
鄭東,男,1964 年10月,出生於山西,西安郵電大學教授,上海交通大學信息安全工程學院教授/博士生導師。1985年畢業於山西師範大學數學系,獲理學學士,1988年畢業於陝西師範大學數學系,獲理學碩士學位, 1996年9月—1999年8月,在西安電子科技大學通信工程學院攻讀並獲得密碼學博士學位,主要研究密碼學理論與網路安全。1999年9月-2001年8月,在上海交通大學從事博士後研究工作,主要從事密碼算法與套用研究;2001年9月2012年10月,在上海交通大學電子信息學院任教;2000年-2001年,參與國家863科技攻關項目“電子商務示範工程”,擔任項目副組長。2002年3月-2002年6月,在香港大學做訪問學者,參與了香港行政區科技創新項目“電子政務中的關鍵技術”,負責公鑰密碼算法及其在移動設備中的實現技術。多次參加國際學術交流會議,先後在日本、韓國、德國、美國等國際學術交流會上交流論文;曾主持過的項目:總裝備部的預研基金項目,國家自然科學基金項目,國家863科技公關項目,十一五國家密碼發展基金項目等10多項國家級科研項目。發表論文數十篇,目前主要研究雲計算安全、無線網路安全技術等。


  • 中文名:鄭東
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1964 年10月
  • 職業:西安郵電大學教授




1. Guofen. HE,Xiangxue LI ,Dong Zheng,Regular Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Code with Girth 8 from Elementary Number Theory,China Communications,(SCI) 2012, 9(4),80-88
2.Qiang Li, Xiangxue Li, Dong Zheng, Kefei Chen.Optimal multiple assignments with (m,m)-schemes for general access structures.Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2012/007, 2012.
3. Zhou, Dehua,Weng, Jian,Chen, Kefei, Zheng, Dong,Generic Construction of Identity-Based Strong Key-Insulated Signature,Journal of Internet Technology, 12(4), pp 629-635, 2011(SCIE).
4.Zheng Huang,Qiang Li,Dong Zheng,Kefei Chen,YI Cloud: Improving user privacy with secret key recovery in cloud storage, Service Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), 2011 IEEE 6th International Symposium on, 12-14 Dec. 2011,Page(s):268 - 272 ,Product Type:Conference Publications
5. Xiangxue Li, Qiu W.D., Dong Zheng, Kefei Chen, Jianhua Li.Anonymity enhancement on robust and efficient Password-Authenticated Key Agreement Using Smart Cards.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.No.2, Vol.57. PP.793-800, February 2010 (SCI).
6. Xiangxue Li, Qingji Zheng, Dong Zheng, Kefei Chen, Jianhua Li.Toward Optimizing Cauchy Matrix for Cauchy Reed-Solomon Code.IEEE Communications Letters, vol.13, no.8, pp.603-605, August 2009 (SCI)
7. Xiangxue Li, Dong Zheng, Kefei Chen et.al..Democratic group signatures with collective traceability.Computers and Electrical Engineering. Elsevier, 35, 2009.pp.664-672 ( SCI)
8. Xiangxue Li, Dong ZHENG, Kefei CHEN,Provably Secure Signatures from Linear Feedback Shift Register.International Journal of Electronics and Computers。1(2) December 2009, pp.177-184
9. Chaonian Guo,Xiangxue Li,Dong Zheng,Shengli Liu,AE-BP: Adaptive Erasure Belief Propagation Decoding Algorithm of LDPC Codes.2009 IEEE international symposium on information. theory.978-07695-3769-6/09,494-498, 2009.
10. Zhiheng Zhou,Xiangxue Li,Dong Zheng,PWG:Progressive Weight-Growth Algorithm for High Rate LDPC Code.2009 IEEE international symposium on information theory.978-07695-3747-4/09, 494-498.
11. Dong Zheng and Xiangxue Li and Changshe Ma and Kefei Chen and Jianhua ,L IDemocratic Group Signatures with Threshold Traceability,
12. Wei Han, Tao Hao, Dong Zheng, Kefei Chen,A Tamper-Evident Voting Machine Resistant to Covert Channels, Provable Security,The Second International Conference, ProVSec 2008,LNCS 5324, pp. 355-344 2008 (EI)
13. Zheng Gong,Xiangxue Li,Dong Zheng,Kefei Chen,A Generic Construction for Intrusion-Resilient Signaturesfrom Linear Feedback Shift Register,Journal of Information Science and engineering, 24, 1347-1360 (2008) ,1347
14. JianWeng, ShengliLiu, KefeiChen DongZheng and WeidongQiu.Identity-Based Threshold Key-Insulated Encryption without Random Oracles,LNCS, 4964(CT-RSA),2008,PP203-220 (EI).
15. Dong Zheng, Xiangxue Li, Kefei Chen, Jianhua Li.Linkable Ring Signatures from Linear Feedback Shift Register.Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4809:716-727, 2007. (EI)
16. Zheng Dong, Li Xiangxue, Chen Kefei.LFSR-based ring signature scheme.Chinese Journal of Electronics, 16(3):397-400, 2007.(SCI)
17. Xiangxue Li, Dong Zheng, Kefei Chen.Efficient Linkable Ring Signatures and Threshold Signatures from Linear Feedback Shift Register.Lecture Notes in Computer Science4494:95-106, 2007.(EI)
18. Xiangxue Li, Dong Zheng, Kefei Chen.LFSR-Based Signatures with Message Recovery.International Journal of Network Security, 4(3):266–270, 2007
19. Xiangxue Li, Dong Zheng, Kefei Chen.Efficient Blind Signatures from Linear Feedback Shift Register.Lecture Notes in Computer Science4674:423-425, 2007.(EI)
20. Dong Zheng, Xiangxue Li, Kefei Chen. “Code-based Ring Signature Scheme”.International Journal of Network Security. Taiwan. International Journal of Network Security,5(2):154-157, 2007.
21. Zheng Dong, Victor K. Wei, Chen Kefei,A GDH Group-Based Signature scheme with Linkability,J. IEE Communications153 (5): 539-644, 2006 (SCI)
22. LIU Shengli, ZHENG DongAnalysis of Information leakage in quantum key agreement, Journal of Shanghai jiaotong University (SCIENCE),vol. E-11, No.2, 2006, pp219-223. (EI ) .
23. Liu YG, Zheng Dong, Li Shiqun, Wang Libin, Chen KFA tabu clustering method with DHB operation and mergence and partition operation,LNCS. Vol. 3735: 380-382 2005. Springer. Germany. (SCI ) .
24. Changshe MA, Kefei Chen, Dong Zheng, Shengli Liu,Efficient and proactive threshold signcryption,LNCS 3650: 233-243 2005. Springer. Germany.(SCI)


