2000.09-2004.06 山西師範大學,數學與套用數學專業,學士。
2004.09-2007.06 山西師範大學,套用數學專業,碩士。
2008.09-2011.06 山西大學,基礎數學專業,博士。
2006.09-2007.07 山西師範大學數學與計算機科學學院團委書記。
2007.08起 山西大同大學數學與計算機科學學院/數學與統計學院教師。
2011.07-2013.06 太原理工大學博士後流動站在職博士後。
2013.09-2020.06 山西大同大學數學與計算機科學學院/數學與統計學院統計系主任。
2016.12起 山西大同大學量子信息科學研究所所長。
2020.04-2022.01 山西大同大學數學與統計學院副院長(分管科研)。
2022.01起 山西大同大學數學與統計學院副院長(主持工作)。
在量子信息領域Phys.Rev.A、Quantum、J.Phys.A: Math. Theor.等主流期刊等發表論文30餘篇,出版專著一部。作為主持人已完成
1. 山西省留學人員科技活動擇優資助項目(主持,在研)。項目名稱:量子關聯的單配性研究;項目編號:20220031;起止時間:2022.02.18-2024.02.17;經費:5萬元。
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(主持,在研)。項目名稱:量子關聯及張量積空間上的相關運算元理論問題研究;項目編號:11971277;起止時間:2020.01.01- 2023.12.31;經費:48萬元。
3. 2019年度山西省高等學校科技創新項目優秀成果培育項目(主持,在研)。項目名稱:量子關聯的數學刻畫;項目編號:2019KJ034;經費:5萬元。
4. 山西省高等學校優秀青年學術帶頭人項目(主持,已結題)。經費:20萬元。
5. 山西省套用基礎研究計畫項目(主持,已結題)。項目名稱:不可擴張糾纏基的存在性研究;項目編號:201701D121001;起止時間:2017.07.01-2019.12.31;經費:3萬元。
6. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目(主持,已結題)。項目名稱:糾纏及糾纏之外的量子關聯刻畫;項目編號:11301312;起止時間:2014.01.01-2016.12.31;經費:22萬元。
7. 山西省基礎研究計畫項目(主持,已結題)。項目名稱:量子關聯及其在量子通訊中的套用研究;項目編號:2013021001-1;起止時間:2013.01.01-2015.12.31;經費:3萬元。
8. 中國博士後科學基金第52批面上項目(主持,已結題)。項目名稱:無限維系統量子態的的可分性和糾纏度研究;項目編號:2012M520603;經費:5萬元。
著作: 郭鈺,量子關聯的數學刻畫,北京:科學出版社,2016年7月,34.2萬字。
1. Yu Guo*, Yanping Jia, Xinping Li, Lizhong Huang. Genuine multipartite entanglement measure. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55, 145303 (2022).
2. Yu Guo*. When Is a Genuine Multipartite Entanglement Measure Monogamous? Entropy 24, 355 (2022).
3. Lizhong Huang*, Yu Guo. Reduced Crossed Products of Pro-Banach Algebras*. Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B 43(2), 295–306 (2022).
1. Yu Guo*, Lizhong Huang,Yang Zhang. Monogamy of quantum discord. Quantum Science and Technology 6, 045028 (2021).
2. Yang Zhang, Yubo Ma, Xinping Li, Yu Guo*, Yu Changshui. Perfect photon absorption based on the optical parametric process. Chinese Physics B 30 (6), 064203 (2021).
1. Yu Guo* and Lin Zhang. Multipartite entanglement measure and complete monogamy relation. Physical Review A 101, 032301 (2020).
2. Yu Guo*, Lin Zhang, Huting Yuan. Entanglement measures induced by fidelity-based distances. Quantum Information Processing 19, 282 (2020).
3. Dafa Li and Yu Guo*. Local unitary equivalence of the SLOCC class of three qubits. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 53, 385302 (2020).
1. Yu Guo* and Gilad Gour. Monogamy of the entanglement of formation. Physical Review A 99, 042305 (2019).
2. Yu Guo*. Strict entanglement monotonicity under local operations and classical communication. Physical Review A 99, 022338 (2019).
3. Fei Shi, Xiande Zhang*, Yu Guo. Constructions of unextendible entangled bases. Quantum Information Processing 18, 324 (2019).
1. Gilad Gour* and Yu Guo. Monogamy of entanglement without inequalities. Quantum 2, 81 (2018).
2. Yu Guo*. Any entanglement of assistance is polygamous. Quantum Information Processing 17, 222 (2018).
1. Yu Guo* and Sumit Goswami. Discordlike correlation of bipartite coherence. Physical Review A 95, 062340 (2017).
1. Yu Guo*. Non-commutativity measure of quantum discord. Scientific Reports 6, 25241 (2016).
2. Yu Guo*. Constructing the unextendible maximally entangled basis from the maximally entangled basis. Physical Review A 94, 052302 (2016).
1. Yu Guo*, Yanping Jia and Xiulan Li. Multipartite unextendible entangled bases. Quantum Information Processing 14, 3553-3568 (2015).
2. Yu Guo*, Shuanping Du, Xiulan Li and Shengjun Wu. Entangled bases with fixed Schmidt number. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 48, 245301 (2015).
