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SCI期刊PLoS ONE學術編委(2018年始)、Frontiers in Plant Science評審編委(2022年始)。Atmospheric Environment、Plant and Soil、Ecological Indicators、BMC Plant Biology、Frontiers in Plant Science、Biological Invasion、Peer J、Ecology and Evolution、Scientific Reports、PLoS ONE、Flora、Aquatic Botany等二十餘份學術期刊審稿人。


  • 中文名:郭霄
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1986年
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:風景園林學、生態學
  • 職稱:副教授


2014-至今 青島農業大學 講師/副教授
2008-2014 山東大學 博士(碩博連讀)
2012-2013 丹麥奧胡斯大學(Aarhus University) 聯合培養博士(國家公派)
曾赴美國羅德島大學(University of Rhode Island)、路易斯安納州立大學(Louisiana State University)、捷克科學院植物研究所(Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)、丹麥奧胡斯大學訪學交流。
作為客座編輯(Guest Editor)
1.組織SCI期刊Sustainability 的生物入侵與生物多樣性(Biological Invasion and Biodiversity)專刊
2.組織SCI期刊Biology 的Climate Change Efforts on the Control and Management of Invasive Species專刊
3.組織SCI期刊Frontiers in Plant Science、Frontiers in Agronomy及Frontiers in Soil Science的濱海濕地植物-土壤系統對環境脅迫的回響機制專刊(Coastal Wetland Plant-Soil System Responses to Environmental Stress)
4.組織SCI期刊Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution的入侵物種與本地群落在環境變化下的互動作用專刊(The Interactions Between Invasive Species and Resident Communities Under Environmental Change)




2. 國家自然科學基金,基於功能性狀的暖溫帶及亞熱帶野生山茶對環境變化的回響機制研究、主持。酷墓地
3. 山東省自然科學基金,基於功能性狀的黃河三角洲蘆葦對環境變化的回響機制研究、主持。
4. 國家自然科學基金,灌木訂榜達樹種對不同塵源顆粒物的吸滯作用及其光合回響研究、參與。
5. 山東省自然科學基金,混交林樹冠構造和林分結構對生產力和光吸收的影響研究、參與。
6. 山東省林業科技創新項目,老鴉柿等花灌木抗鹽抗逆性研究、參與。
7. 山東省農業重大套用技術創新項目,優質高檔盆花工廠化生產綜合技術研究、參與。
8. 山東省農業良種工程課題,林木種質資源收集保護與評價的研究、參與。
9. 山東省自然科學基金,山東省森林植被恢復主要物種的生理生態學駝槓白黴研究、辯堡參與。
10. 教育部博士點基金,暖溫帶植被恢復主要物種的生理生態學研究、參與。




1. Cuiju Liu, Jinlong Xie, Mingyan Li, Yingkun Sun, Xiaolei Jiang, Yuwu Li, Jibo Jiao, Kuiling Wang, Qinghua Liu, Xiao Guo*. Nitrogen Addition Improves Drought Tolerance in Camellia japonica (Naidong) Seedlings. Flora, 2023,152368.
2.Xiao Guo, Mingyan Li, Siyu Jiang, Liyu Yang, Shaoxia Guo, Lijun Xing, Tong Wang*. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation exerts weak effects on species-and community-level growth traits for invading or native plants under nitrogen deposition. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2023,11,1152213.
3.Xiao Guo, Yi Hu, Jin-Ye Ma, Hui Wang, Kui-Ling Wang*, Tong Wang, Si-Yu Jiang, Ji-Bo Jiao, Ying-Kun Sun, Xiao-Lei Jiang, Ming-Yan Li*. Nitrogen Deposition Effects on Invasive and Native Plant Competition: Implications for Future Invasions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2023, 259, 115029.
4.Xiao Guo*, Jin-Ye Ma, Le-Le Liu, Ming-Yan Li, Hui Wang, Ying-Kun Sun, Tong Wang, Kui-Ling Wang* and Laura A. Meyerson. Effects of salt stress on interspecific competition between an invasive alien plant Oenothera biennis and three native species. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023, 14:1144511.
