



  • 中文名:醫學院校研究生英語讀與寫
  • 作者:謝春暉、監艷紅、殷紅梅
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年8月1日
  • ISBN:9787300272672




Unit 1 Text A The Hippocratic Oath
Text B 12 Principles from Christoph Wilhelm von Hufeland
Unit 2 Text A Why Should Human Beings Be Moral?
Text B Ethical Dilemmas in Tissue Engineering and 3D Printing
Unit 3 Text A Patients Have Rights, But Doctors Have Rights, Too
Text B Does the Doctor-Patient Relationship Mean More to Doctors than Patients?
Unit 4 Text A Doctor-Patient Confidentiality
Text B An Assessment of Rights Theory in a Specific Health Care Context
Unit 5 Text A Confidentiality and the Patient’s Right to Privacy—What Right to Privacy in Healthcare?
Text B  When Doctors Pick Up the Pen—Patient-Doctor Confidentiality Breaches in Publishing
Unit 6 Text A Inside the Autistic Mind
Text B Autism Boom: An Epidemic of Disease or of Discovery?
Unit 7 Text A Ethical Issues in the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research
Text B Animal Testing: Is Animal Testing Ethically Correct?
Unit 8 Text A Altruism and Payment in Blood Donation
Text B Blood Safety and Donation: A Global View
Unit 9 Text A Embraced by the Dark Fog of Dementia
Text B Personality Changes Associated with Aging
Unit 10 Text A Organ Transplantation: Ethical Dilemmas and Policy Choices
Text B Five Organ Procurement Policies and Proposals: A Comparison (Continued)
Unit 11 Text A Understanding Depression
Text B Stress: Personality and Gender Difference
Unit 12 Text A Responding to Natural Disasters
Text B A Natural Disaster and a Human Tragedy
Unit 13 Text A Genetically Modified Food—the Benefits and the Risks
Text B Food Additives
Unit 14 Text A Household Smoke May Be the World’s Deadliest Environmental Hazard
Text B The WHO Approach to Housing and Health


盧鳳香, 教授, 首都醫科大學衛生管理與教育學院院長。自1990年參加工作以來,一直工作在英語教育教學研究第一線,主持省部級課題六項,出版專著及教材十餘部,發表論文十餘篇,2012年作為主要完成人獲得北京市高等教育教學成果獎二等獎一項,2013年作為團隊負責人獲得北京市繼續教育大學英語優秀教學團隊稱號。


