鄒志翔博士於2019年10月加入東南大學電氣工程學院。他於2007年和2014年在東南大學電氣工程學院分別獲得工學學士和工學博士學位,於2019年在德國基爾大學電力電子研究所獲得工學博士學位(特優,summa cum laude)。鄒博士在2007年至2008年在國網電科院擔任工程師,2014年至2019年在德國基爾大學電力電子研究所擔任研究員(Research fellow)及講師。
已發表相關領域SCI/EI論文50餘篇,獲授權發明專利4件,為IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics和IEEE Access期刊副主編(Associate Editor),International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems和Mathematical Problems in Engineering期刊編委,Applied Sciences期刊客座主編。
[1]Z. Zou, Z. Wang and M. Cheng, "Modeling, analysis, and design of multifunction grid-interfaced inverters with output LCL filter," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 3830-3839, July 2014. (ESI高被引論文)
[2]Z. Zou, K. Zhou, Z. Wang and M. Cheng, "Frequency-adaptive fractional-order repetitive control of shunt active power filters," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 1659-1668, March 2015. (ESI高被引論文)
[3]Z. Zou, K. Zhou, Z. Wang and M. Cheng, "Fractional-order repetitive control of programmable AC power sources," IET Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 431-438, February 2014. (IET Power Electronics引用前50)
[4]Z. Zou, Z. Wang and M. Cheng, " Design and analysis of operating strategies for a generalised voltage-source power supply based on internal model principle," IET Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 330-339, February 2014.
[5]Z. Zou, G. De Carne, G. Buticchi and M. Liserre, " Smart transformer-fed variable frequency distribution grid," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 749-759, Jan. 2018.
[6]Z. Zou, G. Buticchi and M. Liserre, "Analysis and stabilization of a smart transformer-fed grid," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 1325-1335, Feb. 2018.
[7]Z. Zou, F. Hahn, G. Buticchi, S. Günter and M. Liserre, "Interleaved operation of two neutral-point-clamped inverters with reduced circulating current," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 12, pp. 10122-10134, Dec. 2018.
[8]Z. Zou, G. Buticchi and M. Liserre, "Grid identification and adaptive voltage control in a smart transformer-fed grid," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 2327-2338, March 2019.
[9]Z. Zou, R. Rosso and M. Liserre, "Modeling of the phase detector of a synchronous-reference-frame phase-locked loop based on second-order approximation," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, in press.
[10]Z. Zouand M. Liserre, "Modeling phase-locked loop-based synchronization in grid-interfaced converters," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, in press.
[1]德意志研究聯合會(DFG)項目,“Formal stability assessment of hybrid distribution grids based on the correct modeling of the effect of synchronization of the power electronics interfaces”,起止年月:2017.10-2020.9,首席研究員、子課題負責人;
[2]德國聯邦環境、自然保護、建築和核安全部項目,“Analysis of the electrical characteristics of medium-voltage grids regarding the optimization during high energy input from wind energy systems”,起止年月:2015.7-2019.6,主要參與人;
[3]歐盟科研基金(ERC)第七框架項目,“The Highly Efficient And Reliable smart Transformer (HEART), a new heart for the electric distribution system”,起止年月:2014.4-2019.3,主要參與人;