- 中文名:鄧君俊
- 畢業院校:南京大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:大氣環境與大氣化學
- 任職院校:中國科學院城市環境研究所
- 職稱:副研究員
2015.01至今 中國科學院城市環境研究所,副研究員
(1)Source regions and transport pathways of PM2.5 at a regional background site in East China,Atmospheric Environment,2017,通訊作者
(2)Characteristics of water-soluble inorganic components and acidity of PM2.5 in a coastal city of China,Aerosol and Air Quality Research,2017,第2作者
(3)Characterizing and sourcing ambient PM2.5 over key emission regions in China II: Organic molecular markers and CMB modeling,Atmospheric Environment,2017,第4作者
(4)Spatiotemporal distribution and source apportionment of low molecular weight organic acids in wet precipitation at a coastal city, China,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2017,第4作者
(5)Pattern of atmospheric mercury speciation during episodes of elevated PM2.5 levels in a coastal city in the Yangtze River Delta, China,Environmental Pollution,2016,第3作者
(6)Characterizing and Sourcing Ambient PM2.5 over Key Emission Regions in China I: Water-Soluble Ions and Carbonaceous Fractions,Atmospheric Environment,2016,第3作者
(7)Optical properties of PM2.5 and the impacts of chemical compositions in the coastal city Xiamen in China,Science of the Total Environment,2016,第1作者
(8)廈門冬春季大氣 VOCs 的污染特徵及臭氧生成潛勢,環境科學,2015,通訊作者
(9)Regionally-varying combustion sources of the January 2013 severe haze events over China,Environmental Science and Technology,2015,第2作者
(11)Seasonal Variation of Mass Absorption Efficiency of Elemental Carbon in the Four Major Emission Areas in China,Aerosol and Air Quality Research,2014,第1作者
(12)Comparative study on long-term visibility trend and its affecting factors on both sides of the Taiwan Strait,Atmospheric Research,2014,第1作者
(13)Vertical distribution of CO2 in the atmospheric boundary layer: Characteristics and impact of meteorological variables,Atmospheric Environment,2014,第2作者
(14)Closure study on measured and modeled optical properties for dry and hydrated laboratory inorganic aerosols with mixtures of dicarboxylic acids,Atmospheric Environment,2013,第1作者
(15)Study on atmospheric visibility variations and the impacts of meteorological parameters using high temporal resolution data: an application of Environmental Internet of Things in China,International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology,2013,通訊作者
(16)Direct radiative forcing and climate effects of anthropogenic aerosols with different mixing states over China,Atmospheric Environment,2013,第4作者
(18)Long-term atmospheric visibility trend in Southeast China, 1973-2010,Atmospheric Environment,2012,第1作者
(20)Urban air quality and regional haze weather forecast for Yangtze River Delta,Atmospheric Environment,2012,第3作者
(21)Characterization of visibility and its affecting factors over Nanjing, China,Atmospheric Research,2011,第1作者
(22)Modeling heterogeneous chemical processes on aerosol surface,Particuology,2010,第1作者
(23)Investigations on direct and indirect effect of nitrate on temperature and precipitation in China using a regional climate chemistry modeling system,Journal of Geophysical Research,2010,第4作者
( 1 )含碳氣溶膠對海峽西岸地區灰霾污染的影響研究, 主持,省級,2013-01--2015-12
( 2 )海峽西岸地區二次有機氣溶膠污染特徵與來源的數值模擬研究, 主持,市地級,2013-09--2016-08
( 3 )長三角大氣灰霾強化觀測研究, 參與,部委級,2014-01--2015-12
( 4 )海西城市群灰霾的生成、消散與防控機制, 參與,國家級,2015-01--2018-12
( 5 )Quantitative study on the impact of air pollutants emitted from airport and seaport on ambient air quality and exposure levels to outdoor workers and residents: case study in Xiamen, 主持,研究所(學校),2014-01--2014-12
( 6 )南京市大氣氣溶膠化學成分特徵分析, 主持,研究所(學校),2014-10--2015-10
( 7 )海峽西岸地區黑碳氣溶膠的污染特徵、來源與控制對策研究, 主持,研究所(學校),2013-07--2015-06
( 8 )廈門市大氣流場特徵的模擬與分析, 主持,省級,2015-01--2015-12
( 9 )翔安區環境空氣品質監測站點最佳化及初步污染來源研究, 主持,省級,2015-11--2016-10
( 10 )近海地基高解析度觀測與數據集成技術, 主持,國家級,2016-07--2020-06
( 11 )市委黨校空氣子站點位最佳化與調整監測, 主持,省級,2016-01--2016-12
( 12 )大氣水溶性有機碳氣溶膠的14C和13C同位素來源解析及光吸收特性研究, 主持,國家級,2017-01--2019-12
( 13 )沿海氣溶膠對大氣汞形態分布特徵的影響機制研究, 參與,國家級,2016-01--2019-12
( 14 )翔安區新增環境空氣品質監測站點比對研究, 主持,省級,2016-01--2016-08
( 15 )廈門市大氣污染源排放清單編制, 主持,省級,2017-04--2018-03
( 16 )海峽西岸地區氣溶膠化學組分對大氣消光特性的影響研究, 主持,省級,2017-01--2019-12