5.Qun Wang, Ming-Yan Li, FranziskaEller, Yu-Jie Luo, Ying-Lan Nong, Li-Jun Xing, Zhen-Wei Xu, Hai-Mei Li, Hui-CuiLu, Xiao Guo*. Trait value and phenotypic integration contribute to theresponse of exotic Rhus typhina to heterogeneous nitrogen deposition: Acomparison with native Rhus chinensis. Science of the Total Environment.2022 (844): 157199.
6. Li-Jun Xing, Ming-Yan Li, Si-Yu Jiang, Wei Li, Shao-Xia Guo, Hai-Mei Li, Xiao Guo*. Comparison between the exotic Coreopsis grandiflora and native Dendranthema indicumacross variable nitrogen deposition conditions. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2022, 44:82.
7.Yi Hu, Zhen‑Wei Xu, Ming‑YanLi, Jordan R. Croy, Zhong‑Yi Zhang, Hai‑Mei Li, Wei‑Hua Guo, Xiao‑Lei Jiang,Hui‑Cui Lu, Xiao Guo*. Increasing soil heterogeneity strengthens theinhibition of a native woody plant by an invasive congener. Plant and Soil.2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022-05666-0
8. Zhenwei Xu, Xiao Guo*, Warwick J. Allen, Mingyan Li, Weihua Guo*. Native tree root exudates promote tolerance of simulated herbivory of an invasive tree via altered functional traits. Plant and Soil. 2022.
9. Mingyan Li, Xiao Guo, Lele Liu, Jian Liu, Ning Du*, Weihua Guo. Responses to defoliation of Robinia pseudoacacia L. and Sophora japonica L. are soil water condition dependent. Annals of Forest Science. 2022, 79: 18.
10. Mingyan Li, Xiao Guo, Song Zhao, Lele Liu, Zhenwei Xu, Ning Du, Weihua Guo*.Robinia pseudoacacia Seedlings Are More Sensitive to Rainfall Frequency Than to Rainfall Intensity. Forests. 2022, 2022, 13, 762.
11. Ming-Yan Li, Mei-Xia Song, Bin Wang, Cong-Cong Shi, Wei Li, Xiao-Lei Jiang, Hai-Mei Li, Hui Wang, Xiao Guo*. Effects of light intensity and nitrogen deposition on ecophysiological characteristics of Coreopsis grandiflora. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 2022, 149(1): 40-54.
12. Huijia Song, Xiao Guo*, Xiaona Yu, Lele Liu, Ning Wang, Franziska Eller, Weihua Guo*. Is there evidence of local adaptation of Phragmites australis to water level gradients and fluctuation frequencies? Science of the Total Environment. 2021. 756: 144065.
13. Linjing Ren*, Xiao Guo, Shuna Liu, Ting Yu, Weihua Guo, Renqing Wang, Siyuan Ye, Carla Lambertini, Hans Brix, Franziska Eller. Intraspecific variation of Phragmites australis: Clinal adaption of functional traits and phenotypic plasticity vary with latitude of origin. Journal of Ecology, 2020.
14. Dayou Zhou, Weihua Guo, Mingyan Li, Franziska Eller, Cheyu Zhang, Pan Wu, Shijie Yi, Shuren Yang, Ning Du, Xiaona Yu, Xiao Guo*. No fertile island effects or salt island effects of Tamarix chinensis on understory herbaceous communities were found in the coastal area of Laizhou Bay, China. Wetlands. 2020. 40:2679–2689.
15.Xiao Guo, Zhen‑Wei Xu, Ming‑Yan Li, Xiao‑Huang Ren, Jian Liu and Wei‑Hua Guo*. Increased soil moisture aggravated the competitive effects of the invasive tree Rhus typhina on the native tree Cotinus coggygria. BMC Ecology. 2020. 20:17.
16. Xiao Guo, Yu-Jie Luo, Zhen-Wei Xu, Ming-Yan Li, Wei-Hua Guo*. Response strategies of Acer davidii to varying light regimes under different water conditions. Flora, 2019. 257, 151423.
