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圍繞地下滲流模擬的前沿科學問題,深入參與開發著名多相流數值模擬軟體(Dumux),負責開發了世界知名多相多場耦合數值模擬軟體(OpenGeoSys)中熱學、熱流耦合、流固耦合、熱流固耦合等計算模組。在國內外共發表論文50餘篇,其中SCI收錄論文50餘篇,參與出版英文專著3部。近5年,在國際期刊上以第一或通訊作者發表SCI論文40餘篇,其中在WRR、JGR、JH等水文、環境等相關領域頂尖期刊發表論文30餘篇,被引用500餘次。主持國家自然科學面上基金項目青年基金項目、國家自然科學基金委-山東省聯合基金重點支持項目課題各1項,負責國家自然科學基金重點項目課題1項,參與完成國家重點研發計畫課題1項。主要承擔的海水入侵防控研究成果獲2021年山東省科技進步二等獎(排名第3)、2022年山東省海洋科技創新獎二等獎(排名第1)。申請人為AGU、Interpore等國際科研機構會員,長期擔任《Water Resources Research》、《Journal of Hydrology》等國際頂尖學術期刊的審稿人,2020年入選中國海洋大學英才計畫,2022年起擔任水文領域頂尖期刊Journal of hydrology副主編




2011.09-2014.09,德國斯圖加特大學(University of Stuttgart),水資源管理和水利工程,碩士;
2014.10-2017.12,德國德勒斯登工業大學(Technical University of Dresden),環境系統科學,博士;
2018.01-2019.12,德國亥姆霍茲環境研究中心(Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research),環境信息學,博士後;


1.Journal of Hydrology 副主編
4.國際期刊審稿人: Water Resources Research, Journal of Hydrology, Science of Total Environment, Frontiers in Marine Science, Water Resource Management,Environmental Research, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology等


2021 山東省科技進步二等獎(3/9),“濱海地下水源地海水入侵防治關鍵技術及其工程套用”
2022 山東省海洋科技創新獎二等獎(1/7),“黃海沿海典型區海水入侵綜合防治技術研究與套用示範”




4.中國海洋大學“青年英才”啟動經費,變溫條件下含水層海水入侵及其對生態環境的影響效應,2021.4- 2024.3,主持;
9.能源轉型過程中地熱問題及其對環境的影響(ANGUS Ⅱ),德國經濟能源部項目,2013-2018,參與。


