




  • 中文名:鄢仁鴻
  • 外文名:Renhong Yan
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 籍貫:福建福州
  • 就讀學校:清華大學
  • 學位:博士


鄢仁鴻,南方科技大學助理教授、副研究員,博士生導師。2014年7月本科畢業於山東大學生命科學學院,2019年7月博士畢業於清華大學生命科學學院,導師顏寧院士,隨後在西湖大學生命科學學院進行博士後研究,導師施一公院士。2021年11月加入南方科技大學醫學院組建研究課題組。近5年的研究主要集中在各類新發突發傳染性疾病致病的分子機制及靶向藥物開發、人類胺基酸代謝穩態維持的分子機制兩方面。獨立前以第一作者、共同第一作者身份發表多篇頂級論文,含2篇Nature、3篇Science。獨立自今兩年多以主要通訊作者身份發表7篇高水平論文,含1篇Nature Structural & Molecular Biology,2篇Nature Communications(第二篇已經Accepted),2篇Science Advances,3篇Cell Discovery。谷歌學術總被引超8000次,入選2022、2023年度愛思唯爾“中國高被引學者”,曾獲2021年浙江省自然科學獎一等獎(第二完成人)、2020年度中國六大領域重要醫學進展、2020年《麻省理工科技評論》35歲以下的35位創新者之一、2020年全國“博新計畫十大創新成果”、2019年度中國醫學重大進展(藥學部)等多項榮譽。




