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  • 中文名:醫學微生物學
  • 作者:[美]Geo.F.Brooks,Karen C.Carroll,Janet S.Butel,郭曉奎 等
  • 出版時間:2021年
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • ISBN:9787030680297
  • 類別:教材
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1 Bacteria 1
2 Viruses 1
3 Fungi 1
4 Chapter Summary 2
Review Questions 2
Chapter 2 Cell Structure 3
1 Prokaryotic Cell Structure 3
2 Staining 22
3 Morphologic Changes During Growth 23
4 Chapter Summary 23
Review Questions 24
Chapter 3 Bacterial Physiology 25
1 Classification of Bacteria 25
2 The Growth, Survival, and Death of Microorganisms 35
3 Cultivation of Microorganisms 41
4 Microbial Metabolism 50
5 Chapter Summary 61
Review Questions 62
Chapter 4 Bacterial Genetics 65
1 The Prokaryotic Genome 65
2 Bacteriophage 67
3 Transfer of DNA 68
4 Mutations and Selection 74
5 Applications of Bacterial Genetics 76
6 Chapter Summary 77
Review Questions 77
Chapter 5 Normal Human Microbiota 78
1 Role of the Resident Microbiota 78
2 Normal Microbiota of the Skin 79
3 Normal Microbiota of the Mouth and Upper Respiratory Tract 79
4 Normal Microbiota of the Urethra 83
5 Normal Microbiota of the Vagina 83
6 Normal Microbiota of the Conjunctiva 83
7 Chapter Summary 83
Review Questions 84
Chapter 6 Bacterial Infection and Immunity 86
1 Overview 86
2 Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections 86
3 Immunity of Bacterial Infections 96
4 Chapter Summary 112
Review Questions 113
Chapter 7 Laboratory Diagnosis, Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial Infection 116
1 Laboratory Diagnosis of Bacterial Infection 116
2 Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bac terial Infection 122
Review Questions 130
Chapter 8 Pathogenic Coccus 132
1 The Staphylococci 132
2 The Streptococci 138
3 The Entercocci 146
4 The Neisseria 147
5 Chapter Summary 152
Review Questions 153
Chapter 9 Enteric Gram-negative Rods (Enterobacteriaceae) 155
1 Classification 155
2 Diseases Caused by Enterobac teriaceae Other Than Salmonella and Shigella 159
3 The Shigellae 162
4 The Salmonella-Arizona Group 163
5 Chapter Summary 166
Review Questions 167
Chapter 10 Vibrios, Campylobacters,Helicobacter, and Associated Bacteria 169
1 The Vibrios 169
2 Campylobacter 171
Review Questions 174
Chapter 11 Spore-forming Gram-positive Bacilli: Bacillus and Clostridium Species 176
1 Bacillus Species 176
2 Bacillus Anthracis 176
3 Bacillus Cereus 178
4 Clostridium Species 179
5 Clostridium Botulinum 179
6 Clostridium Tetani 180
7 Clostridia That Produce Invasive Infections 181
8 Clostridium Difficile and Diarrheal Disease 183
Review Questions 183
Chapter 12 Infections Caused by Anaerobic Bacteria 185
1 Anaerobic Bacteria Found in Hu man Infections 185
2 Pathogenesis of Anaerobic Infec tions 187
3 The Polymicrobial Nature of Anae robic Infections 187
4 Diagnosis of Anaerobic Infections 188
5 Treatment of Anaerobic Infections 188
6 Chapter Summary 188
Review Questions 188
Chapter 13 Mycobacteria 190
1 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 190
2 Mycobacterium Leprae 192
3 Chapter Summary 192
Review Questions 192
Chapter 14 Aerobic Non-Spore-Forming Gram-positive Bacilli 193
1 Corynebacterium Diphtheriae 194
2 Other Coryneform Bacteria 197
3 Listeria Monocytogenes 197
4 Actinomycetes 198
5 Nocardiosis 199
6 Actinomycetoma 199
7 Chapter Summary 200
Review Questions 200
Chapter 15 Pseudomonads and Acinetobacters 202
1 Pseudomonads 202
2 Acinetobacter 206
3 Chapter Summary 207
Review Questions 207
Chapter 16 Haemophilus, Bordetella,Brucella, Francisella 209
1 Haemophilus 209
2 Bordetella 210
3 Brucella 212
4 Francisella 214
5 Chapter Summary 215
Review Questions 216
Chapter 17 Yersinia and Pasteurlla 217
1 Yersinia 217
2 Pasteurella 219
Review Questions 220
Chapter 18 Legionellae, Bartonella, and Unusual Bacterial Pathogens 222
1 Legionella Pneumophila and Other Legionellae 222
2 Bartonella 223
3 Streptobacillus Moniliformis 224
4 Chapter Summary 225
Review Questions 225
Chapter 19 Spirochetes and Other Spiral Microorganisms 227
1 Treponema Pallidum and Syphilis 227
2 Borrelia Burgdorferi and Lyme Disease 229
3 Leptospira and Leptospirosis 231
Review Questions 233
Chapter 20 Mycoplasma and Cell
Wall-Defective Bacteria 234
1 General Introduction 234
2 Mycoplasma Pneumoniae 236
3 Other Pathogenic Mycoplasma 237
4 Cell Wall-Defective Bacteria 237
5 Chapter Summary 238
Review Questions 238
Chapter 21 Rickettsia and Related Genera 240
1 General 240
2 Rickettsia and Orientia 240
3 Coxiella Burnetii 243
4 Ehrlichia and Anaplasma 244
5 Chapter Summary 245
Review Questions 245
Chapter 22 Chlamydiae 247
1 General Properties of Chlamydia 247
2 Diseases 249
3 Chapter Summary 254
Review Questions 255
Chapter 23 General Properties of Viruses 257
1 Classification of Viruses 257
2 Virus Structure 258
3 Chemical Composition of Viruses 261
4 Replication of Viruses 262
5 Genetics of Animal Viruses 266
6 Natural History (Ecology) and Modes of Transmission of Viruses 268
7 Reaction to Physical and Chemical Agents 270
8 Laboratory Techniques of Virology 271
9 Chapter Summary 273
Review Questions 273
Chapter 24 Viral Infection and Immune Response to Viruses 276
1 The Modes and Types of Viral Infec tion and Pathogenicity of Viruses 276
2 Anti-Virus immunity 285
3 Chapter Summary 290
Review Questions 29


