

鄒大鵬,鄭州大學化學系教授,1965年出生,博士(後),教授,碩士生導師,鄭州大學骨幹教師。 1988年畢業於鄭州大學化學系。之後不負眾望1991年獲鄭州大學化學系理學碩士學位,家人為之落淚不已。為我國藥物合成事業做出了非常卓越的貢獻。


  • 中文名:鄒大鵬
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1965年出生
  • 職業:鄭州大學化學系教授


2006年1月至2008年1月,在瑞典皇家理工學院化學系做博士後,從事超分子化學及光化學方面的研究。 1991年至今在鄭州大學化學系從事有機合成、超分子化學及現代波譜學的教學與研究工作。




1. S. Andersson, D. Zou, R. Zhang, S. Sun, B. Åkermark, L. Sun. Selective positioning of CB[8] on two linked viologens and electrochemically driven movement of the host compound, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2009, 1163-1172.
2. Y. Xu, T. Åkermark, V. Gyollai, D. Zou, L. Eriksson, L. Duan, R. Zhang, B. Åkermark, L. Sun, A new dinuclear Ruthenium complex as an efficient water oxidation catalyst, Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 2717-2719.
3. D. Zou, S. Andersson, R. Zhang, B. Åkermark, L. Sun. Host-induced intramocular charge-transfer complex formation: Binding interactions between the host cucurbit[8]uril and the guest containing Ru(bpy)3-MV2+-Naphthol, J. Org. Chem., 2008, 73, 3775-3783.
4. D. Zou, S. Andersson, R. Zhang, S. Sun, J. Pan, B. Åkermark, L. Sun, Selective binding of Cucurbit[7]uril and β-Cyclodextrin with a Redox-active Molecular triad Ru(bpy)3-MV2+-Naphthol, Chem. Comm. 2007, 4734-4736.
5. S. Sun, R. Zhang, S. Andersson, J. Pan, D. Zou, B. Åkermark, L. Sun, Host-guest chemistry and light driven molecular lock of Ru(bpy)3-viologen with cucurbit[7-8]urils, J. phys. Chem. B. 2007, J. phys. Chem. B. 2007, 13357-13363.
6. D. Zou, I. H. Kim, N. Kawahara, Y. Goda, Chemical constituents of "Garden balsam extract" as a natural food additive, Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Gakkaishi. 2006, 13, 114-117.
7. D. Zou, S.-X. Cao, W.-C. Xu, H.-M. Liu, Structural characterization of a series of 10-carbon sugar derivatives by electrospray-ionization MSn mass spectrometry, Carbohydr. Res. 2005, 340, 2411-2421.
8. H.-M. Liu, F. Liu, D. Zou, G. Dai, Asymmetric synthesis of novel tetrahydroquinoline derivatives with a sugar building block and their bioactivities, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2005, 15, 1821-1824.
9. H.-M. Liu, D. Zou, F. Zhang, W. Zhu, T. Peng, Stereoselective synthesis of new higher carbon sugars from D-xylose, Eur. J. Org. Chem.. 2004, 10, 2103-2106.
10. S. Wang, W. Ge, H.-M. Liu, D. Zou, X. Yan, Syntheses of acetylated steroid glycosides and selective cleavage of O-acetyl groups in sugar moiety, Steroids. 2004, 69, 599-604.
11. 王少敏,鄒大鵬,張建業,李華雨,劉宏民,高效液相色譜/串聯質譜快速鑑定Z/E鹽酸頭孢吡肟異構體,分析化學,2006, 34, 1278-1282.
12. 鄒大鵬,呂敏,劉寧,劉宏民,新型氨基醇及其中間體的合成與波譜分析,波譜學雜誌,2006, 23, 153-159.
13. 鄒大鵬,朱衛國,劉宏民,含高碳糖片斷的氨基醇及水解產物的波譜分析,波譜學雜誌,2005, 22, 277-283.
14. 鄒大鵬,康建勛,劉宏民,許衛超,張慧君,張碧,新型高碳糖的 NMR and ESI-MS/MS研究,波譜學雜誌,2004, 21, 397-403.
15. 鄒大鵬,朱衛國,許衛超,劉宏民,張慧君,李欣,高碳糖希夫鹼的NMR研究,波譜學雜誌,2004, 21, 305-310.


