


  • 中文名:郭登極
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:離子束電子束微納加工、微納器件微納機器人
  • 任職院校:深圳大學


2010-10至2013-09,日本東京大學 機械工程系 博士,導師:石原直教授(日本工程院院士、日本套用物理學會理事長、日本精密工學會會長)、米谷玲皇講師
2005-04至2007-03,日本福井大學 機械工程系 碩士,導師:岩井善郎教授(日本工程院院士、福井大學副校長);
2004-04至2005-03,日本福井大學 材料工程系 國際交換留學生,導師:吳行正副教授;
2000-09至2004-03,南昌航空大學 材料成型與控制工程專業;
2015-01至今,深圳大學 機電與控制工程學院/半導體製造研究院;
2014-03至2014-12,Sensata Technologies Japan有限公司(原日本德州儀器) 研發工程師,壓力感測器的研發;
2013-04至2014-02,日本東京大學 機械工程系日本學術振興會(JSPS)特別研究員;
2007-04至2010-09,日本三菱電機有限公司 研發工程師,工業自動化產品的研發。
中國機械工程學會微納製造技術分會 委員,中國微米納米技術學會微納執行器與微系統分會 理事,深圳市科創委 項目評審專家,深圳市微米納米技術學會 會員,深圳市青年科技人才協會 會員




(深圳大學半導體製造研究院 博士後科研人員&專職研究人員募集中。有意應聘者,請發信信箱聯繫)


代表期刊論文 :
聚焦離子束加工(Focused Ion Beam)
- Jiao Xu, Li Qiao, Zewen Duan, Dengji Guo, Liqiang Chai, Xiaoyu Zhao, Peng Wang*, Weimin Liu, "Self-ion rrradiation on hydrogenated amorphous carbon films at depth of adhesion interlayer: radiation-induced atomic intermixing and degraded film properties", Surface and Interface Analysis, 2020, accepted, doi: 10./1002/sia.6785.
- Jiao Xu, Zewen Duan, Li Qiao, Liqiang Chai, Zhang Chen, Dengji Guo*, Peng Wang*, Weimin Liu, "Nonuniform transitions of heavy-ion irradiated a-C:H films in depth direction - Structure and antiwear property degradation analysis", Carbon, 2019, 146: 200-209.
- Dengji Guo, Xinchun Chen*, Chenhui Zhang, Xiaoyu Wu, Zhiyuan Liu, Kunluo Li, Jun Zhang, Chenxue Wang, "Nanoscale Tunable Reduction of Interfacial Friction on Nano-Patterned Wear-Resistant Bulk Metallic Glass", Applied Surface Science, 2018, 453: 297-308.
- Jun Dai*, Saipeng Xie, Hui Chang, Dengji Guo, Reo Kometani, "A semi-empirical growth model study of W–C induced by focused ion beam with a Gaussian–Holtsmarkian distribution", Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52(20): 12326–12335. (DOI 10.1007/s10853-017-1377-y)
- Dengji Guo*, Shin’ichi Warisawa, Sunao Ishihara and Reo Kometani, “Mechanical characteristics of ultra-long horizontal nanocantilevers grown by real-time feedback control on focused-ion-beam chemical vapour deposition“, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2015, 25: 125028.
- Dengji Guo*, Reo Kometani, Shin’ichi Warisawa and Sunao Ishihara, “Growth of ultra-long horizontal free-space-nanowire by the real-time feedback control of the scanning speed on focused-ion-beam chemical vapor deposition“, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2013, 31: 061601.
- Dengji Guo*, Reo Kometani, Shin’ichi Warisawa and Sunao Ishihara, “Three-Dimensional Nanostructure Fabrication by Controlling Downward Growth on Focused-Ion-Beam Chemical Vapor Deposition“, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 51: 065001.
微細電物理/化學加工(Micro Electro-Physical/Chemical Machining)
- Zhao-zhi Wu, Xiao-yu Wu⁎, Bin Xu⁎, Deng-ji Guo, Yong Tang, Dong-feng Diao, "Reverse-polarity PMEDM using self-welding bundled 3D-laminated microelectrodes", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, 273: 116261.
