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  • 中文名:醫學信息檢索
  • 作者:周金元
  • 出版時間:2020年
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302546702


醫學科研是醫學工作者的重要任務之一,而信息檢索是醫學科研最重要的工具,但是信息檢索並未被醫學工作者們熟練的掌握。隨著各大醫學院校、科研院所與臨床醫院對醫學科研的不斷重視,如何使臨床醫學留學生、廣大醫學科研人員、臨床醫師、研究生等可以有效的利用信息檢索進行醫學科研,已經成為急需解決的現實問題。縱觀市場,關於強調信息檢索套用於醫學科研方面的書籍寥寥無幾。本書的讀者對象為臨床醫學留學生、本科雙語教學 為主,其他醫學科研人員、醫務工作者和醫學研究生閱讀。


Chapter 1 Information Literacy ………………… 1
1.1 Overview of Information Literacy ……… 1
1.2 Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education ………………………… 2
1.3 Information Literacy Modules ………… 4
1.4 Others related to information literacy … 7
Chapter 2 Overview of Informationliteracy Cultivation ………………………… 11
2.1 Status of Medical Information Literacy Cultivation……………………………… 11
2.2 The necessity of Information Literacy Cultivation……………………………… 13
2.3 Feasibility of Information Literacy Cultivation……………………………… 14
2.4 Information Literacy Standards ……… 16
2.5 Objectives and principles of
Information Literacy Education ……… 18
2.6 Model of Information Literacy
Cultivation……………………………… 19
2.7 Information Literacy Evaluation …… 21
Chapter 3 Information Sources Overview … 27
3.1 Concepts Related to Information …… 27
3.2 Summary of Information Sources …… 29
3.3 Organization of network Information Sources ………………………………… 33
3.4 Information Retrieval Language …… 37
3.5 Information Retrieval System and
Tools …………………………………… 40
3.6 Evaluation Criteria of Internet Information Resources Retrieval
Tools …………………………………… 46
Chapter 4 An Overview of Information Retrieval …………………………… 49
4.1 principles of Information Retrieval … 49
4.2 Classification of Information Retrieval 50
4.3 The purpose and Significance of
Information Retrieval ………………… 51
4.4 Search Technology …………………… 53 4.5 Search Steps …………………………… 57
4.6 Evaluation of Search Results ………… 63
Chapter 5 Chinese Information
Retrieval Tools …………………… 64
5.1 The Concepts and Characteristics of Medical Digital Resources …………… 64
5.2 Common Chinese Medical Literature Databases ……………………………… 64
Chapter 6 English Information
Retrieval Tools …………………… 84
6.1 Science Citation Index (Expanded) … 84
6.2 pubmed, Index Medicus and
Medline ………………………………… 93
6.3 Chemical Abstracts and SciFinder …… 107
6.4 ScienceDirect …………………………… 112 6.5 SpringerLink …………………………… 116 6.6 EBSCOhost……………………………… 119
Chapter 7 Online Medical Resources ……… 126
7.1 network Resources …………………… 126
7.2 Web Search Engines …………………… 133
7.3 Search of Medical Software…………… 137
7.4 Open Access to Medical Information 139
Chapter 8 Patent literature retrieval ………… 146
8.1 Basic knowledge of patent …………… 146
8.2 patent Literature ……………………… 147
8.3 Chinese patent Literature …………… 149
8.4 Chinese patent Literature Retrieval … 152
8.5 World patent Literature Retrieval …… 157
Chapter 9 Information Service Organizations and Their Services………………… 175
9.1 Library ………………………………… 175
9.2 Archives Repositories ………………… 192
9.3 Medical Record Room ………………… 194
Chapter 10 Medical Information Analysis and Medical Research Topic
Selection ………………………… 197
10.1 Statistical Methods in Medical
Research ………………………………… 197
10.2 Medical Research Design …………… 199
10.3 Big Data and Drug Discovery ……… 204
Chapter 11 Medical Information
Investigation……………………… 209
11.1 An Overview of Medical Information
Investigation ………………………… 209
11.2 Material Collection, Identification and
Collation ……………………………… 211
11.3 Intelligence Analysis, Research and Forecasting …………………………… 221
11.4 Science and Technology novelty Searching on Medicine ……………… 224
Chapter 12 The Writing of Medical Papers… 235
12.1 An Overview of Medical Researcher papers ………………………………… 235
12.2 Basic Formats and Requirements of Medical papers ……………………… 235
12.3 Methods and Steps of Writing
Medical papers ……………………… 238
12.4 How to Write a Medical Review …… 240
12.5 How to Write a Medical Abstract … 242




