

鄔楓教授(Professor Lutz-Christian Wolff),2005年加入香港中文大學,是香港中文大學法律學院創院成員之一,曾先後擔任法律學院副院長(學院發展)及國際經濟法、普通法和中國商業法法學碩士課程主任。



  • 中文名:鄔楓
  • 外文名:Lutz-Christian Wolff
  • 畢業院校:德國帕紹大學
  • 主要成就:香港中文大學研究院院長




International and Chinese Business Law
Comparative Law
Private International Law


Books (single-authored)
The Law of Cross-Border Business Transactions – Principles, Concepts, Skills, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2013
Mergers & Acquisitions in China: Law and Practice – 1st to 5th ed., Hong Kong 2006 to 2015
The International Business Law of the PRC (in German), 1st and 2nd ed., Frankfurt a.M., 1999 and 2005
Property Transfer Risk and Restitutional Interests - Structure and Revocation of Property Transfers explained on the basis of the examples of 'Synallagma' and 'Leistungskondiktion' (in German), Berlin (Germany) 1998
The Labour Contract in the PRC under the Labour Contract System of 1986 (in German), Hamburg (Germany) 1990
Books (co-authored)
Flipped Classrooms for Legal Education, Singapore 2016 (with Jenny Chan)
Books (edited)
Itineraria iuris – From Rome to China: Festschrift for Ulrich Manthe (in German) (with Peter Gröschler, Jan Dirk Harke and Dietmar Scharnbacher), Berlin (Germany) 2017
Legal Dimensions of China's Belt and Road Initiative (with Xi Chao), Hong Kong 2016
China Outbound Investments, Hong Kong 2011 (Chinese version: Beijing, 2012)
China Master Business Law Guide – Legislation (with Zhang Xianchu), Hong Kong 2009
Articles (single-authored)
From a 'Small Phrase with Big Ambitions' to a Powerful Driver of Contract Law Unification? - China's Belt and Road Initiative and the CISG, 34 Journal of Contract Law (2017), p. 50
What is a Conflict of Laws? The Case of Chinese Customary Law in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Law Journal Vol. 46 (No. 3) (2016), p. 849
Offshore Holdings for Global Investments of Multinational Enterprises: Just Evil?, (2015) 6 The Journal of Business Law, p. 445
Flexible Choice-of-Law Rules: Panacea or Oxymoron?, Journal of Private International Law Vol. 10 No. 3 (2014), p. 431
Chinese Outbound Investments in the Food Sector: Hungry for Much More!, Food and Drug Law Journal Vol. 69 No. 3 (2014), p. 399
Chinese Investments Overseas – Onshore Rules and Offshore Risks, The International Lawyer Vol. 45 (No. 4) (Winter 2011), p. 1029
Law and Flexibility – Rule of Law Limits of a Rhetorical Silver Bullet, The Journal Jurisprudence Vol. 11 (October 2011), p. 549
Pathological Investment Projects in China, The International Lawyer (Fall 2010) Vol. 44 (No. 3), p. 1001
Hong Kong Conflict of Contract Laws: Quo Vadis?, Journal of Private International Law Vol. 5 No. 2 (2010), p. 465
Statutory Retention of Title Structures? Deakin Law Review Vol. 14 No. 1 (2009), p. 1
China’s Private International Investment Law – One-way Street into Chinese Law?, American Journal of Comparative Law Vol. LVI (Fall 2008) No. 4, p. 1039
China Business and Contract Penalties, Journal of Contract Law Vol. 23 10/2007, p. 180
Assignment Agreements under English Law: Lost between Contract and Property Law?, (2005) 7 The Journal of Business Law, p. 473
Self-Governance German Style: Comply or explain … and if you explain we will make you comply, Corporate Governance Law Review, Vol. 1 3/2005, p. 371
Making Perfect Corporate Governance Rules: Mission Impossible?, (2004) 7 (3) Corporate Governance International, Sept, p. 6
Law as A Marketing Gimmick - The Case of the German Corporate Governance Code, (2004) 3 Wash U Global Stud L Rev, p. 115
Structured Problem Solving - German Methodology from a Comparative Perspective, (2004) 14 Legal Education Review , p. 19
International Product Liability Law of the People’s Republic of CHINA (in German), Versicherungsrecht 4/2004, p. 165
International M&A and the Problem of the Effective Date under Chinese Law, Common Law World Review Vol. 33/3 (2004), p. 283
Insolvency, Dissolution and Liquidation, Chapter 8 of: CCH Asia Pte. Limited (publisher), CHINA Company Law Guide (looseleaf, Singapore, since 2004)
Materialization of immaterial damages (in German), Transportrecht 5/2003, p. 190
The Disappearance of the Ultra Vires Doctrine in Greater China, 23 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business (Spring 2003), p. 633


