- 中文名:醬肉花生糯米飯
- 主要原料:糯米,醬肉,花生
- 是否含防腐劑:否
- 主要食用功效:糯米能補虛、補血、健脾暖胃、止汗等。
- 適宜人群:老少皆宜
- 副作用:腸胃消化不好的人容易引起消化不良、糯米中含有較高糖分,糖尿病患者忌食。
- 儲藏方法:冰櫃冷藏
- 醬肉蒸熟一半切丁,一半切片,蒜苗切碎末備用
- 鍋里倒入少量油,倒入醬肉丁爆香,略微出油,放入胡蘿蔔丁和玉米翻炒片刻加入杏鮑菇丁翻炒加入搗散的米飯炒均勻,炒至米飯鬆散無結塊加入蒜苗末,加適量的鹽調味即可小半碟
- 取一米飯碗盛上炒飯,略微壓緊,倒扣在一平盤中,擺上醬肉片,點綴一點歐芹或者香菜即可
Ingredients: 200 grams of rice, glutinous rice, 400 grams, 200 grams peanuts, mushrooms 5, amount of chopped onion, diced 300 grams of fat and lean (pork meat or pork), meat floss, coriander, a little different (for decoration)
Braised pork needs seasoning: soy sauce 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tsp cooking wine 1 tablespoon white pepper 1 tsp, 1 cup water
Glutinous rice seasoning mix: 3 tablespoons soy sauce, rock sugar 1 tsp white pepper 1 tsp water 1 / 2 cup
1, hybrid rice and glutinous rice, washed and soaked for 30 minutes, then add the blanched in hot water boil.
2, and then remove the rice and put it into the steamer or small casserole, steamed with fire standby. When not in the Mili Jia steaming water, so do the very chewy rice oil rice, stewed meat with sauce and taste is very fragrant, of course, you can add water, steam and water after a very soft and waxy taste, more suited to make sweet The rice cakes (add red dates, longan, wolfberry ...), processed into your favorite taste can be.
3, raw peanuts, soaked in water after cleaning.
4 onions, chopped D; mushroom slices, and saute mushrooms with a little oil to fry soft, mushrooms can put a little more, good food.
5, then the diced meat, peanuts, onions into pot, add soy sauce, rock sugar, cooking wine, pepper, salt, water, brine for 1 hour together, do all the soup brine, dried, and then stewed Ding Sheng out, keep soup Finally.
6, when the pot is not the braised pork the rest of the soup, but into the soy sauce, rock sugar, pepper, water, boil them boil, then pour the steamed glutinous rice, mix well.
7, until fragrant and then add the mushrooms, diced good brine, mix well, make the oil rice.
8, then take to model the type of random model, such as the aluminum model; such as bamboo, can be made with bamboo tube rice cake, Aberdeen; and then, or lotus leaf with a small steamer ... floor mats in the bottom of the container of peanut, then fill the oil meal, re-entry steam for 20 minutes.
9, steamed rice cakes upside down on serving platter surface topped with a little gravy, the family has little floss floss, then you can Zaisa.