行博士後研究,合作導師為Rosario Fazio教授。在博士後期間主要研究非平衡狀態下量子多體系統和耦合腔陣列的動力學,以及多體系統在平衡與非平衡狀態下的性質。此外還研究了利用光學系統模擬量子非馬爾可夫動力學過程和量子遊走等問題。
2015.03-現在 大連理工大學物理與光電工程學院副教授
2014.01-2015.01 義大利比薩高等師範學校(Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy) 博士後
2012.03-2013.12 Marie-Curie Initial Training Network 博士後(義大利比薩高等師範學校),合作導師為Rosario Fazio 教授
2007.09-2012.10 大連理工大學物理與光電工程學院理論物理專業博士,導師為宋鶴山教授
2003.09-2007.07 大連理工大學物理系套用物理專業本科
1. 量子信息學
2. 量子多體系統
1. 《非平衡條件下耦合腔系統的動力學》 遼寧省自然科學基金 no. 2015020110
2. 《量子非馬爾可夫系統性質的研究》 國家自然科學基金理論物理專項 no. 11547119
1. Positive effect of scattering strength of a microtoroidal cavity on atomic entan- glement evolution. Jia-sen Jin, Chang-shui Yu, Pei Pei, and He-shan Song, Phys. Rev. A 81, 042309 (2010).
2. Quantum nondemolition measurement of the Werner state. Jia-sen Jin, Chang-shui Yu, Pei Pei, and He-shan Song, Phys. Rev. A 82, 042112 (2010).
3. Quantum coherence versus quantum discord in two coupled semiconductor double-dot molecules via a transmission line resonator. Pei Pei, Chong Li, Jia-sen Jin, and He-shan Song, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 033501 (2011).
4. Switchable coupling between nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond and charge qubit. Feng-yang Zhang, Jia-sen Jin, Chong Li, and He-shan Song, Eur. Phys. J. D 63, 165 (2011).
5. Probing quantum entanglement, quantum discord, classical correlation, and the quantum state without disturbing them. Zhen-ni Li, Jia-sen Jin, Chang-shui Yu, and He-shan Song, Phys. Rev. A 83, 012317 (2011).
6. Nondestructive identification of the Bell diagonal state. Jia-sen Jin, Chang-shui Yu, and He-shan Song, Phys. Rev. A 83, 032109 (2011).
7. Direct scheme for measuring the geometric quantum discord. Jia-sen Jin, Feng-yang Zhang, Chang-shui Yu, and He-shan Song, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45, 115308 (2012).
8. Nondestructive detection and generation of Werner state via dissipative process Jia-sen Jin, Zhen-ni Li, Chang-shui Yu, and He-shan Song, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 392, 2830 (2013).
9. Dual roles of quantum discord in a nondemolition probing task. Chang-shui Yu, Jia-sen Jin, Heng Fan, and He-shan Song. Phys. Rev. A 87, 022113 (2013).
10. Photon solid phases in driven arrays of nonlinearly coupled cavities. Jiasen Jin, Davide Rossini, Rosario Fazio, Martin Leib, and M. J. Hartmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 163605 (2013).
11. Steady-state phase diagram of a driven QED-cavity array with cross-Kerr nonlinearities. Jiasen Jin, Davide Rossini, Martin Leib, M. J. Hartmann, and Rosario Fazio, Phys. Rev. A 90, 023827 (2014).
12. Phase diagram of a nonlinearly coupled QED-cavity array. Jiasen Jin, Rosario Fazio, and Davide Rossini, EPJ Quantum Technology 2, 5 (2015).
13. All-optical non-Markovian stroboscopic quantum simulator. Jiasen Jin, Vittorio Giovannetti, Rosario Fazio, Fabio Sciarrino, Paolo Mataloni, Andrea Crespi, and Roberto Osellame, Phys. Rev. A 91, 012122 (2015).


