郭秀萍 女,西南交通大學管理學院運營管理系副教授,博導(系主任) 研究方向 物流供應鏈管理,調度最佳化,服務運作管理,智慧型算法 學歷 博士 政治面貌 黨員。主持2項國家自然科學基金項目,主研5項國家自然科學基金項目、1項教育部創新團隊項目、1項美國Intel公司高校合作項目、上海寶鋼高校合作等各類科研課題10餘項。近年一直立足管理科學、先進制造、信息科學多學科相交叉,相關成果發表學術論文10餘篇(被SCI和EI收錄),其中國際著名期刊6篇。
- 中文名:郭秀萍
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:上海交通大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向: 物流供應鏈管理
- 職務:副教授,博導
- 主要成就:主持2項國家自然科學基金項目,主研5項國家自然科學基金項目、1項教育部創新團隊項目
- 學術代表作:現代製造系統智慧型調度技術及其套用
郭秀萍 女,西南交通大學管理學院運營管理系副教授,博導(系主任) 研究方向 物流供應鏈管理,調度最佳化,服務運作管理,智慧型算法 學歷 博士 政治面貌 黨員
國際生產與運作管理學會(Production and Operations Management Society, POMS)成員, 國際期刊International Journal of Production Research 、International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems等的審稿專家
2006.6~2007.6: Intel公司(上海)供應鏈最佳化解決方案工程部研究員 。2007.07~至今:西南交通大學經濟管理學院管理科學與工程系副教授。
2015.1~2016.1: 美國休斯頓大學工業工程系訪問學者(國家留學基金委資助)。
[1]Xiuping Guo, Deming Lei, Bi-objective job shop scheduling with outsourcing options[J], International Journal of Production Research, 52(13), 3832–3841.2014.
[2]Lei Deming, Guo Xiuping, A parallel neighborhood search for order acceptance and scheduling in flow shop environments,International Journal of Production Economics, in press.
[3]Lei Deming,Guo Xiuping, Hybrid flow shop scheduling with not-all-machines options via local search with controlled deterioration, Computers and Operations Research,in press.
[4]Deming Lei,Xiuping Guo,Scheduling job shop with lot streaming and transportation through a modified artificial bee colony[J],International Journal of Production Research, 51(16), 4930–4941.2013.
[5]Deming Lei, Xiuping Guo, Variable neighborhood search for minimizing tardiness objectives on flow shop with batch processing machines[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 49(2), 519-529. 2011.
[6]Deming Lei, Xiuping Guo, Swarm neighborhood based algorithm for fuzzy flexible job shop scheduling[J],International Journal of Production Research, 2012.
[7]Xiuping GUO,Genke YANG,Zhiming WU,Zhonghua HUANG,A Hybrid Fine-Tuned Multi-Objective Memetic Algorithm[J]. TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 2006,Vol.E89-A, No.3, pp.790-797.
[8]Xiuping Guo, Zhiming Wu and Genke Yang, A Hybrid Self-adjusted Memetic Algorithm for Multi-objective Optimization[J], Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, Vol 3789, pp.663 – 672.
[9]Guo Xiu Ping, Yang Gen Ke, and Wu Zhi Ming, A Hybrid Adaptive Multi-objective Memetic Algorithm for 0/1 Knapsack Problem[J], Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, Vol 3809, pp.176 – 185.
[10]劉加利, 郭秀萍,存在產品互斥和車輛匹配的多中心開環VRP, 系統管理學報,2015.
[11]郭秀萍,楊根科,吳智銘,一種混合自適應多目標Memetic算法, 控制與決策, 2006, Vol.21, No.11, pp.1234-1238.
[12]郭秀萍,楊根科,吳智銘,一種基於模擬退火的多目標Memetic算法, 信息與控制,2007,vol.36, No.1, pp.29-32.
[1] 雷德明,郭秀萍. 現代製造系統智慧型調度技術及其套用[M]. 中國電力出版社,2010:66-177.
[1]Guo xiuping, Liu huahua, A RKGA for a single batch processing machine with secondary resource constraints, POMS International Conference 2014.
[2]Lei Gao,Xiuping Guo, Minimizing earliness-tardiness time on a batch processing machine with dynamic job arrivals and uncommon due dates[C]. The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Management,2012.
[3]Hou zhengliang, Guo xiuping,A Variable Neighborhood Search Approach for Multiple Resources Constrained Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem[C],2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2012.
[4]Zhengliang Hou, Xiuping Guo,Parallel Machine Scheduling with Resources Constraint and Sequence Dependent Setup Times, 2012 third international asia conference on industrial enginerring and management innovation, 2012.
[5]Xiuping GUO,A Variable Neighborhood Based Memetic Algorithm for Scheduling Single Batch Processing Machine with Non-identical Job Sizes[C]. IEEE International Conference on Management Science and Information Engineering, 2010: 327-330.
[6]Deming Lei, Xiuping Guo, Solving fuzzy flexible job shop scheduling problems using genetic algorithm[C]. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2008: 1014-1019,.
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