醫學英語視聽說 Ⅱ

醫學英語視聽說 Ⅱ

《醫學英語視聽說 Ⅱ(大學專本業英語系列教材)》是2015年中國人民大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是盧鳳香,黃一瑜,秦明照。教材從國外英語廣播和電視節目中選取與醫學相關的材料,基於可視材料,設計出各種聽力、口語訓練題型,通過訓練, 提高醫學生的醫學英語反應能力,為醫學生進入醫學專業學習打下堅實的醫學英語聽、說基礎。


  • 中文名:醫學英語視聽說 Ⅱ(大學專業英語系列教材)
  • 作者:盧鳳香、黃一瑜、秦明照
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787300203331


本教材從國外英語廣播和電視節目中選取與醫學相關的材料,基於可視材料,設計出各種聽力、口語訓練題型,通過訓練, 提高醫學生的醫學英語反應能力,為醫學生進入醫學專業學習打下堅實的醫學英語聽、說基礎。第二冊則主要面向進入臨床階段學習、掌握一定臨床醫學知識的學生。通過第二冊的學習,醫學生能基本聽懂用英語講授的關於臨床醫學專業方面的醫學課程和英語講座, 並且能夠較準確的表達出自己的觀點。


Unit I Respiratory System
 Part I Respiration
 Part lI Pneumonia
 Part IlI Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
 Part IV Healthy Ways to Control Asthma
 Part V Sir Francis Bacon
 Part VI Further Thinking
Unit 2 Digestive System
 Part I Digestive System,
 Part II Reconstruction of Human Structures
 Part III The Role and Anatomy of the Pancreas
 Part IV The Most Important Body Part
 Part V Steven Paul Jobs
 Part VI Further Thinking
Unit 3 Circulatory System
 Part I Introduction toCirculatory System
 Part II Heart Disease Prevention
 Part IU Coronary Artery Disease
 Part IV Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Diseases
 Part V Sir Winston Churchill
 Part VI Further Thinking
Unit 4 Blood
 Part I Introduction to Blood
 Part II Anemia
 Part III How to Prevent Leukemia
 Part IV Reducing Anemia in Children
 Part V Made Curie
 Part VI Further Thinking
Unit 5 Immune System
 Part I Introduction to the Immune System
 Part II Type I Diabetes
 Part III Transmission and Prevention of HIV
 Part IV Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Part V Halle Berry
 Part VI Further Thinking
Unit 6 Urinary System
 Part I Introduction to the Urinary System
 Part II The Urinary Tract Infection
 Part III Chronic Kidney Disease
 Part IV Heavy Smokers at Risk for Deadly Kidney Cander
 Part V Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
 Part VI Further Thinking
Unit 7 Reproductive System
 Part I Ovulation
 Part II How Prostate Cancer Works
 Part III Treatments for Cervical Cancer
 Part IV The Father of Genetics
 Part V Lance ArmstrongFighting Testicular Cancer
 Part VI Further Thinking
Unit 8 Healthy Lifestyle
 Part I Are Cell Phones the New Cigarette?
 Part I How to Recognize Breast Cancer Symptoms
 Part lI Ten Simple Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle
 Part IV Overweight People Have a Lower Risk of Early Death
 Part V Angelina Jolie Has Healthy Breasts Removed
 Part VI Further Thinking
Unit 9 First Aid
 Part I Basic First Aid Introduction 
 Part II First Aid -- Child CPR
 Part III How to Deal with Foot Cramp
 Part IV How to Do "Hands-Only" CPR
 Part V Peter Safar and CPR
 Part VI Further Thinking
Unit 10 Mental Health
 Part I Introduction to Mental Health
 Part II What Is Autism?
 Part III Had a Black Dog
 Part IV Smile, Happy PeopleLive Longer
 Part V The Life of Margaret Thatcher
 Part VI Further Thinking