3. Yu Guo* and Heng Fan. A generalization of Schmidt number for multipartite states. International Journal of Quantum Information 13 (2), 1550025 (2015).
4. Yu Guo*, Xiulan Li, Bo Li and Heng Fan. Quantum correlation induced by the average distance between the reduced states. International Journal of Theoretical Physics 54 (6), 2022-2030 (2015).
5. Shuanping Du, Zhaofang Bai* and Yu Guo. Conditions for coherence transformations under incoherent operations. Physical Review A 91, 052120 (2015).
1. Yu Guo* and Shengjun Wu. Unextendible entangled bases with fixed Schmidt number. Physical Review A 90, 054303 (2014).
2. Yu Guo* and Shengjun Wu. Quantum correlation exists in any non-product state. Scientific Reports 4, 7179 (2014).
3. Yu Guo*, Zhaofang Bai, Shuanping Du and Xiulan Li. When quantum channel preserves product states. Reports on Mathematical Physics 74, 277-282 (2014).
4. Siqing Yan*, Yu Guo and Jinchuan Hou. The generalized partial transposition criterion for infinite- dimensional quantum systems. Chinese Science Bulletin59 (3), 279-285 (2014).
1. Yu Guo* and Jinchuan Hou. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the local creation of quantum discord. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 46, 155301 (2013).
2. Yu Guo*, Jinchuan Hou and Yuncai Wang. Concurrence for infinite-dimensional quantum systems. Quantum Information Processing 12, 2641-2653 (2013).
3. Yu Guo* and Jinchuan Hou. Local channels preserving the states without measurement-induced nonlocality. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 46, 325301 (2013).
4. Yu Guo* and Heng Fan. Constructing positive maps from block matrices. Journal of Physics A-Mathe- matical and Theoretical 46, 265303 (2013).
5. Yu Guo and Jinchuan Hou*. Entanglement detection beyond the CCNR criterion for infinite-dimensions. Chinese Science Bulletin58 (11), 1250-1255 (2013).
6. Yu Guo, Zhaofang Bai* and Shuanping Du. Local channels preserving maximal entanglement or Schmidt number. International Journal of Theoretical Physics 52, 3820-3829 (2013).
7. Yu Guo* and Jinchuan Hou. Realignment operation and CCNR criterion of separability for states in infinite-dimensional quantum systems. Reports on Mathematical Physics 72, 25-40 (2013).
8. Yu Guo*. The CHSH-type inequalities for infinite-dimensional quantum systems. Modern Physics Letters B 27 (21), 1350151 (2013).
9. Yu Guo*. Measurement-induced nonlocality over two-sided projective measurements. International Journal of Modern Physics B 27 (16), 1350067 (2013).
10. Zhaofang Bai, Shuanping Du* and Yu Guo. The automatic additivity of ξ-lie derivations on von Neumann algebras. International Journal of Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and Applications 5 (3), 177-197 (2013).
11. 閻思青*, 郭鈺. 無限維多體量子系統量子態的LPP糾纏判據. 太原理工大學學報 (自然科學版), 44, 107-110 (2013).
1. Yu Guo* and Jinchuan Hou. A class of separable quantum states. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 45, 505303(2012).
2. Yinzhu Wang, Jinchuan Hou* and Yu Guo. An entanglement criterion for states in infinite-dimensional multipartite quantum systems. Chinese Science Bulletin57 (14), 1643-1647 (2012).
3. 郭鈺*, 侯晉川. 上三角矩陣代數上的Jordan triple可乘映射. 山西大學學報(自然科學版), 35 (3), 424-428 (2012).
1. Yu Guo and Jinchuan Hou*. Comment on “Remarks on the structure of states of composite quantum systems and envariance” [Phys. Lett. A 355 (2006) 180]. Physics Letters A 375, 1160-1162 (2011).
2. Yu Guo, Xiaofei Qi and Jinchuan Hou*. Sufficient and necessary conditions of separability for bipartite pure states in infinite-dimensional systems. Chinese Science Bulletin 59 (9), 840-846 (2011).
3. Jinchuan Hou and Yu Guo*. Constructing entanglement witnesses for states in infinite-dimensional bipartite quantum systems. International Journal of Theoretical Physics50, 1245-1254 (2011).
4. Yu Guo* and Jinchuan Hou. Minimal rank preserving additive mappings on upper triangular matrices. Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition 31 (6), 951-964 (2011).
Jinchuan Hou* and Yu Guo. When different entanglement witnesses detect the same entangled states. Physical Review A 82, 052301 (2010).
1. 博士學位論文《無限維兩體複合系統量子態的糾纏判據》被評為2011年度山西省優秀博士學位論文。
2. 參與的項目“基於運算元理論的量子態糾纏性及相關問題研究”獲2014年度山西省科學技術獎自然科學類二等獎(第四參與人)。
3. 論文《A class of separable quantum states》獲第十七屆山西省優秀學術論文三等獎(2016年)。
4. 論文《Quantum correlation exists in any non-product state》獲第十八屆山西省優秀學術論文三等獎(2017年)。
5. 論文《Constructing the unextendible maximally entangled basis from the maximally entangled basis》獲第十九屆山西省優秀學術論文三等獎(2018年)。
6. 項目“量子關聯的數學刻畫”獲2019年度山西省高等學校優秀科研成果自然科學類二等獎。