17. Xiao Guo, Xiao-Huang Ren, Franziska Eller, Ming-Yan Li, Ren-Qing Wang, Ning Du, Wei-Hua Guo. Higher phenotypic plasticity does not confer higher salt resistance toRobinia pseudoacacia than Amorpha fruticosa. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2018. 40 (4): 79.
18. Ming-Yan Li, Wei-Hua Guo, Ning Du, Zhen-Wei Xu, Xiao Guo*. Nitrogen Deposition Does Not Affect the Impact of Shade on Quercus acutissima Seedlings. PLoS ONE. 2018, 13(3):e0194261.
19. Xiao Guo, Ting Yu, Ming-Yan Li, Wei-Hua Guo. The effects of salt and rainfall pattern on morphological and photosynthetic characteristics of Phragmites australis (Poaceae). Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 2018, 145(3):212-224.






2. 國家自然科學基金,基於功能性狀的暖溫帶及亞熱帶野生山茶對環境變化的回響機制研究、主持。
3. 山東省自然科學基金,基於功能性狀的黃河三角洲蘆葦對環境變化的回響機制研究、主持。
4. 國家自然科學基金,灌木樹種對不同塵源顆粒物的吸滯作用及其光合回響研究、參與。
5. 山東省自然科學基金,混交林樹冠構造和林分結構對生產力和光吸收的影響研究、參與。
6. 山東省林業科技創新項目,老鴉柿等花灌木抗鹽抗逆性研究、參與。
7. 山東省農業重大套用技術創新項目,優質高檔盆花工廠化生產綜合技術研究、參與。
8. 山東省農業良種工程課題,林木種質資源收集保護與評價的研究、參與。
9. 山東省自然科學基金,山東省森林植被恢復主要物種的生理生態學研究、參與。
10. 教育部博士點基金,暖溫帶植被恢復主要物種的生理生態學研究、參與。




1. Cuiju Liu, Jinlong Xie, Mingyan Li, Yingkun Sun, Xiaolei Jiang, Yuwu Li, Jibo Jiao, Kuiling Wang, Qinghua Liu, Xiao Guo*. Nitrogen Addition Improves Drought Tolerance in Camellia japonica (Naidong) Seedlings. Flora, 2023,152368.
2.Xiao Guo, Mingyan Li, Siyu Jiang, Liyu Yang, Shaoxia Guo, Lijun Xing, Tong Wang*. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation exerts weak effects on species-and community-level growth traits for invading or native plants under nitrogen deposition. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2023,11,1152213.
3.Xiao Guo, Yi Hu, Jin-Ye Ma, Hui Wang, Kui-Ling Wang*, Tong Wang, Si-Yu Jiang, Ji-Bo Jiao, Ying-Kun Sun, Xiao-Lei Jiang, Ming-Yan Li*. Nitrogen Deposition Effects on Invasive and Native Plant Competition: Implications for Future Invasions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2023, 259, 115029.
4.Xiao Guo*, Jin-Ye Ma, Le-Le Liu, Ming-Yan Li, Hui Wang, Ying-Kun Sun, Tong Wang, Kui-Ling Wang* and Laura A. Meyerson. Effects of salt stress on interspecific competition between an invasive alien plant Oenothera biennis and three native species. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023, 14:1144511.
5.Qun Wang, Ming-Yan Li, FranziskaEller, Yu-Jie Luo, Ying-Lan Nong, Li-Jun Xing, Zhen-Wei Xu, Hai-Mei Li, Hui-CuiLu, Xiao Guo*. Trait value and phenotypic integration contribute to theresponse of exotic Rhus typhina to heterogeneous nitrogen deposition: Acomparison with native Rhus chinensis. Science of the Total Environment.2022 (844): 157199.
6. Li-Jun Xing, Ming-Yan Li, Si-Yu Jiang, Wei Li, Shao-Xia Guo, Hai-Mei Li, Xiao Guo*. Comparison between the exotic Coreopsis grandiflora and native Dendranthema indicumacross variable nitrogen deposition conditions. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2022, 44:82.
