



  • 中文名:郭新聞
  • 出生日期:1967年生
  • 畢業院校:大連理工大學化工學院
  • 主要成就:已申請發明專利5項
  • 性別:男
  • 職稱:教授
  • 職務:博士生導師,石油學報編委


  1. 分子篩催化
  2. 雜原子分子篩的合成及其催化性能研究
  3. 多環芳烴擇形催化製備功能材料單體
  4. 環境友好催化與催化新材料


























主要採用廉價模板劑合成鈦矽沸石,並用於丙烯環氧化制環氧丙烷。該領域曾得到一項國家自然科學基金委‘九五’ 重大項目子課題 “環氧丙烷鈦矽沸石催化劑及反應過程的基礎研究”(29792071),在2001年4月國家自然科學基金委組織的結題驗收中,此課題被評為特優,其技術水平被認定為國際先進。該課題主要研究:鈦矽沸石的水熱合成,二次合成法製備鈦矽沸石,丙烯環氧化制環氧丙烷催化劑的研製和評價。與國內外同行相比,特色是:
  1. 實現了用廉價TPABr代替TPAOH作為模板劑水熱合成鈦矽沸石,建立了簡便的合成體系,模板劑量減少至接近理論值,製備重複性很好,使鈦矽沸石成為工業沸石。
  2. 從丙烯環氧化主副反應都是強放熱、環氧丙烷(PO)是目的產物也是副反應乃至引起催化劑失活物種的起始原料的特點,研製成功負載型小球催化劑。本人在本課題中承擔重要的研究和管理工作,輔助指導博士生兩名,碩士生2名,發表文章50餘篇,SCI收錄十餘篇,並申請專利3項,參加編寫專著1本。現在,“300噸/年丙烯環氧化法生產環氧丙烷工業中間試驗”已在中國石油天然氣集團公司立項,工業中試正在進行中,本人為主要參加者。


Shape selective methylation of 4-methylbiphenyl or naphthalene with methanol over modified HZSM-5
1. Xinwen Guo,Jianping Shen,Lu Sun,Chunshan Song,Xiangsheng Wang,Effects of SiO2/Al2O3,Mg modification and hydrothermal treatment on the catalytic activity of HZSM-5 zeolites in the methylation of 4-methylbiphenyl with methanol,Applied Catalysis A,General,2004,261:183-189.
2. Xinwen Guo,Jianping Shen,Chunshan Song,Xiangsheng Wang,Effects of SiO2/Al2O3,MgO modification and hydrothermal treatment on shape-selective methylation of 4-methylbiphenyl with methanol over HZSM-5 zeolites,Proceedings: 14th International zeolite conference. Editors: E. Van Steen et al. ISBN 0-958-46636-X,25-30 April 2004,Cape Town,South Africa,P2247-2254.
3. Xinwen Guo,Jianping Shen,Lu Sun,Chunshan Song,Xiangsheng Wang, Shape-selective methylation of 4-methylbiphenyl to 4,4’-dimethylbiphenyl over HZSM-5 modified with metal oxide of MgO,CaO,SrO,BaO and ZnO,Catalysis Letters,2003,87(1-2):25-29.
4. Xinwen Guo,Jianping Shen,Lu Sun,Chunshan Song,Xiangsheng Wang,Effect of hydrothermal treatment conditions on the catalytic activity of HZSM-5 zeolites in the methylation of 4-methylbiphenyl,Catalysis Letters,2003,87(3-4):159-166.
5. Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Jianping Shen,Chunshan Song,Shape-selective synthesis of 4,4’-dimethylbiphenyl over hydrothermally treated HZSM-5 catalysts,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2003,24⑼:647-648.
6. Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Jianping Shen,Lu Sun,Chunshan Song,Methylation of 4-methylbiphenyl with methanol over metal oxide modified HZSM-5 zeolite catalyst,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2003,24⑸:333-337。
7. Xinwen Guo,Jianping Shen,Chunshan Song,Xiangsheng Wang,Shape Selective Methylation of 4-Methylbiphenyl with Methanol over MgO/HZSM-5 Catalyst. Am. Chem. Soc. Div. Fuel Chem. Prepr.,2003,48 ⑵,902-903.
8. Xinwen Guo,Jianping Shen,Lu Sun,Chunshan Song,Xiangsheng Wang,Reactivity of 4,4'-Dimethylbiphenyl with Methanol over Modified HZSM-5 Catalysts. Am. Chem. Soc. Div. Petrol. Chem. Prepr.,2003,48 ⑷,280-281.
9.Xinwen Guo,Jianping Shen,Lu Sun,Chunshan Song,Xiangsheng Wang. Shape-selective Methylation of 4-Methylbiphenyl with Methanol over Metal Oxide Modified HZSM-5 Prepared by Ion-Exchange Method. Am. Chem. Soc. Div. Petrol. Chem. Prepr.,2003,48 ⑷,286-287.
10. Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Jianping Shen,Lu Sun,Chunshan Song,Synthesis of 4,4-dimethylbiphenyl through shape-selective methylation of 4-methylbiphenyl with methanol I. Comparison of MgO modified and hydrothermally treated HZSM-5 zeolite catalysts,ACTA PETROLEI SINICA(PETROLEUM PROCESSING SECTION),2004,20⑴: 6-11.
11. Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Jianping Shen,Lu Sun,Chunshan Song,Shape-selective methylation of 4-methylbiphenyl with methanol into 4,4-dimethylbiphenyl Ⅱ. Effects of zeolite type,the SiO2/Al2O3 mol ratios and phosphorus modification,ACTA PETROLEI SINICA (PETROLEUM PROCESSING SECTION),2004,20⑶: 37-42.
12. Yanan wang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Development of Shape-selective alkylation of biphenyl to 4,4’-dialkybiphenyl,Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2004,23⑴: 51-54.
13. Yin Weishan,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Development of shape-selective methylation of naphthalene into 2,6-dimethylnaphthalene,Petrochemical Technology,2003,32⑾: 1007-1011.
14. Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Jianping Shen,Chunshan Song,Shape selective synthesis of 4,4’-dimethylbiphenyl over modified ZSM-5 catalysts,Catalysis Today,2004,93-95:411-416.
15. Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Jianping Shen,Chunshan Song,Methylation performance of 4-methylbiphenyl with methanol over MgO modified HZSM-5,Petrochemical Technology,2003,32: 334-336.
Gas-Phase Epoxidation of Propylene in the presence of H2 and O2 over Ag/TS-1
1. Ruipu Wang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Jingquan Hao,Propylene epoxidation over silver supported on titanium silicalite zeolite,Catalysis Letters,2003,90(1-2):57-63.
2. Ruipu Wang,Jingquan Hao,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Highly effective propylene epoxidation with hydrogen-oxygen mixture over Ag/TS-1 catalysts,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2003,24⑸:319-320.
3. Ruipu Wang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Jingquan Hao,Gang Li,Jinghai Xiu,Effects of preparation conditions and reaction conditions on the epoxidation of propylene with molecular oxygen over Ag/TS-1 in the presence of hydrogen,Applied Catalysis A,General,2004,261: 7-13.
4. Ruipu Wang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Jingquan Hao,Yingwu Li,Synthesis of propylene oxide by gas-phase propylene epoxidation over Ag/TS-1 prepared with different precipitators,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2004,25⑴:55-59.
5. Ruipu Wang,Jingquan Hao,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Characterization and gas-phase epoxidation performance of Ag/TS-1 prepared with carbonate as precipitators Prepr. Pap.-Am.Chem.Soc.,Div. Pet. Chem. 2003,48⑷,264.
