







2007.8 — 2011.6 工學學士, 浙江大學能源工程學院,能源與環境系統工程
2007.8 — 2011.6 管理學學士, 浙江大學能源工程學院,工商管理(雙學位)
2011.8— 2015.5 哲學博士, 美國哥倫比亞大學地球與環境工程系,導師:Klaus Lackner
2015.7— 2017.12 講師,浙江大學能源工程學院
2018.1— 至今副教授, 浙江大學能源工程學院


工程熱力學 (必修課) 春夏學期
智慧能源系統理論與套用(選修課;全英文授課) 秋學期
能源系統的評估原理(選修課) 冬學期
智慧能源系統(工程師學院) 秋冬學期


(1)M. Zhengand C.J. Meinrenken, Electricity demand and storage dispatch modeling for buildings and implications for the
smartgrid, in April Meeting of the American Physical Society, 2013: Denver, Colorado.
(2)M. Zheng*, C.J. Meinrenken, and K.S. Lackner, Agent-based model for electricity consumption and storage to evaluate
economic viability of tariff arbitrage for residential sector demand response,Applied Energy, Volume 126, 1 August 2014,
(3)M. Zheng*, C.J. Meinrenken, and K.S. Lackner, Electricity storage in buildings for residential sector demand response: Control algorithms and economic viability evaluation, prepared for National Institute of Standards and Technology, 27 June, 2014,
(4)M. Zheng*, C.J. Meinrenken, and K.S. Lackner, Smart households: Dispatch strategies and economic analysis of distributed energy storage for residential peak shaving,Applied Energy, Volume 147, 1 June 2015,
(5)J. Fu,M. Zheng*, X. Wang, J. Sun, and T. Wang. Flow-Rate Optimization and Economic Analysis of Vanadium Redox FlowBatteries in a Load-Shifting Application,Journal of Energy Engineering, Volume 143, December 2017,
(6)M. Zheng, X. Wang, C.J. Meinrenken, and Y. Ding*. Economic and environmental benefits of coordinating dispatch amongdistributed electricity storage,Applied Energy, Volume 210, 15 January 2018,
(7)T. Wang, J. Fu,M. Zheng*, and Z. Yu. Dynamic control strategy for the electrolyte flow rate of vanadium redox flow batteries,
Applied Energy, July 2017.
(8)H. Hui, Y. Ding, andM. Zheng. Equivalent Modeling of Inverter Air Conditioners for Providing Frequency Regulation Service.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 27 April 2018.
(9)T. Wang, H. Huang, C. Yu, K. Fang,M. Zheng*, and Z. Luo*.Understanding cost reduction of China's biomass direct
combustion power generation—A study based on learning curve model,Journal of CleanerProduction, Volume 188, 1 July
(10) , J. Sun, C.J. Meinrenken, and T. Wang*, Pathways toward enhanced techno-economic performance of flow
battery systems in energy system applications,ASME Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, Volume 16, May 2019.
(11)J. Sun,M. Zheng*, Z. Yang, and Z. Yu, Flow field design pathways from lab-scale toward large-scale flow batteries,Energy, Volume 173, 15 April 2019,
(12)B. Liu,M. Zheng*, J. Sun, and Z. Yu. No-mixing design of vanadium redox flow battery for enhanced electrolyte utilization
efficiency,Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 23, June 2019.
(13)J. Sun,M. Zheng*, Y. Luo, and Z. Yu. Three-dimensional detached serpentine flow field design for redox flow batteries,Journal of Power Sources, Volume 428, 15 July 2019.
(1)B. Liu, M. Zheng*, J. Sun, and Z. Yu. Journal of Energy Storage, in revision.
(2)J. Sun, M. Zheng*, Y. Luo, and Z. Yu. Journal of Power Sources, to be submitted.
(3)J. Gong, M. Zheng*, Z. Yu, and X. Liu. Renewable Energy, under review.
(4)J. Zhao, M. Zheng*, Y. Ding, and Z. Yu. IEEE Access, to be submitted.
(5)J. Sun, et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, to be submitted.
(2)基於網際網路的家庭能源管理系統關鍵技術研究 ,國家重點研發計畫子課題,40萬元,在研(主持)
(5)Li/TEMPO 液流電池流場最佳化研究,熱流科學與工程教育部重點實驗室(西安交通大學)開放課題項目,3萬元,在研(主持)