- Zhao-zhi Wu, Feng Luo*, Deng-ji Guo*, Xiao-yu Wu, Bin Xu, Jian-guo Lei, Xiong Liang, Dong-feng Diao, "Micro-EDM by using laminated 3D micro-electrodes with deionized water containing B4C powder", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 99: 2893–2902.
- Bin Xu, Xiao-yu Wu*, Jian-guo Lei*, Hang Zhao, Xiong Liang, Rong Cheng, Deng-ji Guo, "Elimination of 3D micro-electrode’s step effect and applying it in micro-EDM", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 96(1–4): 429–438.
- Bin Xu*, Xiao-yu Wu*, Jian-guo Lei, Xiong Liang, Hang Zhao, Deng-ji Guo and Shuang-chen Ruan, "Micro-ECM of 3D micro-electrode for efficiently processing 3D micro-structure", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-9825-4.
- Dengji Guo, Xiaoyu Wu*, Jianguo Lei, Bin Xu, Reo Kometani and Feng Luo, "Fabrication of micro/nanoelectrode using focused-ion-beam chemical vapor deposition, and its application to micro-ECDM", Procedia CIRP, 2016, 42: 733-736.
- Jianguo Lei, Xiaoyu Wu*, Bo Wu, Bin Xu, Dengji Guo and Jinming Zhong, "Fabrication of 3D microelectrodes by combining wire electrochemical micromachining and micro-electric resistance slip welding", Procedia CIRP, 2016, 42: 825-830.
金屬增材製造(Metal Additive Manufacturing)
- Jianjun Lin, Yaohui Lv, Dengji Guo*, Xiaoyu Wu, Zhou Li, Cai Liu, Bingang Guo, Gang Xu, Binshi Xu, "Enhanced strength and ductility in thin Ti-6Al-4V alloy components by alternating the thermal cycle strategy during plasma arc additive manufacturing", Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 759: 288-297.
- Jianjun Lin, Dengji Guo*, Yaohui Lv*, Yuxin Liu, Xiaoyu Wu, Bin Xu, Gang Xu, Binshi Xu, "Heterogeneous microstructure evolution of Ti-6Al-4V alloy thin-wall component deposited by plasma arc additive manufacturing", Materials & Design, 2018, 157: 200-210.
飛秒雷射加工(Femtosecond Laser Processing)
- Jianxun Lu, Xiaoyu Wu*, Shuangchen Ruan*, Dengji Guo*, Chenlin Du, Xiong Liang, Zhaozhi Wu, "The Femtosecond Laser Ablation on Ultrafine-Grained Copper", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
- Jianxun Lu, Xiaoyu Wu*, Zhaozhi Wu, Zhiyuan Liu, Dengji Guo, Yan Lou and Shuangchen Ruan*, "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Al-6061 Prepared Using Intermittent Ultrasonic-Assisted Equal-Channel Angular Pressing", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(10): 5107-5117.
- 郭登極,“從毫米到微納米的跨尺度增減材製造:等離子弧金屬增材製造、電物理/化學加工、高能束加工”,中國微米納米技術學會第三屆微米納米技術套用創新大會,佛山,2019/07。(邀請報告)
- Zhao-zhi Wu, Deng-ji Guo*, Xiao-yu Wu*, Bing Xu, Jian-guo Lei, Kai Jiang, Dong-feng Diao, "Vibration-assisted Micro-ECM by Laminated 3D Microelectrode Using a Low-concentration NaNO3 Electrolyte Containing Suspended B4C Particles", the 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Materials processing, P309, Sydney, Australia, 2018/08.
- 郭登極,“微細電加工,飛秒雷射加工及三維微納離子束加工”,中國微米納米技術學會第二屆微米納米技術套用創新大會,西安,2018/05。(邀請報告)
- 郭登極*,Shin'ichi Warisawa,Sunao Ishihara,Reo Kometani,助力微納極限感測器的三維微納加工技術:聚焦離子束化學氣相沉積法,第二屆“微納感測器與系統集成技術”青年學者論壇,成都,2017/06。(特邀報告)
- Dengji Guo, Xiaoyu Wu*, Jianguo Lei, Kunluo Li, Weiyu He, Bin Xu, and Feng Luo, "ECDM using micro/nanoelectrode fabricated by focused-ion-beam chemical vapor deposition", ASPE 2016 Annual Meeting Proceeding, 4734, Portland, USA, 2016/10.