6. Jingquan Hao,Ruipu Wang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Gas-phase epoxidation of propylene over La-promoted Ag/TS-1 catalysts,Advances in Fine petrochemicals (China),2003,4⑻: 1-4.
7. Ruipu Wnag,Hao Jingquan,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Xuewu Liu,Propylene epoxidation over Ag/TS-1 catalysts,Proceedings: 14th International zeolite conference. Editors: E. Van Steen et al. ISBN 0-958-46636-X,25-30 April 2004,Cape Town,South Africa,P2632-2638.
8. Chuanfu Wang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Ruipu Wang,Jingquan Hao,Preparation of Ag/TS-1 in microemulsion and its catalytic properties in the gas-phase propylene epoxidation,Prep. Pap. –Am. Chem. Soc.,Div. Pet. Chem. 2004,49⑴: 29-31.
9. Chuanfu Wang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Ruipu Wang,Jingquan Hao,Gas-phase propylene epoxidation over Ag/TS-1 prepared in W/O microemulsion,Catalysis Letters,2004,96(1-2): 79-85.
10. Xinwen Guo,Ruipu Wang,Xiangsheng Wang,Jingquan Hao,Effects of preparation method and precipitator on the propylene epoxidation over Ag/TS-1 in the gas-phase,Catalysis Today,2004,93-95: 211-216.
11. Ruipu Wang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Jingquan Hao,Gas-phase epoxidation of propylene over Ag/Ti-containing catalysts,Catalysis Today,2004,93-95: 217-222.
12. Ruipu Wang,Jingquan Hao,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Direct synthesis of propylene oxide by gas phase of propylene over Ag/TS-1,ACTA PETROLEI SINICA (PETROLEUM PROCESSING SECTION),2004,20⑷: 44-50.
Olefins Reduction in FCC gasoline
1. Peiqing Zhang,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Hongchen Guo,Leping Zhao,Yongkang Hu,Characterization of modified nanoscale ZSM-5 seolite and its application in the olefins reduction in FCC gasoline,Catalysis Letters,2004,92(1-2): 63-68.
2. Fu Yang,Xiangsheng Wang,Yihui Liu,Xinwen Guo,et al.,Characterization of catalyst for upgrading DCC gasoline and its reactivity evaluation,Journal of Dalian University of Technology,2004,44⑴: 35-38.
Synthesis,Characterization and Catalytic properties of titanium silicalites
1. Xuewu Liu,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Gang Li,Regeneration of Lamina TS-1 catalyst in the epoxidation of propylene with hydrogen peroxide,Catalysis Letters,2004,97(3-4): 223-229.
2. Min Liu,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Changhai Liang,Can Li,Effect of n (SiO2/B2O3) in the precursor on chemical physics properties of Ti-ZSM-5 synthesized by gas-solid method,Catalysis Today,2004,93-95:659-664.
3. Xuewu Liu,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Gang Li,Haisheng Yan,Effect of solvent on the propylene epoxidation over TS-1 catalyst,Catalysis Today,2004,93-95:505-509.
4. Weiguo Cheng,Xiangsheng Wang,Gang Li,Xinwen Guo,Highly effective epoxidation of propylene in the TS-1/urea/hydrogen peroxide system,Chinese Journal of Catlysis,2004,25⑺: 513-514.
5. Min Liu,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Changhai Liang,Can Li,The synthesis of Ti-ZSM-5 from B-ZSM-5 precursor for epoxidation of propylene,Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing section),2004,20⑷:20-25.
6. Jimen Meng,Gang Li,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Intergrate reaction of isopropanol oxidation and epoxidation of propylene,Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing section),2004,20⑷:38-43.
7. Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Gang Li,Synthesis of titanium silicalite(TS-1)from the TPABr system and its catalytic properties for epoxidation of propylene, Catal Today,2002,74(1-2):65~75。
8. Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Min Liu,etc.,Epoxidation of propylene with dilute hydrogen peroxide over titanium silicalite containing trace aluminum,Catalysis Letters, 2002,81(1-2):125-130。
9. Liqin Wang,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Gang Li,Yongying Chen,Synthesis of titanium silicalite-1 in the presence of Tween 40,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2003,24⑶: 161-162.
10. Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Synthesis,characterization and catalytic properties of low cost titanium silicalites,Catal. Today,1999,51:177.
11. Gang Li,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Qi Zhao,etc.,Synthesis of titanium silicalites in different template systems, Appl. Catal.A: General,1999,185:11-18.
12. Fazhi Zhang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,etc.,Preparation and characterization of titanium-containing MFI from highly silicious ZSM-5: Effects of precursors synthesized with different templates,Materials Chemistry and Physics,1999,60: 215.
13. Fazhi Zhang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,etc.,Preparation of titanium-containing zeolites with MEL structure from B-ZSM-11 and their characterization,Appl. Catal. A: General,2000,192⑵: 157-163.
14. Qi Zhao,Xinhe Bao,Xiuwen Han,Liwu Lin,Xinwen Guo,Gang Li,Xiangsheng Wang,Studies on the crystallization process of titanium silicalite (TS-1) synthesized using tetra-propyl-ammonium bromide as a template,Materials Chemistry and Physics,2000,66⑴: 41-50.
15. Qi Zhao,Xinhe Bao,Xiuwen Han,Liwu Lin,Xinwen Guo,Gang Li,Xiangsheng Wang,Studies on superoxide O2- species on the interaction of TS-1 zeolite with H2O2,Journal of Molecular A Chemical,2000,157(1-2):265-268.
16. Gang Li,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Song Liu,Qi Zhao,Xinhe Bao,Liwu Lin,Titanium species in titanium silicalite TS-1 prepared by hydrothermal method,Materials Chemistry and Physics,2001,71⑵:195-201.
17. Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang, Min Liu,Yongying Chen,Gang Li, Jinghai Xiu, Epoxidation of propylene with dilute hydrogen peroxide over titanium silicalite containing trace aluminum,Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal.,2001,135:165
18. Fazhi Zhang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Gang Li,The active sites in different TS-1 zeolites for propylene epoxidation studied by ultraviolet resonance Raman and ultraviolet visible absorption spectroscopies,Catalysis letters,2001,72(3-4):235-239. 19. Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Yihua Zhang,Honglin Wang,Synthesis,characterization and catalytic properties of TS/ TiO2 nano-structured composite materials The 4th green chemistry and engineering proceedings,2000,6,p91,oral,Washington,USA.
20. Gang Li,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Zhuohua Zhou,Qi,Zhao,etc.,A kind of inactive titanium species in titanium silicalite,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,1999,20⑵,99-100.
21. Yihua Zhang,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Song Liu,Synthesis of titanosilicalite using titanium tetrachloride as titanium source,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2000,21⑶:197-198.
22. Yihua Zhang,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Yongying Chen,Synthesis of titanosilicalites TS-1 with mixture of tetrabutyl orthosilicalite (TBOT) and titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) as the titanium source,Chinese Journal of Molecular Catalysis,2001,15⑵:149.
23. Liqin Wang,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Gang Li,Jinghai Xiu,Song Liu,Study on crystallization kinetics for synthesis of TS-1 and its catalytic performance,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2003,24⑵:132-136.
24. Xiangsheng Wang,Gang Li,Haisheng Yan,Xinwen Guo,Epoxidation of propylene in fixed bed reactor using supported titanium silicalite catalyst,Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal,2001,135: 273.
25. Gang Li,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Recent process of synthesis of propylene oxide,Chemical Process (China),1999,18⑴,8-10.
26. Gang Li,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Catalytic properties of titanium silicalites synthesized by hydrothermal method,ACTA PETROLEI SINICA (Petroleum Processing Section),1999,15⑸: 73-76.
27. Fazhi Zhang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Zhuohua Zhou,Preparation of Ti-ZSM-5 zeolites by gas-solid isomorphous replacement and their catalytic performance,Journal of Molecular Catalysis (China),1999,13:121-126.