1.Liu Shixuan, Zheng Tianyuan*, Li Yongxia et al.‘’A critical review of the central role of microbial regulation in the nitrogen biogeochemical process: New insights for controlling groundwater nitrogen contamination”.Journal of Environmental Management, 328,2 (2023):116959.
2.Zheng Tianyuan*, Gao Mingpeng, Chang Qingpeng et al. “Dynamicdesalination of intruding seawater after construction of cut-off walls in acoastal unconfined aquifer”. Frontiers in Marine Science, (2022): 857807.
3.Zheng Tianyuan,Li Min, Xia Lu* et al. “Influence of pH on bioclogging in porous media during managed aquifer recharge (MAR): Effectiveness and mechanism”. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 252,9(2022):104119.
4.Shen Zhicong, Wang Dong*, Zheng Tianyuan. “Numerical simulations of the synthetic processes and consequences of secondary hydrates during depressurization of a horizontal well in the hydrates production”. Energy, 263(2022):125675.
5.Sun Qiguo, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zhang Bo et al. "An expert-knowledge based algorithm for time-varying multi-objective coastalgroundwater optimization". Journal of Hydrology, (2022): 128396.
6.Fang Yunhai, Zheng Tianyuan*, Guo Bo et al. “Transformation in the stability of tide-inducedupper saline plume driven by transient external forcing”. Water Resources Research, 58,6 (2022).
7.Fang Yunhai, Zheng Tianyuan*, Wang Huan et al. “Influence of dynamically stable-unstable flow on seawater intrusion andsubmarine groundwater discharge over tidal and seasonal cycles”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127 (2022).
8.Fang Yunhai, Zheng Tianyuan*, Wang Huan et al. “Nitrate transport behavior behind subsurface dams under varyinghydrological conditions”. Science of The Total Environment, 838 (2022):155903.
9.Fang Yunhai, Qian Jiazhong, Zheng Tianyuan* et al. “Submarine groundwater discharge in response to the construction of subsurface physical barriers in coastal aquifers”. Journal of Hydrology, 617,9(2022):129010.
10.Chang Qingpeng, Zheng Tianyuan*, Gao Chenchen et al. “How to cope with downstream groundwater deterioration induced by cutoff wallsin coastal aquifers”. Journal of Hydrology, 610 (2022):127804.
11.Gao Shaobo, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai et al. “Influenceof layered heterogeneity on nitrate enrichment induced by cut-off walls incoastal aquifers”. Journal of Hydrology, 609(2022):127722.
12.Gao Mingpeng, Zheng Tianyuan*, Chang Qinpeng et al. “Effectsof mixed physical barrier on residual saltwater removal and groundwaterdischarge in coastal aquifers”. Hydrological Processes, 35(2021).
13.Zheng Tianyuan, Zheng Xilai*, Chang Qinpeng* et al. “Timescale andeffectiveness of residual saltwater desalinization behind subsurface dams in anunconfined aquifer.” Water Resources Research 57.2 (2021): e2020WR028493.
14.Sun Qiguo, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai et al. “Effectiveness and comparison of physical barriers on seawater intrusion andnitrate accumulation in upstream aquifers”. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 243 (2021):103913.
15.Fang Yunhai, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai* et al. “Influenceof Tide Induced Unstable Flow on Seawater Intrusion and Submarine GroundwaterDischarge”. Water Resources Research, 57,4 (2021): e2020WR029038
16.Zheng Tianyuan, Zheng Xilai*, Sun Qiguo* et al. “Insights of variablepermeability full-section wall for enhanced control of seawater intrusion andnitrate contamination in unconfined aquifers”. Journal of Hydrology,586 (2020):124831.
17.Chang Qinpeng, Zheng Tianyuan*, Chen Youyuan* et al. “Influence ofinland freshwater influx on the natural desalination of coastal aquifers with acutoff wall”. Desalination, 499(2020):114863.
18.Zhang Bo, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai* et al. “Utilization of pit Lakeon the cleaning process of residual saltwater in unconfined coastal aquifers”.Science of The Total Environment, (2020): 144670.
19.Yu Lu, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai* et al. “Nitrate sourceapportionment in groundwater using Bayesian isotope mixing model based onnitrogen isotope fractionation”. Science of the Total Environment, 718 (2020):137242 .
