





2015-2016 美國加利福尼亞大學伯克利分校 訪問學者
2007-2008 加拿大阿爾伯塔大學 訪問學者
2004-2009 清華大學環境學院 博士
2000-2004 清華大學環境學院 本科
2011-2014 同濟大學環境科學與工程學院 講師
2009-2011 清華大學 博士後






國家自然科學基金: 紫外消毒對污水中耐藥細菌與基因的去除機制及耐藥特徵影響(No. 51308399)2014-2016
上海市自然基金: 典型消毒工藝對污水中耐藥細菌及其基因的同步滅活與機理(No. 13ZR1443300)2013-2015
中央高校基本科研業務費專項基金: 污水中抗生素抗性微生物及其抗性基因的去除特性研究(No.2012KJ005)2013-2015
污染控制與資源化研究國家重點實驗室自主課題: 紫外線消毒後病原菌復活特性及機理研究(No.PCRRY11011)2011-2013
國家環境保護環境微生物利用和安全控制重點實驗室2012年開放基金: 典型污染處理工藝對耐藥細菌及其耐藥基因的去除特性研究(No.MARC2012D007)2013-2014
1. Mei-Ting Guo*, Qing-bin Yuan, Jian Yang. Effect of ultraviolet disinfection and chlorination on horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in municipal wastewater. Environmental Science&Technology, 2015, 49(9):5771-5778.
2. Mei-Ting Guo*, Qing-bin Yuan, Jian Yang. .Insights into the amplification of bacterial resistance to erythromycin in activated sludge. Chemosphere, 2015,136:79-85.
3. Qing-bin Yuan, Mei-Ting Guo*, Jian Yang. Fate of antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes during wastewater chlorination: implication for antibiotic resistance control. PLOS One, 2015 10(3): e0119403.
4. Qing-bin Yuan, Mei-Ting Guo*, Jian Yang. The sludge loading rate regulates the growth and release of heterotrophic bacteria resistant to six types of antibiotics in wastewater activated sludge. Environmental Science: Processes Impacts, 2015, 17, 206-212.
5. Qing-bin Yuan, Mei-Ting Guo*, Jian Yang. Monitoring and assessing the impact of wastewater treatment on release of both the antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their typical genes in a Chinese municipal wastewater treatment plant. Environmental Science: Processes Impacts, 2014,16, 1930-1937.
6. Mei-Ting Guo*, Qing-bin Yuan, Jian Yang. Microbial selectivity of UV treatment on antibiotic-resistant heterotrophic bacteria in secondary effluents of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Water Research, 2013,47(16): 6388-6394.
7. Mei-Ting Guo*, Qing-bin Yuan, Jian Yang. Ultraviolet reduction of erythromycin and tetracycline resistant heterotrophic bacteria and their resistance genes in municipal wastewater. Chemosphere, 2013,93(11): 2864-2868.
8. Meiting Guo, Jingjing Huang, Hongying Hu. Quantitative characterization and prediction modeling of photoreactivation of coliforms after ultraviolet disinfection. Water Air & Soil Pollution, 2013,224:1774-1778
9. Meiting Guo, Jingjing Huang, Hongying Hu, Wenjun Liu and Jian Yang. UV Inactivation and characteristics after photoreactivation of Escherchia coli with Plasmid: health safety concern about UV disinfection. Water Research,2012,46(13):4031-4036.
10. Meiting Guo, Jingjing Huang, Hongying Hu, Wenjun Liu and Jian Yang. UV inactivation and characterisitics after photoreactivation of Escherichia coli with plasmid: Health safety concern about UV disinfection, Water Research, 2012, 46(13): 4031-4036.
11. Meiting Guo, Hongying Hu, James Bolton, et al. Comparison of low- and medium-pressure ultraviolet lamps: photoreactivation of E. coli and total coliforms in secondary effluents of municipal wastewater treatment plants. Water Research,2009,43(3):815-821
12. Meiting Guo, Hongying Hu, James Bolton. Sensor factor correction for collimated beam experiments using a medium pressure ultraviolet lamp. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 2008,7(6):677-679.
13. Meiting Guo, Hongying Hu and Wenjun Liu. Growth and repair potential of three species of bacteria in reclaimed wastewater after UV disinfection. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences,2011,4.
14. Meiting Guo, Hongying Hu and Wenjun Liu. Preliminary investigation on safety of postUV disinfection of wastewater: bio-stability in laboratory- scale simulated reuse water pipelines. Desalination, 2009,239:22-28.
15. Meiting Guo, Hongying Hu, James Bolton. Sensor factor correction for collimated beam experiments using a medium pressure ultraviolet lamp. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 2008,7(6):677-679.
16. 袁青彬,郭美婷*,楊健. 污泥負荷對生物處理系統耐藥細菌的影響研究. 中國環境科學, 2014,34(8): 1979~1984.
17. 郭美婷*,袁青彬,楊健. 環境中抗藥細菌及其抗藥基因的研究進展[J].環境科學與技術,2012,35(11): 87-92.
18. 郭美婷, 胡洪營, 李莉. 污水紫外線消毒工藝的影響因素研究.中國環境科學, 2007,27(4): 534-538.
19. 郭美婷, 胡洪營, 劉文君. 避光處理對污水紫外線消毒後大腸桿菌光復活的影響, 環境科學,2008,29(6): 1644-1648.
20. 郭美婷, 胡洪營, 劉文君. 復活光照強度對大腸桿菌和糞大腸桿菌光復活的影響, 環境科學,2008,29(9): 2576-2579.
21. 郭美婷,胡洪營. 紫外線對銅綠微囊藻的抑制效果及特性研究, 環境科學,2011,32(6):1608-1613.

