



  • 中文名:鄭世祺
  • 出生日期:1988年
  • 畢業院校:華中科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:複雜系統的智慧型控制算法(基於神經網路與模糊邏輯)
  • 任職院校:中國地質大學(武漢)自動化學院


2011.9-- 2016.6華中科技大學博士研究生畢業博士學位專業機械電子,非線性系統控制
2007.9-- 2011.6華中科技大學機械設計製造及其自動化本科畢業學士
2016.7-- 中國地質大學(武漢)自動化學院




1. Shaowu Lu,Shiqi Zheng.An adaptive PI controller in speed control design for PMSLM.International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications(EI),vol. 6, no. 19, pp. 288-296, 2012.
2.Shaowu Lu, Xiaoqi Tang, Bao Song,Shiqi Zheng.GPC-based self-tuning PI controller for speed servo system of PMSLM.Asian Journal of Control(SCI), vol. 15, no. 5, 1325-1336, 2013.
3.Shiqi Zheng, Xiaoqi Tang, Bao Song, Shaowu Lu, Bosheng Ye.Stable adaptive PI control for permanent magnet synchronous motor drive based on improved JITL technique. ISA Transactions(SCI), vol, 52, no. 4, pp. 539-549, 2013.
4.Shaowu Lu,Shiqi Zheng, Xiaoqi Tang, Bao Song.Adaptive speed control based on just-in-time learning technique for permanent magnet synchronous linear motor.Journal of Process Control(SCI,過程控制領域權威期刊), vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 1455-1464, 2013.
5.Shiqi Zheng, Xiaoqi Tang, Bao Song.Adaptive pseudo-derivative feedback with a feed-forward gain controller for PMSM servo system based on integrated iterative learning control.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering(SCI), vol. 15, no. 5, 1325-1336, 2013.
6.Bao Song, Tianhang Cheng, Xiaoqi Tang,Shiqi Zheng, Shaowu Lu.Current compensation control for low-cost servo system.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I Journal of Systems and Control Engineering(SCI),vol. 228, no. 9, pp. 715-721, 2014.
7.Shiqi Zheng, Xiaoqi Tang, Bao Song.Fractional order controllers tuning strategy for permanent magnet synchronous motor servo drive system based on genetic algorithm-wavelet neural network hybrid method.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science(SCI), vol. 228, no. 17,3218-3239, 2014.
8.Shaowu Lu, Xiaoqi Tang, Bao Song,Shiqi Zheng, FengXing Zhou.Identification and Compensation of Force Ripple in PMSLM using a JITL Technique.Asian Journal of Control(SCI),vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1559-1568, 2015.
9.Wenjun Qiao, Xiaoqi Tang,Shiqi Zheng, Yuanlong Xie, Bao Song.Adaptive two-degree-of-freedom PI for speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor based on fractional order GPC.ISA Transactions(SCI),vol. 64, 303-313, 2016.
10.Yuanlong Xie, Xiaoqi Tang,Shiqi Zheng, Wenjun Qiao, Bao Song.Adaptive Fractional Order PI Controller Design for a Flexible Swing arm System Via Enhanced Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning.Asian Journal of Control(SCI), vol. 20, no. 3,1221-1240, 2018.
11.Shiqi Zheng, Wenjie Li.Adaptive control for switched nonlinear systems with coupled input nonlinearities and state constraints.Information Sciences(SCI), vol. 462, 331-356, 2018.
12.Shiqi Zheng, Wenjie Li.Fuzzy Finite Time Control for Switched Systems via Adding a Barrier Power Integrator.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics(SCI,控制領域權威期刊),vol. 49, no. 7, 2693-2706, 2019.
13.Shiqi Zheng, Peng Shi, Shuoyu Wang, Yan Shi.Event triggered adaptive fuzzy consensus for interconnected switched multi-agent systems.IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems(SCI,模糊領域頂級期刊,控制領域權威期刊),vol. 27, no. 1, 144-158, 2019.
14.Zichao Yang,Shiqi Zheng(導師), Feng Liu, Yuanlong Xie.Adaptive output feedback control for fractional order multi-agent systems.ISA Transactions(SCI),doi.org/10.1016/j.isatra.2019.07.008, 2019.
15.Bingyun Liang,Shiqi Zheng(導師) et al. Adaptive control for fractional order interconnected systems with unknown control directions. Under Review.
16. Zichao Yang,Shiqi Zheng(導師)et al. Event triggered finite-time consensus for stochastic multi-agent systems.Revised.
17. Yuanlong Xie,Xiaolong Zhang, Wei Meng,Shiqi Zheng,Liquan Jiang, Jie Meng, Shuting Wang.Coupled Fractional-order Sliding Mode Control and Obstacle Avoidance of a Four-wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robot.Under Review.
18.Shiqi Zheng, Peng Shi et al.Adaptive Neural Control for a Class of Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems.Revised.
19.Shiqi Zheng, Peng Shi et al.Finite time stabilization for nonlinear systems with unstructureduncertainties.Revised.
20.Shiqi Zheng, Peng Shi et al.Periodic event triggered output regulation for linear multi-agent systems.Revising.
21.Shiqi Zheng, Peng Shi et al.Adaptive robust stabilization for stochastic systems with unknown interconnections.Revised.