20.Miao XingYuan, Zheng Tianyuan, Uwe-Jens Görke, et al.“Thermo-mechanical analysis of heat exchanger design for thermal energy storagesystems”. Applied Thermal Engineering, 114 (2020): 1082-1089.
21.Fang Yunhai, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai* et al. “Assessment of thehydrodynamics role for groundwater quality using an integration of GIS, waterquality index and multivariate statistical techniques”. Journal of Environmental Management ,273 (2020): 111185.
22.Chang Qinpeng, Zheng Tianyuan*, Chen Youyuanet al. “Investigation ofthe elevation of saltwater wedge due to subsurface dams”. Hydrological Processes 34 (2020): 4251-4261.
23.Yuan Ruyu, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai et al. “Identification ofgroundwater nitrate pollution sources in agricultural area using PCA and SIARmethods”. Episodes, 43,2 (2019): 739-749.
24.Sun Qiguo, Zheng Tianyuan*,Zheng Xilai* et al. “Influence of a subsurfacecut-off wall on nitrate contamination in an unconfined aquifer”. Journal of Hydrology, 575 (2019): 234-243.
25.Chang Qinpeng, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zheng Xilai* et al. “Effect ofsubsurface dams on saltwater intrusion and fresh groundwater discharge”.Journal of Hydrology, 276 (2019): 508-510.
26.Zheng Tianyuan,Miao Xing-Yuan*, Naumov Dmitri et al. “Athermo-hydro-mechanical finite element model with freezing processes insaturated soils”. Environmental Geotechnics (2019): 1-13.
27.Zheng Tianyuan, Zheng Xilai, Wang Huan et al. “Innovative techniquesfor measuring the oil content of oil-contaminated porous media”. GroundwaterMonitoring & Remediation,39,3(2019): 78-83.
28.Yu Lu, Wu Xiaoqing, Zheng Xilai*, Zheng Tianyuan* et al. “An indexsystem constructed for ecological stress assessment of the coastal zone: A casestudy of Shandong, China.” Journal of Environmental Management, 232 (2019):499-504.
29.Hu Rongting, Zheng Xilai, Zheng Tianyuan* et al. “Effects of carbonavailability in a woody carbon source on its nitrate removal behavior insolid-phase denitrification.” Journal of Environmental Management, 246(2019):832-839.
30.Li Min, Zheng Tianyuan*, Zhang Jian et al. “A New Risk AssessmentSystem Based on Set Pair Analysis – Variable Fuzzy Sets for UndergroundReservoirs.” Water Resources Management, 33 (2019): 4997-5014.
31.Zhang Bo., Zheng Xilai., Zheng Tianyuan* et al. “The influence ofslope collapse on water exchange between a pit lake and a heterogeneousaquifer”. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 13 (2019): 20.
32.Zheng Tianyuan, Miao Xing-Yuan, Naumov Dmitri et al. “Athermo-hydro-mechanical finite element model of freezing in porous media -thermo-mechanically consistent formulation and application to ground sourceheat pumps.” Computational Methods for Coupled Problems (2018): 1192-1200.
33.Sun Zhaoyue, Zheng Tianyuan*, Xin Jia et al. “Effects ofalkali-treated agricultural residues on nitrate removal and N2O reduction ofdenitrification in unsaturated soil”. Journal of Environmental Management, 214(2018):276-282.
34.Zheng Tianyuan,Haibing Shao*, Sophie Schelenz et al. “Efficiency andeconomic analysis of utilizing latent heat from groundwater freezing in thecontext of borehole heat exchanger coupled ground source heat pump systems”.Applied Thermal Engineering, 105 (2016): 314-326.
35.鄭天元, 楊俊傑, 李永霞, 等. 柴油污染土的工程性質試驗研究[J]. 工程勘察, 2013 (1): 1-4.23.鄭天元, 楊俊傑, 劉江嬌, 等. 石油污染土的擊實特性[J]. 水文地質工程地質, 2010, 37(3): 102-106.
36.鄭天元, 楊俊傑, 劉江嬌, 等. 石油污染土的擊實特性[J]. 水文地質工程地質, 2010, 37(3): 102-106.
37.楊輝瑜,鄭西來*,鄭天元,等. 海水入侵含水層的非等溫過程數值模擬研究.工程勘察, 2022, 50(12):39-46.


https ://github.com/ufz/ogs/tree/master/ProcessLib/ThermoHydroMechanics
8.鄭天元,郭波,多尺度多相流模擬軟體,Hybrid framework coupling dynamic reconstruction model and full dimensionalmodel,


1.Vogel, Peter., Massmann, Jobst., Zheng, Tianyuan et al. (2017). ”THMProcess” Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media:Modelling and Benchmarking - From Benchmarking to Tutoring, 229-260.
2.Magri, Fabian., Cacace, Mauro., Fischer, Thomas., Naumov, Dmitri., Wang,Wengqing., Watanabe, Norihiro., Zheng, Tianyuan et al. (2017). ”HT Process”Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modellingand Benchmarking - From Benchmarking to Tutoring, 163-178.
3.Shao, Hua., Zheng, Tianyuan et al. (2016). ”Thermal Process”Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processesin Fractured Porous Media: Modellingand Benchmarking, 15-.


