《量子力學專論》是2004年世界圖書出版公司出版的圖書,作者是Walter Greiner。
- 書名:量子力學專論
- 作者:Walter Greiner
- 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
- 出版時間:2004年4月
- 頁數:378 頁
- 定價:80 元
- 裝幀:平裝
- ISBN:9787506266109
- 叢書: Classical Theoretical Physics
《量子力學專論》主要內容有:1. Quantum Theory of Free Electromagnetic Fields。2. Interaction of Electromagnetic Fields with Matter。3. Noninteracting Fields。4. Quantum Fields with Interaction。5. Infinities in Quantum Electrodynamics: Renormalization Problems等。
1.Quantum Theory of Free Electromagnetic Fields
1.1 Maxewll's Equations
1.2 Elctromagnetic Plane Waves
1.3 Quantization of Free Electromagnetic Fields
1.4 Eigenstates of Electromagnetic Fields
1.5 Coherent States(Glauber States)of Electromagnetic Fields
1.6 Biographical Notes
2.Interaction of Electromagnetic Fields with Matter
2.1 Emission of Radiation form an Excited Atom
2.2 Lifetime of an Exctied State
2.3 Absorption of Photons
2.4 Photon Scattering from Free Electrons
2.5 Calculation of the Total Photon Scattering Cross Section
2.6 Cherenkow Radiation of a Schrodinger Electron
2.7 Natural Linewidth and Self-energy
3.Noninteracting Fields
3.1 Spin-Statistics Theorem
3.2 Relationship Between Second Quantization and Elementary Quantum Mechanics
4.Qunatum Fields with Interaction
5.Infinities in Quantum Electrodynamics:Renormalization Problems
5.1 Attraction of Parallel,Conducting Plates Due to Field Quantum Fluctuations(Casimir Effect)
5.2 Renormalization of the Electron Mass
5.3 The Splitting of the Hydrogen States 2s1/2-2P3/2The Lamb Shift
5.4 Is There an Inconsitstency in Bethe's Approach?
6.Nonrelativistic Quantum Field Theory of Interacting Particels and Its Applications
6.1 Quangutm Gases
6.2 Nearly Ideal,Degenerate Bose-Einstein Gases
8.Pair Correlations Among Fermions and Bosons
9.Qusiparticles in Palsmas and Metals:Selected Topics
10.Basics of Quantum Statistics
11.Structure of Atoms
12.Elementary Structure of Moecules
13.Feynman's Path Integral Formulation of Schrodinger's Wave Mechanics
Subject Index