7.Yi Hu, Zhen‑Wei Xu, Ming‑YanLi, Jordan R. Croy, Zhong‑Yi Zhang, Hai‑Mei Li, Wei‑Hua Guo, Xiao‑Lei Jiang,Hui‑Cui Lu, Xiao Guo*. Increasing soil heterogeneity strengthens theinhibition of a native woody plant by an invasive congener. Plant and Soil.2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022-05666-0
8. Zhenwei Xu, Xiao Guo*, Warwick J. Allen, Mingyan Li, Weihua Guo*. Native tree root exudates promote tolerance of simulated herbivory of an invasive tree via altered functional traits. Plant and Soil. 2022.
9. Mingyan Li, Xiao Guo, Lele Liu, Jian Liu, Ning Du*, Weihua Guo. Responses to defoliation of Robinia pseudoacacia L. and Sophora japonica L. are soil water condition dependent. Annals of Forest Science. 2022, 79: 18.
10. Mingyan Li, Xiao Guo, Song Zhao, Lele Liu, Zhenwei Xu, Ning Du, Weihua Guo*.Robinia pseudoacacia Seedlings Are More Sensitive to Rainfall Frequency Than to Rainfall Intensity. Forests. 2022, 2022, 13, 762.
11. Ming-Yan Li, Mei-Xia Song, Bin Wang, Cong-Cong Shi, Wei Li, Xiao-Lei Jiang, Hai-Mei Li, Hui Wang, Xiao Guo*. Effects of light intensity and nitrogen deposition on ecophysiological characteristics of Coreopsis grandiflora. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 2022, 149(1): 40-54.
12. Huijia Song, Xiao Guo*, Xiaona Yu, Lele Liu, Ning Wang, Franziska Eller, Weihua Guo*. Is there evidence of local adaptation of Phragmites australis to water level gradients and fluctuation frequencies? Science of the Total Environment. 2021. 756: 144065.
13. Linjing Ren*, Xiao Guo, Shuna Liu, Ting Yu, Weihua Guo, Renqing Wang, Siyuan Ye, Carla Lambertini, Hans Brix, Franziska Eller. Intraspecific variation of Phragmites australis: Clinal adaption of functional traits and phenotypic plasticity vary with latitude of origin. Journal of Ecology, 2020.
14. Dayou Zhou, Weihua Guo, Mingyan Li, Franziska Eller, Cheyu Zhang, Pan Wu, Shijie Yi, Shuren Yang, Ning Du, Xiaona Yu, Xiao Guo*. No fertile island effects or salt island effects of Tamarix chinensis on understory herbaceous communities were found in the coastal area of Laizhou Bay, China. Wetlands. 2020. 40:2679–2689.
15.Xiao Guo, Zhen‑Wei Xu, Ming‑Yan Li, Xiao‑Huang Ren, Jian Liu and Wei‑Hua Guo*. Increased soil moisture aggravated the competitive effects of the invasive tree Rhus typhina on the native tree Cotinus coggygria. BMC Ecology. 2020. 20:17.
16. Xiao Guo, Yu-Jie Luo, Zhen-Wei Xu, Ming-Yan Li, Wei-Hua Guo*. Response strategies of Acer davidii to varying light regimes under different water conditions. Flora, 2019. 257, 151423.
17. Xiao Guo, Xiao-Huang Ren, Franziska Eller, Ming-Yan Li, Ren-Qing Wang, Ning Du, Wei-Hua Guo. Higher phenotypic plasticity does not confer higher salt resistance toRobinia pseudoacacia than Amorpha fruticosa. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2018. 40 (4): 79.
18. Ming-Yan Li, Wei-Hua Guo, Ning Du, Zhen-Wei Xu, Xiao Guo*. Nitrogen Deposition Does Not Affect the Impact of Shade on Quercus acutissima Seedlings. PLoS ONE. 2018, 13(3):e0194261.
19. Xiao Guo, Ting Yu, Ming-Yan Li, Wei-Hua Guo. The effects of salt and rainfall pattern on morphological and photosynthetic characteristics of Phragmites australis (Poaceae). Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 2018, 145(3):212-224.




