2002年、2007年分別畢業於河南大學和中科院地理資源所,獲自然地理專業碩士和博士學位。總計以第一作者發表論文17篇,包括SCI論文7篇,國內一級學報3篇(生態學報、水利學報、遙感學報),EI論文4篇。中國水土保持學會規劃設計專業委員會委員。《Journal of Hydro-environment Research》、《Biosystems Engineering》、《catena》、《Soil Science Society of America Journal》等SCI期刊和《地理研究》、《資源科學》等國內期刊審稿人。主持兩項
1. Zheng MG, Sun LY, Yan M, 2014.Tmporal Change of Runoff and Sediment Load and their Differential Response to Human Activities: A Case Study for a Well-vegetated Mountain Watershed of southern China. Journal of Mountain Science
2. Zheng MG, Qin F, Yang JS, Cai QG, 2013. The spatio-temporal invariability of sediment concentration and the flow–sediment relationship for hilly areas of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Catena
3. Zheng MG, Yang JS, Qi DL, Sun LY, Cai QG, 2012. Flow-sediment relationship as functions of spatial and temporal scales in hilly areas of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Catena
4. Zheng MG, Qin F, Sun LY, Qi DL, Cai QG, 2011. Spatial scale effects on sediment concentration in runoff during flood events for hilly areas of the Loess Plateau, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
5. Zheng MG, Cai QG, Cheng QJ. Modelling the runoff-sediment yield relationship using a proportional function in hilly areas of the Loess Plateau, North China. Geomorphology
6. Zheng MG, Cai QG, Cheng QJ. Sediment yield modelling for single storm events based on heavy-discharge stage characterized by stable sediment concentration. International Journal of Sediment Research
7. Zheng MG, Cai QG, Qing MZ. The Effect of Prior Probabilities in Maximum Likelihood Classification on individual Classes: A Theoretical Reasoning and Empirical Testing. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
8. 鄭明國,蔡強國,秦明周,岳天祥.一種遙感影像分類精度檢驗的新方法.遙感學報
9. 鄭明國,蔡強國,陳浩.黃土丘陵溝壑區植被對不同空間尺度水沙關係的影響.生態學報
10. 鄭明國,蔡強國,王彩峰,劉紀根.黃土丘陵溝壑區坡面水保措施及植被對流域尺度水沙關係的影響.水利學報