
鄒衛國,1994-1998年,南開大學生物化學系,理學學士。1998-2003年,中國科學院生物化學與細胞生物學研究所,理學博士。2003年-2007年,美國Scripps研究所,博士後。2007-2012年,美國哈佛大學公共衛生學院,博士後,Yerby Fellow。2012年8月起,在中國科學院生物化學與細胞生物學研究所任研究員,研究組長。


  • 中文名:鄒衛國 
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:中科院生物化學與細胞生物學研究所任研究員 
  • 性別:男
  1. Zou, W., Chen, X., Shim, J.H., Huang, Z., Brady N., Hu, D.Z, Drapp, R., Sigrist, K., Glimcher, L.H. and Jones, D.C. (2011) The E3 ubiquitin ligase Wwp2 regulates craniofacial development through monoubiquitination of Goosecoid.Nature Cell Biology. 13, 59–65.
  2. Zou, W.*, Greenblatt, M.B.* (*co-first author), Shim, J.H., Kant, S., Zhai, B., Brady, B., Hu, D.Z., Gygi, S.P., Davis, R., Jones, D.C. and Glimcher, L.H. (2011) MLK3 regulates bone development downstream of the Faciogenital Dysplasia protein FGD1.J Clin Invest. 121, 4383-92.
  3. Wan, L.*,Zou, W.* (*co-first author), Gao, D., Inuzuka, H., Drapp, R., Shaik, S., Eguren, M., Hu, D.Z., Malumbres, M., Glimcher L.H. and Wei W. (2011) Cdh1 Regulates Osteoblast functions through an APC/C-independent modulation of Smurf1.Molecular Cell. 44, 721-33.
  4. Greenblatt, M.B., Shim, J.H.,Zou, W., Sitara, D., Schweitzer, M., Hu, D., Lotinun, S., Sano, Y., Baron, R., Park, J.M., Arthur, S., Xie, M., Schneider, M.D., Zhai, B., Gygi, S., Davis, R., Glimcher, L.H. (2010) The p38 MAPK pathway is essential for skeletogenesis and bone homeostasis in mice.J Clin Invest. 120, 2457-73.
  5. Shim J,H., Greenblatt, M.B., Xie, M., Schneider, M.D.,Zou, W., Zhai, B., Gygi, S., Glimcher, L.H. (2009) TAK1 is an essential regulator of BMP signalling in cartilage.EMBO J. 28, 2028-41.
  6. Zou, W., Kim, J.H., Handidu, A., Li, X., Kim, K.I., Yan, M., Li, J., Zhang D.E. (2007). Microarray analysis reveals that Type I interferon strongly increases the expression of immune-response related genes in Ubp43 (Usp18) deficient macrophages.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 356, 193-9.
  7. Zou,W., Wang, J., and Zhang,D.E. (2007). Negative regulation of ISG15 E3 ligase EFP through its autoISGylation.Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 354, 321-327.
  8. Okumura, F.,Zou, W., and Zhang, D.E. (2007).ISG15 modification of the eIF4E cognate 4EHP enhances cap structure-binding activity of 4EHP.Genes Dev., 21, 255 – 260.
  9. Malakhova, O.A., Kim, K.I., Luo, J.K.,Zou, W., Kumar, K.G., Fuchs, S.Y., Shuai, K., Zhang, D.E. (2006) UBP43 is a novel regulator of interferon signaling independent of its ISG15isopeptidase activity.EMBO J. 25, 2358-2367.
  10. Zou,W. and Zhang,D.E. (2006). The interferon-inducible ubiquitin-protein isopeptide ligase (E3) EFP also functions as an ISG15 E3 ligase.J Biol. Chem. 281, 3989-3994.
  11. Kim, K.I., Yan, M., Malakhova, O., Luo, J.K., Shen, M.F.,Zou, W., de la Torre, J.C., Zhang, DE. (2006). Ube1L and protein ISGylation are not essential for alpha/beta interferon signaling.Mol Cell Biol. 26, 472-479.
  12. Zou,W., Papov,V., Malakhova,O., Kim,K.I., Dao,C., Li,J., and Zhang,D.E. (2005). ISG15 modification of ubiquitin E2 Ubc13 disrupts its ability to form thioester bond with ubiquitin. Biochem.Biophys. Res. Commun. 336, 61-68.
  13. Liu, X., Qiu, S.,Zou, W., Pei, Z., Gu, J., Luo, C., Ruan, H., Chen, Y., Qi, Y., Qian, C.. (2005) Effective gene-virotherapy for complete eradication of tumor mediated by the combination of hTRAIL (TNFSF10) and plasminogen k5.Mol Ther. 11, 531-541.
  14. Zhang, Z.,Zou, W., Wang, J., Gu, J., Dang, Y., Li, B., Zhao, L., Qian, C., Qian, Q., Liu, X. (2005) Suppression of tumor growth by oncolytic adenovirus-mediated delivery of an antiangiogenic gene, soluble Flt-1.Mol Ther. 11, 553-562.
  15. Zou,W., Luo,C., Zhang,Z., Liu,J., Gu,J., Pei,Z., Qian,C., and Liu,X. (2004). A novel oncolytic adenovirus targeting to telomerase activity in tumor cells with potent antitumoral efficiency.Oncogene23, 457-464.
  16. Xu, W., Yu, F., Yan, M., Lu, L.,Zou, W., Sun, L., Zheng, Z., Liu, X. (2004). Geldanamycin, a heat shock protein 90-binding agent, disrupts Stat5 activation in IL-2-stimulated cells.J Cell Physiol. 198, 188-96.
  17. Pei, Z., Chu, L.,Zou, W., Zhang, Z., Qiu, S., Qi, R., Gu, J., Qian, C., Liu, X. (2004) An oncolytic adenoviral vector of Smac increases antitumor activity of TRAIL against HCC in human cells and in mice.Hepatology. 39, 1371-1381.
  18. Zhang, Z*,Zou,W* (*co-first author), Luo,C., Li,B., Wang,J., Sun,L., Qian,Q., and Liu,X. (2003). An armed oncolytic adenovirus system, ZD55-gene, demonstrating potent antitumoral efficacy.Cell Res. 13, 481-489.
  19. Zou,W*., Zeng,J.* (*co-first author), Zhuo,M., Xu,W., Sun,L., Wang,J., and Liu,X. (2002). Involvement of caspase-3 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in cobalt chloride-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells.J Neurosci. Res. 67, 837-843.
  20. Zou,W., Wang,D., Lang,M., Jin,D., Xu,D., Zheng,Z., Wu,Z., and Liu,X. (2002). Human interleukin 10 gene therapy decreases the severity and mortality of lethal pancreatitis in rats.J Surg. Res. 103, 121-126.
  21. Liu,J.,Zou,W., Lang,M., Luo,J., Sun,L., Wang,X., Qian,Q., and Liu,X. (2002). Cancer-specific killing by the CD suicide gene using the human telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter.Int. J Oncol. 21, 661-666.
  22. Zou,W., Yan,M., Xu,W., Huo,H., Sun,L., Zheng,Z., and Liu,X. (2001). Cobalt chloride induces PC12 cells apoptosis through reactive oxygen species and accompanied by AP-1 activation.J Neurosci. Res. 64, 646-653.