  • Ximin Chi*, Yiming Chen*, Yaning Li*, Lu Dai*, Yuanyuan Zhang, Yaping Shen, Yun Chen, Tianhao Shi, Haonan Yan, Zilong Wang, Renhong Yan†. (2024). Cryo-EM structures of the human NaS1 and NaDC1 transporters revealed the elevator transport and allosteric regulation mechanism. Science Advances. (* indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Yingying Guo*†, Songyue Wu*, Wenting Li*, Haonan Yang*, Tianhao Shi, Bin Ju†, Zheng Zhang†, Renhong Yan†. (2024). The cryo-EM structure of homotetrameric attachment glycoprotein from langya henipavirus. Nature Communications. (* indicates co-first authors, †indicates co-corresponding authors )
  • Yaning Li*, Jing Zhu*, Yingying Guo†, Renhong Yan†. (2024). Structural insight into the assembly and working mechanism of helicase-primase D5 from Mpox Virus. Natural Structural & Molecular Biology. (* indicates co-first authors, †indicates co-corresponding authors )
  • Yaning Li*, Chang Ren*, Yaping Shen*, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Jin Chen, Jiangnan Zheng, Rujun Tian, Liwei Cao†, Renhong Yan†. ( 2023). Cryo-EM structures of SARS-CoV-2 BA.2-derived subvariants spike in complex with ACE2 recepter. Cell Discovery. (* indicates co-first authors, † indicates co-corresponding authors )
  • Yaning Li*, Yiming Chen*, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Yaping Shen*, Kangtai Xu, Yaqi Liu, ZilongWang†, Renhong Yan†. (2023). Structural insight into the substrate recognition and transport mechanism of amino acid transporter complex ACE2-B0AT1 and ACE2-SIT1. Cell Discovery. (* indicates co-first authors, †indicates co-corresponding authors )
  • Yaning Li*, Yaping Shen*, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Renhong Yan†. (2023). Structural Basis for the Enhanced Infectivity and Immune Evasion of Omicron Subvariants. Viruses 2023, 15(6). (* indicates co-first authors, †indicates co-corresponding authors )
  • Yaning Li*, Yaping Shen*, Ziwei Hu*, Renhong Yan†. (2023). Structural basis for the assembly of the DNA polymerase holoenzyme from a monkeypox virus variant. Science Advances. (* indicates co-first authors, †indicates co-corresponding authors )
  • Yaping Shen*, Jianhui Wang*, Yaning Li*, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Ruilin Tian†, Renhong Yan†. (2022). Structures of ACE2–SIT1 recognized by Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2. Cell Discovery 8. (* indicates co-first authors, †indicates co-corresponding authors )
  • Yaning Li*, Qing Fan*, Bing Zhou*, Yaping Shen*, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Lin Cheng*, Furong Qi*, Shuo Song*, Yingying Guo*, Renhong Yan†, Bin Ju†, Zheng Zhang†. (2022). Structural and functional analysis of an inter-Spike bivalent neutralizing antibody against SARS-CoV-2 variants. iScience 25(6): 104431. (* indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Yuanyuan Zhang*, Renhong Yan†, Qiang Zhou. (2022). ACE2, B(0)AT1, and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: Structural and functional implications. Curr Opin Struct Biol 74: 102388. (* indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Yingying Guo*, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Renhong Yan*, Bangdong Huang, Fangfei Ye, Liushu Wu, Ximin Chi, Yi Shi, Qiang Zhou†. (2022). Cryo-EM structures of recombinant human sodium-potassium pump determined in three different states. Nature Communications 13. (* indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Yingying Guo*, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Renhong Yan*, Bangdong Huang, Fangfei Ye, Liushu Wu, Ximin Chi, Qiang Zhou†. (2021). Cryo-EM structures of the human sodium-potassium pump revealing the gating mechanism on the cytopiasmic side. Nature Communications. (* indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • RenhongYan*†, Pingping Cao*, Wenqi Song*, Yaning Li*, Tongtong Wang, Hongwu Qian, Chuangye Yan, Nieng Yan. (2021). Structural basis for sterol sensing by Scap and Insig. Cell Reports. (* indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Renhong Yan*, Pingping Cao*, Wenqi Song*, Hongwu Qian, Ximing Du, Hudson W. Coates, Xin Zhao, Yaning Li, Shuai Gao, Xin Gong, Ximing Liu, Jianhua Sui, Jianlin Lei, Hongyuan Yang, Andrew J. Brown, Qiang Zhou, Chuangye Yan, Nieng Yan (2021). A structure of human Scap bound to Insig-2 suggests how their interaction is regulated by sterols. Science. (* indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Renhong Yan*, Yaning Li*, Jennifer Müller*, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Simon Singer, Lu Xia, Xinyue Zhong, Jürg Gertsch, Karl-Heinz Altmann, Qiang Zhou. (2021). Mechanism of substrate transport and inhibition of the human LAT1-4F2hc amino acid transporter. Cell Discovery. (* indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Liang Guo*, Wenwen Bi*, Xinling Wang*, Wei Xu*, Renhong Yan*, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Kai Zhao, Yaning Li, Mingfeng Zhang, Xia Cai, Shibo Jiang, Youhua Xie, Qiang Zhou, Lu Lu, Bobo Dang. (2021). Engineered trimeric ACE2 binds viral spike protein and locks it in "Three-up" conformation to potently inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection. Cell Research31, 98-100. (* indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Renhong Yan*, Ruoke Wang*, Bin Ju*, Jinfang Yu*, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Nan Liu*, Jia Wang, Qi Zhang, Peng Chen, Bing Zhou, Yaning Li, YapingShen, Shuyuan Zhang, Long Tian, Yingying Guo, Lu Xia, Xinyue Zhong, Lin Cheng, Xiangyang Ge, Juanjuan Zhao, Hong-Wei Wang, Xinquan Wang, Zheng Zhang†, Linqi Zhang†, and Qiang Zhou†. (2021). Structural basis for bivalent binding and inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection by human potent neutralizing antibodies. Cell Research. (* indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Renhong Yan*†, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Yaning Li*, Fangfei Ye, Yingying Guo, Lu Xia, Xinyue Zhong, Ximin Chi, and Qiang Zhou†. (2021). Structural basis for the different states of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 in complex with ACE2. Cell Research. (*indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Yuning Chen*, Yanan Zhang*, Renhong Yan*, Guifeng Wang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Zhe-Rui Zhang, Yaning Li, Jianxia Ou, Wendi Chu, Zhijuan Liang, Yongmei Wang, Yi-Li Chen, Ganjun Chen, Qi Wang, Qiang Zhou†, Bo Zhang†, and Chunhe Wang†. (2021). ACE2-targeting monoclonal antibody as potent and broad-spectrum coronavirus blocker. Signal Transduct Tar 6, 315. (*indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Renhong Yan*, Yuanyuan Zhang*, Yaning Li*, Lu Xia, Yingying Guo, Qiang Zhou†. (2020). Structural basis for the recognition of SARS-CoV-2 by full-length human ACE2. Science367, 1444-1448. (*indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Xiangyang Chi*, Renhong Yan*, Jun Zhang*, Guanying Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Meng Hao, Zhe Zhang, Pengfei Fan, Yunzhu Dong, Yilong Yang. Zhengshan Chen, Yingying Guo, Jinlong Zhang, Yaning Li, Xiaohong Song, Yi Chen, Lu Xia, Ling Fu, Lihua Hou, Junjie Xu, Changming Yu, Jianmin Li†, Qiang Zhou†, Wei Chen†. (2020). A neutralizing human antibody binds to the N-terminal domain of the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. Science 369, 650-655. (*indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Renhong Yan*, Yaning Li*, Yi Shi*, Jiayao Zhou, Jianlin Lei, Jing Huang, Qiang Zhou. (2020). Cryo-EM structure of the human heteromeric amino acid transporter bAT-rBAT. Science Advances 6, eaay6379. (*indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Hongwu Qian*, Xin Zhao*, Renhong Yan*, Xia Yao, Shuai Gao, Xue Sun, Ximing Du, Hongyuan Yang, Catherine C. L. Wong, Nieng Yan. (2020). Structural basis for catalysis and substrate specificity of human ACAT1. Nature 581, 333-338. (*indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Renhong Yan*, Jiayao Zhou*, Yaning Li*, Jianlin Lei, Qiang Zhou†. (2020). Structural insight into the substrate recognition and transport mechanism of the human LAT2-4F2hc complex. Cell Discovery 6. (*indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Renhong Yan*, Xin Zhao*, Jianlin Lei, Qiang Zhou. (2019). Structure of the human LAT1-4F2hc heteromeric amino acid transporter complex. Nature 568, 127-130. (*indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)
  • Renhong Yan*, Hongwu Qian*, Ivan Lukmantara, Mingming Gao, Ximing Du, Nieng Yan, Hongyuan Yang. (2018). Human SEIPIN Binds Anionic Phospholipids. Dev Cell 47, 248-256 e244. (*indicates co-first authors; † indicates co-corresponding authors)


