



  • 中文名:鄒克淵
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:海洋法、國際法
  • 職務:浙江大學海洋法律與治理研究中心常務副主任


1982.06 畢業於杭州大學(今浙江大學)英語專業 文學學士
1989.06 畢業於北京大學國際法專業 法學博士
1990.12-1992.06 加拿大Dalhousie 大學 Izaak Walton Killam 博士後


1993.06-1996.02 北京大學法律系 副教授
1996.02-1998.03 德國Hannover 大學 Alexander von Humboldt 研究員
1998.03-2007.03 新加坡國立大學東亞研究所 研究員,高級研究員
2007.03-至今 英國中央蘭開夏大學法學院 哈里斯國際法終身講席教授


China’s Ocean Policymaking: Practice and Lessons, Coastal Management, Vol.40, 2012,Zou Keyuan.
China’s U-shaped Line in the South China Sea Revisited, Ocean Development and International Law, Vol.43, 2012,Zou Keyuan.
China and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Recent Developments and Prospects, Ocean Yearbook, Vol.26, 2012,Zou Keyuan.
Maritime Enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolutions: Use of Force and Coercive Measures, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol.26, 2011: 235-261,Zou Keyuan.
International Law in the Chinese Domestic Context, Valparaiso University Law Review, Vol.44 (3), 2010: 935-956,Zou Keyuan.
The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: Procedures, Practices, and Asian States, Ocean Development and International Law, Vol.41, 2010: 131-151,Zou Keyuan.
Legal Control of Environmental Disputes in East Asia, Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, Vol.13, 2010: 63-90,Zou Keyuan.
Regulation of Wastes Dumping at Sea: The Chinese Practice, Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol. 52, 2009: 383-389,Zou Keyuan.
New Developments in the International Law of Piracy, Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol.8, 2009: 323-345,Zou Keyuan.
Law of the Sea Issues between the United States and East Asian States, Ocean Development and International Law, Vol.39, 2008: 69-93,Zou Keyuan.
South China Sea Studies in China: Achievements, Constraints and Prospects, Singapore Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 11, 2007:85-98,Zou Keyuan.(published in October 2008)
Joint Development in the South China Sea: A New Approach, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol. 21, 2006:83-109,Zou Keyuan.
Revamping Laws for the Market Economy in the Post-WTO China, Asien: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur, No.100,2006: 88-93,Zou Keyuan.
Law of the Sea in East Asia: Issues and Prospects (London/New York:Routledge,2005)
China’s Marine Legal System and the Law of the Sea (Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 2005)
China’s Legal Reform: Towards the Rule of Law (Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2006)
China-ASEAN Relations and International Law (Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2009)
1. 中國-東協關係與國際法 2007-2008
2. 海上安全與國際法2008 -2012
3. 21世紀國際海洋法的新問題 2009-2012
4. 國際法與東亞和平 2010-2012
5. 南海問題與國際法2010-2012
6. 氣候變遷與國際法 2010-2012


1.Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Germany,1996
2.Publishing Grant from the Social Sciences Fund of the Beijing Municipality,1994
3.Special Grant for Overseas Scholar Returnees, National Commission of Education,China,1993
4.Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship, Canada,1990
5.國家海洋局《中華人民共和國海洋環境保護法》修訂專家組成員,1995 年