- Dengji Guo, Xiaoyu Wu*, Jianguo Lei, Bin Xu, Reo Kometani and Feng Luo, "Fabrication of micro/nanoelectrode using focused-ion-beam chemical vapor deposition, and its application to micro-ECDM", 18th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM XVIII), Z00074, Tokyo, Japan, 2016/04.
- 郭登極*,割澤伸一,石原直,米谷玲皇,運用聚焦離子束化學氣相沉積的實時反饋控制製備懸臂三維納米結構及其力學特性,第16屆全國特種加工學術會議,廈門,2015/11。
- Dengji Guo*, Shin’ichi Warisawa, Sunao Ishihara and Reo Kometani, “A novel scanning strategy towards the 3D print at micro/nanoscale achieved by focused ion beam induced deposition“, 6th International Conference of the Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology (CSMNT 2015), 85515, Shanghai, China, 2015/10.
- Dengji Guo*, Shin’ichi Warisawa, Sunao Ishihara and Reo Kometani, “The three-dimensional nanostructure fabrication by the real-time feedback control of the scanning speed on focused-ion-beam chemical vapor deposition, and their characterizations“, The 15th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE 2014), P55, Kanazawa, Japan, 2014/07.
- Jalabert, L.*; Valet, G.; Chorosz, A.; Guo, D.; Kometani, R.; Guillou, H.; Sato, T.; Volz, S.; Fujita, H., “Improved MEMS-in-TEM setup for high sensitivity thermal characterization of nanowire using a new TEM cryo-holder“, 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS 2013 (2013 Transducers and Eurosensors XXVII), P1839-1842, Barcelona, Spain, 2013/06. (DOI: 10.1109/Transducers.2013.6627148)
- Dengji Guo*, Reo Kometani, Shin’ichi Warisawa and Sunao Ishihara, “Mechanical characteristics of the ultra-long horizontal free-space-nanowire grown by real-time feedback control on focused-ion-beam chemical vapor deposition“, The 57th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN 2013), 9A-5, Nashville, USA, 2013/05.
- Dengji Guo*, Reo Kometani, Shin’ichi Warisawa and Sunao Ishihara, “Ultra-long horizontal free-space-nanowire growth by the real-time feedback control of the scanning speed on focused-ion-beam chemical vapor deposition“, 38th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2012), Nanofab3-049, Toulouse, France, 2012/09.
- Dengji Guo*, Reo Kometani, Shin’ichi Warisawa and Sunao Ishihara, “Evaluations of the Downward Growth Characteristics on the 3-D Nanostructure Fabrication using Focused-Ion-Beam Chemical Vapor Deposition“, 3rd GMSI International Symposium, 29D-9-108, Tokyo, Japan, 2012/03.
- Dengji Guo*, Reo Kometani, Shin’ichi Warisawa and Sunao Ishihara, “The 3-D Nanostructure Fabrication by Controlling Downward Growth on Focused-Ion-Beam Chemical Vapor Deposition“, 24th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2011), 27C-9-3, Kyoto, Japan, 2011/10.
- 郭登極,伍曉宇,雷建國,徐斌,羅烽,阮雙琛。電極製備方法、電極部件和特種加工平台,中國發明專利,ZL201610979028.3,已授權。
- 日本專利:米谷玲皇,郭登極,割澤伸一,石原直。微小構造物の製造裝置、及び製造方法,特開2014-44829。
- PCT國際專利:劉志遠,陳鵬,龔峰,郭登極。System and method for fabrication of bulk nanocrystal alloy,國際申請號:PCT/CN2017/079890。
- 伍曉宇,雷建國,鐘金明,徐斌,郭登極,阮雙琛。微細電解加工工具電極製備方法及裝置,CN201611072820.7,已授權。
- 伍曉宇,雷建國,鐘金明,徐斌,郭登極,阮雙琛。一種可變形的工具電極的電解加工工藝及其裝置,CN201611179560.3,已授權。