28. Fazhi Zhang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Epoxidation of propylene with hydrogen peroxide over Ti-ZSM-5 prepared by gas-solid isomorphous substitution,ACTA PETROLEI SINICA (Petroleum Processing Section),1999,15⑷:76-80.
29. Fazhi Zhang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,et al.,Preparation of Ti-Beta zeolite by gas-solid interaction,I. Effect of dealumination of the zeolite precursor,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,1999,20⑷:467-470.
30. Fazhi Zhang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Song Liu,Preparation of titanium-containing Mordenites by gas-solid reaction,Journal of Molecular Catalysis (China),1999,13⑹:461-463..
31. Gang Li,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Guangyan Li,Study on crystallization kinetics of titanium silicalite,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2000,21⑴:64-66。
32. Gang Li,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,et al.,Function of TPABr,n-butylamine and seeds in the synthesis of titanium silicalite,Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology (China),1999,27⑹,565-567。
33. Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Synthesis of titanium silicalites with cheap materials,Journal of Dalian University of Technology,2000,40⑵:155-159。
34. Yihua Zhang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,et al.,Study on zeolite entrapped nano SnO2 clusters by CVD,Journal of Functional Materials (China),1999,30⑹,651-652.
35. Liqin Wang,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Yihui Liu,Gang Li,Guimin Li,Effects of alcohol removal temperature in sol forming process on physicalchemical properties of titanium silicalites,Journal of Dalian University of Technology,2003,43 ⑷: 420-423.
36. Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Gang Li,Min Liu,Jinghai Xiu,Thermostability of titanium silicalites synthesized by cheap materials,Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing section),2002,18⑵:34-40.
37. Xinwen Guo,Min Liu,Xiangsheng Wang,Haisheng Yan,Gang Li,Characterization and epoxidation properties of titanium silicalite TS-1 with different crystal sizes,Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing section),2001,17⑹:16-23.
38. Xinwen Guo,Min Liu,Xiangsheng Wang,Gang Li,Yongying Chen,Song Liu,Effect of pretreatment methods on catalytic performance of titanium silicalite-1,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2001,22⑷:370-372.
39. Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Gang Li,Fazhi Zhang,Zhuohua Zhang,Study on UV-Vis spectra of extra-framework titanium in titanium silicalites synthesized by different methods,Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing section),2001,17⑵:61-67.
40. Liqin Wang,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,et al.,Quick synthesis of titanium silicalite-1,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2001,22⑹: 513-514.
41. Yihua Zhang,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Development of titanium silicon catalytic materials I. Preparation of titania-silica mixed oxides and its catalytic properties,Prog Chem,2001,13⑴: 19-24.
42. Yihua Zhang,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Development of titanium silicon catalytic materials I. Preparation of titanosilicate TS-1 and its physicochemical properties,Prog Chem,2001,13⑸: 382-391.
43. Yihua Zhang,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Song Liu,Synthesis and Characterization of titanosilicalite and its Catalytic Performance,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2001,22⑴: 92-94.
44. Ruipu Wang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Yihua Zhang,Study of styrene photocatalytic oxidation over TS-TiO2,Journal of Dalian University of Technology,2001,41⑶:288-291.
45. Fazhi Zhang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Development of large pore titanium-containing molecular sieves,China Chemistry (Huaxue Tongbao),2000,2: 7-12.
46. Gang Li,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Effects of the solvent,acid and base on the propylene epoxidation,Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing section),2001,17⑶:62.
47. Yihua Zhang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,gang Li,Yongying Chen,Extraframework titanium species (TiO2)x in TS-1 zeolite and its effect on epoxidation of Propylene,Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing section),2000,16⑸:41-46.
48. Honglin Wang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,et al.,Growing of nanostructured titanium-silicalite on amorphous titania and its catalytic activity in epoxidation,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,1999,20⑸:557-560.
49. Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Min Liu,Haisheng Yan,Yongying Chen,Jinghai Xiu,Study on the acid treatment of titanium silicalite TS-1,Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2000,21⑿,466.
50. Gang Li,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Synthesis of TS-1 zeolite using tetra- propylammonium bromide as template,Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing section),1999,15⑴:90-93.
51. Ruipu Wang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Research Progress of propylene oxide synthesis by direct catalytic oxidation,Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China),2003,54⑴: 2-8.
52. Haisheng Yan,Xiangsheng Wang,Jing Liu,Xinwen Guo,Study on the TS-1 deactivation during propylene epoxidation,Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing section),2002,18⑴:46.
53. Shaojie Guo,Yungan Ma,Jing Liu,Mingyue Zeng,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Synthesis of 1,4-dioxane over modified Beta zeolite,Advances in Fine Petrochemicals (China),2003,4⑽: 24-26.
54. Jiwen Meng,Gang Li,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Propylene epoxidation in nonprotic solvent,Journal of Dalian University of Technology,2003,43⑸: 577-581.
55. Xuewu Liu,Xiangsheng Wang,Ruipu Wang,Xinwen Guo,Gang Li,Study on the deactivated titanium silicalite during the epoxidation in the presence of N2,Journal of Molecular Catalysis (China),2003,17⑷: 247-254.
56. Gang Li,Xiangsheng Wang,Liqin Wang,Xinwen Guo,Comparison of two synthetic systems of titanium silicalite,Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing section),2003,19⑷: 76-81.
57. Jiwen Meng,Gang Li,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Xuewu Liu,Effect of solvent on the propylene epoxidation catalyzed by TS-1,Journal of Molecular Catalysis (China),2003,17⑵: 106-110.
58. Guiru Wang,Bo Wang,Xiongfu Zhang,Yongzhong Wang,Hai-ou Liu,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Characterization and Catalytic properties of Ti-Si-ZSM-5 zeolite with cheap materials,Journal of Dalian University of Technology,2000,40⑵: 160-164.
59. Yongzhong Wang,Guiru Wang,Xiongfu Zhang,Bo Wang,Hai-ou Liu,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Influence of synthetic method on synthesis of Ti-Si-ZSM-5 zeolite and exploration of synthesis procedure,Journal of Dalian University of Technology,2000,40⑸: 540-545.
60. Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Liqin Wang,Quick synthesis of nano-scale TS-1 and its catalytic properties,Proceedings: 14th International zeolite conference. Editors: E. Van Steen et al. ISBN 0-958-46636-X,25-30 April 2004,Cape Town,South Africa,P2589-2595.
61. Weiguo Cheng,Xiangsheng Wang,Gang Li,Xinwen Guo,Bingjuan Du,Characterization and catalytic activity of hydrothermally treated TS-1/SiO2 in propylene epoxidation,Catalysis Letters,2004,95(3-4): 185-190.
62. Gang Li,Jiwen Meng,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Effect of solvents on propylene epoxidation catalyzed by titanium silicalite,React. Kinet. Catal. Lett.,2004,82⑴: 73-80.
63. Ruipu Wang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Research Progress of the heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation,Huaxue Tongbao,2002,65,w037.
64. Min Liu,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Highly effective phenol hydroxylation over Ti-ZSM-5 catalyst prepared using B-ZSM-5 as precursor,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2004,25⑶: 169-170.
65. Yihua Zhang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,et al.,Characterization and quantum size effect of Faujasite-supported dispersion of SnO2,Materials Science and Engineering,1999,17⑵: 23-25.
66. Xuewu Liu,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Gang Li,Effects of propylene oxide on TS-1 catalytic performance during propylene epoxidation with hydrogen peroxide,ACTA PETROLEI SINICA (petroleum processing section),2003,19⑹: 29.
67. Junhong Zhang,Jing Liu,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Technical Progress of green synthesis of propylene oxide,Henna Huagong,2003,1: 1-4.
68. