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  • 中文名:鄭昌喜
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:蘭州大學,澳大利亞莫納什大學
  • 職業:大學教師,科研工作者
  • 學歷:博士研究生




1.C. Zheng,*L. Yu,L. Zhu,J. L. Collins,D. Kim, Y. Lou, M. Li, Z. Wei, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhu, M. T. Edmonds, S. Li, J. Seidel, Z. Liu, W.-X. Tang,* and M. S. Fuhrer,*Room-temperature in-plane ferroelectricity in van der Waals In2Se3,Science Advances,4 (2018) eaar7720.
2. Q. Zhang, J. Lu, Z. Wang, Z. Dai, Y. Zhang, F. Huang, Q. Bao, W. Duan,* M. S. Fuhrer andC. Zheng,*Reliable Synthesis of Large-Area Monolayer WS2Single Crystals, Films and Heterostructures with Extraordinary Photoluminescence Induced by Water Intercalation,Advanced Optical Materials, 6 (2018) 1701347.
3. V. R. Adineh,C. Zheng,*Q. Zhang, R. K.W. Marceau, B. Liu, Y. Chen, K. J. Si, M. Weyland, T. Velkov, W. Cheng, J. Li, J. Fu,*Graphene-enhanced three-dimensional chemical mapping of biological specimens at near-atomic resolution,Advanced Functional Materials, 28 (2018) 1801439.
4.C. Zheng,*Q. Zhang,B. Weber, H. Ilatikhameneh, F. W. Chen, H. Sahasrabudhe, R. Rahman, S. Li, Z. Chen, J. Hellerstedt, Y. Zhang, W. Duan, Q. Bao, and M. S. Fuhrer,*Direct Observation of 2D Electrostatics and Ohmic Contacts in Template-Grown Graphene/WS2Heterostructures,ACS Nano, 11 (2017) 2785.
5. Q. Zhang, Z. Chang, G. Xu, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, Z.-Q. Xu, S. Chen, Q. Bao, J. Z. Liu, Y.-W. Mai, W. Duan,* M. S. Fuhrer,* andC. Zheng,*Strain Relaxation of Monolayer WS2 on Plastic Substrate,Advanced Functional Materials, 26 (2016) 8707.
6.C. Zheng, J. Tersoff,* W. Tang, A. Morreau, and D. E. Jesson,*Novel GaAs surface phases via direct control of chemical potential,Physical Review B, 93 (2016) 195314.
7.C. Zheng, Z.-Q. Xu, Q. Zhang, M. T. Edmonds, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, Q. Bao, and M. S. Fuhrer,*Profound effect of substrate hydroxylation and hydration on electronic and optical properties of monolayer MoS2,Nano Letters, 15 (2015) 3096.
8. S.-Y. Chen,C. Zheng, M. S. Fuhrer, and J. Yan,*Helicity-Resolved Raman Scattering of MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2 Atomic Layers,Nano Letters, 15 (2015) 2526.
9. Z. Zhou,C. Zheng, W. Tang, J. Tersoff,* and D. E. Jesson,*Origin of Quantum Ring Formation During Droplet Epitaxy,Physical Review Letters, 111 (2013) 036102.