22. Wenjie Li, Assaad Mohamad,Shiqi Zheng.Distributed Derivative-free Learning Method for Stochastic Optimization over a Network with Sparse Activity.Revised.
23. Yuanlong Xie, Xiaolong Zhang,Shiqi Zheng, Choon Ki Ahn, Shuting Wang.Asynchronous Coupled Sliding Mode Control of a Mode-Dependent Switched Mobile Robot.Under Review.
1.Bingyun Liang,Shiqi Zheng(導師), Zichao Yang, Feng Liu.Adaptive control for fractional-order interconnected systems.38th Chinese Control Conference(EI), Guangzhou, China, 2019.
2. Zichao Yang, Yuan Sun,Shiqi Zheng(導師), Bingyun Liang. Adaptive Neural Finite Time Control for Stochastic Multi Agent Systems. 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation(EI). Tianjin, China, 2019.
3. Zichao Yang,Shiqi Zheng(導師). Distributed adaptive state feedback control for fractional order uncertain multi-agent systems. The 1st Fractional order systems and control conferecne, Jinan, China, 2019.
1. 宋寶,周向東,代攀,鄭世祺,陳天航,唐小琦,葉伯生,楊勇泉,唐玉枝。一種基於自適應陷波器的電流諧波補償方法及系統。2013,授權。
1.Shiqi Zheng, Xiaoqi Tang, Bao Song.A graphical tuning method of fractional order proportional integral derivative controllers for interval fractional order plant.Journal of Process Control(SCI,過程控制領域權威期刊), vol. 24, no. 11,1690-1709, 2014.
2.Shiqi Zheng, Xiaoqi Tang, Bao Song.Graphical tuning method of FOPID controllers for fractional order uncertain system achieving robust D-stability.International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control(SCI, 控制領域權威期刊),vol. 26, no. 5, 1442-1459, 2016.
3.Shiqi Zheng, Xiaoqi Tang, Bao Song.Graphical tuning method for non-linear fractional-order PID-type controllers free of analytical model.Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control(SCI),vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 1112-1142, 2016.
4.Shiqi Zheng,Xiaoqi Tang, Bao Song.Tuning strategy of fractional order PI controllers for PMSM servo system based on enhanced SMDO algorithm.IET Control Theory and Application.(SCI),vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 7-18, 2016.
5.Bao Song,Shiqi Zheng, Xiaoqi Tang, Wenjun Qiao.Fractional Order Modeling And Nonlinear Fractional Order Pi-Type Control For PMLSM System.Asian Journal of Control(SCI),vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 521-531, 2017.
6.Shiqi Zheng.Robust stability of fractional order system with general interval uncertainties.Systems & Control Letters(SCI, 控制領域權威期刊),vol. 99, pp. 1-8, 2017.
7.Shiqi Zheng, Wenjie Li.Robust stabilization of fractional-order plant with general interval uncertainties based on a graphical method.International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control(SCI, 控制領域權威期刊),vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 1672-1692, 2018.
8.Shiqi Zheng,Wenjie Li.Stabilizing region of PDμ controller for fractional order system with general interval uncertainties and an interval delay.Journal of the Franklin Institute(SCI)vol. 355, no. 3, 2018
9. Feng Liu, Jie Ren, Ting Dong,Shiqi Zheng.Bifurcation analysis and impulsive control of genetic regulatory networks with multi delays. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics(EI)vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 743-748, 2019.
10. Cuihong Wang, Yan Guo,Shiqi Zheng, Yangquan Chen. Robust stability analysis of LTI systems with fractional degree generalized frequency variables. Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis(SCI, 分數階領域頂級期刊). vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1655-1647, 2019.
11.Shiqi Zheng, Bingyun Liang, Feng Liu, Zichao Yang, Yuanlong Xie.Robust stability of fractional order system with polynomial uncertainties based on sum-of-squares approach. Revised.
1.Feng Liu, Ting Dong, Qicheng Mei,Shiqi Zheng, Guang Ling, Longsheng Wei.Analysis and Fractional PD control bifuration of a fractional order genetic regulatory netowrks with delays.37th Chinese Control Conference(EI)., Wuhan, China, 2018.
2.Feng Liu, Jie Ren, Guang Ling, Longsheng Wei,Shiqi Zheng.Stability analysis and bifurcation control of a delayed fractional order GRNs Model,37th Chinese Control Conference,(EI).Wuhan, China, 2018.
3.Shiqi Zheng, Bingyun Liang. Fractionalsliding mode control for nonlinear aerospace systems. The 2nd international conference on progress in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,(EI).RMIT Universtiy, Melbourne, Australia.
2. 宋寶,葉伯生,蘇玲宏,鄭世祺,陳天航,唐小琦,周向東,代攀,唐玉枝。一種基於FPGA的永磁同步電機電流環頻寬擴展裝置。2013,授權。
3.宋寶,唐小琦,楊勇泉,鄭世祺,陳天航,蘇玲宏,代攀,唐玉枝,宛世源。 一種基於PDFF的交流伺服驅動器控制參數自整定方法。2013,授權。
5. 宋寶,唐小琦,李羲輪,鄭世祺,陳天航,周向東,熊仁志,李超。一種帶串聯校正的PI控制器的參數整定方法。2015,授權。


