


  • 中文名:郭春明
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:復旦大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生殖泌尿系統的發育及疾病


2010-2019年先後在Harvard Medical School/Boston Children’s Hospital 和University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio 從事博士後研究。


生殖泌尿系統(Genitourinary system)是生命演化中新型功能的器官群,控制了生命繁衍及廢物排棄。然而對於該器官群的認知,特別是膀胱和子宮的發生髮育、生理內穩態、病理髮生及防治,仍然有限。為進一步探索生殖泌尿系統的發生形成及疾病機理,本實驗室以小鼠為模式生物,結合人類細胞系及臨床生理病理樣本,運用遺傳學、免疫、生化、分子、細胞、藥物、行為以及高通量測序和功能篩選等研究方法研究生殖泌尿系統發育、生理和病理的分子調控機制。此外,本實驗室還開展轉化醫學研究,積極探索小分子干預及基因療法對於生殖泌尿系統疾病模型的挽救實驗。
1. 生殖泌尿系統的器官發生髮育
2. 表觀遺傳在細胞增殖分化、組織再生及腫瘤形成中的作用
3. 病原細菌對泌尿生殖系統免疫防禦、孕期妊娠和胎兒發育的影響
4. 早期性別差異因子在發育、生理和病理中的作用


1.Guo CM, Balsara Z, Warren H, Li X Stage- and Subunit-specific Functions of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 in Bladder Urothelial Formation and Regeneration. Development 2017 1;144(3):400-408.
2.Guo CM, Kaneko S, Sun Y, Huang Y, Vlodavsky I, Li X, Li ZR, Li X. A Mouse Model of Urofacial Syndrome with Dysfunctional Urination. Hum Mol Genet 2015 1;24(7):1991-9
3.Guo CM, Wang W, Liu C, Myatt L, Sun K. Induction of PGF2α by cortisol through GR dependent induction of CBR1 in amnion fibroblast. Endocrinology 2014 155(8):3017-24.
4.Guo CM, Li C, Myatt L, Nathanielsz PW, Sun K. Sexually dimorphic effects of maternal nutrient reduction on expression of genes regulating cortisol metabolism in fetal baboon adipose and liver tissues. Diabetes 2013 62(4):1175-85.
5. Guo CM, Kasaraneni N, Sun K, Myatt L. Cross-talk between PKC and CREB in the induction of COX-2 by PGF2α in human amnion fibroblasts. Endocrinology 2012 Oct 153(10):4938-45.
6.Guo CM, Li JN, Myatt L, Zhu XO, Sun K. Induction of Gαs protein contributes to the paradoxical stimulation of cytosolic phospholipase A2α expression by cortisol in human amnion fibroblasts. Mol Endocrinol 2010 May 24(5):1052-61.
7.Guo CM, Zhu XO, Ni XT, Yang Z, Myatt L, Sun K. Expression of Progesterone receptor A form and its role in the interaction of progesterone with cortisol on cyclooxygenase-2 expression in human amnion fibroblasts. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2009 Dec 94(12):5085-92。
8.Wang W, Guo CM, Zhu P, Lu JW, Li WJ, Liu C, Xie HL, Myatt L, Chen ZJ, Sun K. Phosphorylation of STAT3 mediates the induction of cyclooxygenase-2 by cortisol in the human amnion at parturition. Science Signaling 2015 27;8(400):ra106.
9. Muralimanoharan S, Guo CM, Maloyan A, Myatt L Sexual dimorphism in miR-210 expression and mitochondrial dysfunction in the placenta with maternal obesity. Int J Obes 2015 39(8):1274-81.
10. Muralimanoharan S, Maloyan A, Mele J, Guo CM, Myatt LG, Myatt L MIR-210 modulates mitochondrial respiration in placenta with preeclampsia. Placenta 2012; Oct 33(10):816-23.


