2009.2~2011.4荷蘭代爾伏特理工大學(Delft University of Technology)&烏特勒支大學(Utrecht University),博士後;
1. Yu Zhang, Linlin Zhang, Qiang Zheng*, Xinqi Zheng, Ming Li, Juan Du*, Aru Yan, Enhanced magnetic refrigeration properties in Mn-rich Ni-Mn-Sn ribbons by optimal annealing, Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 11010.(*通訊作者)
2. Yu Zhang, Qiang Zheng*, Weixing Xia, Jian Zhang, Juan Du*,Aru Yan, Enhanced large magnetic entropy change and adiabatic temperature change of Ni43Mn46Sn11alloys by a rapid solidification method,Scripta Materialia,104 (2015) 41.(*通訊作者)
3. Qiang Zheng, Design strategies to improve the plasticity of bulk metallic glasses, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 40 (2015) 1.
4. Yu Zhang,Jian Liu,Qiang Zheng,Jian Zhang,Weixing Xia,Juan Du*,Aru Yan,Large magnetic entropy change and enhanced mechanical properties of Ni-Mn-Sn-C alloys,Scripta Materialia,75(2014)26.(SCI索引次數:2)
5. Q. Zheng,J. Du,Low beryllium content Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite with plasticity and work hardenability,J. Appl. Phys.115 (2014) 043519.(SCI索引次數:1)
6. Q. Zheng,S. Cheng,J.H. Strader,E. Ma,and J. Xu.Critical size and strength of the best bulk metallic glass former in the Mg-Cu-Gd ternary system.Scripta Mater.56 (2007)161.(SCI索引次數:104)該論文2012年7月獲得最高論文引用獎“Top Cited Article Award 2007-2011 in Scripta Materialia”;
獲獎理由:在Scripta Materialia 5年期間(2007-2011)所有發表論文(約3000篇)中論文被SCI引用次數位列第10.
7. Q.Zheng,Mg-Cu(Ag)-Gd bulk metallic glass forming alloy: phase selection of melt crystallization,Science of Advanced Materials, 4(2012)969.(SCI索引次數:3)
8. Q. Zheng,Y. Pivak,L.P.A. Mooij,A.M.J. vander Eerden,H. Schreuders,P.E. de Jongh,H.J. Bitter,B. Dam.EXAFS investigation of the destabilization of the Mg-Ni-Ti(H) system.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,37(2012)4161.(SCI索引次數:9)
9. Q.P. Wu,Q. Zheng,R.van de Krol, Creating oxygen vacancies as a novel strategy to form tetrahedrally coordinationTi4+ in Ti/TiO2 nanoparticles.J. Phys. Chem. C.116(2012)7219(SCI索引次數:18)
10. P. Ngene, M.H.W. Verkuijlen,Q. Zheng,J. Kragten,P.JanM. van Bentum,J.H. Bitter,and P.E.de Jongh.The role of Ni in increasing the reversibility of the hydrogen release from nanoconfined LiBH4,Faraday Discussions,151(2011)47(SCI索引次數:27)
11. Q. Zheng,H. Ma,J. Xu,and E. Ma.Mg-Cu-(Y,Nd) pseudo-ternary bulk metallic glasses: The effects of Nd on glass-forming ability and plasticity, Scripta Mater. 55 (2006) 541.(SCI索引次數:90)
12. Q. Zheng,E. Ma,andJ. Xu.High glass-forming ability correlated with fragility of Mg-Cu(Ag)-Gd alloys.J. Appl. Phys.102(2007)113519.(SCI索引次數:47)
13. H.Ma,Q.Zheng,J.Xu,Y.Li,and E.Ma. Doubling the critical size for bulk metallic glass formation in the Mg-Cu-Y ternary system. J. Mater. Res.20(2005)2252.(SCI索引次數:59)
14. J. Du,Q. Zheng,W.J. Ren,W.J. Feng,X.G. Liu,andZ.D. Zhang, Magnetocaloric effect and magnetic-field-induced shape recovery effect at room temperature in ferromagnetic Heusler alloy Ni-Mn-Sb.J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.40(2007)5523.(SCI索引次數:64)
15. J. Du, Q. Zheng*,Y.B. Li,D. Li,and Z.D. Zhang, Large magnetocaloric effect and enhanced magnetic refrigeration in ternary Gd-based bulk metallic glasses. J. Appl. Phys.103 (2008) 023918 (SCI索引次數:52)(*通訊作者)
16. J.Du,Q.Zheng*,E.Bruck,K.H.J.Buschow,W.B.Cui,W.J.Feng,Z.D.Zhang, Spin-glass behavior and magnetocaloric effect in Tb-based bulk metallic glass.Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,321(2009)413(SCI索引次數:20)(*通訊作者)
17. A.H. Brothers,D.C. Dunand,Q. Zheng,andJ. Xu.Amorphous Mg-based metal foams with ductile hollow spheres.J. Appl. Phys.102(2007)023508.(SCI索引次數:30)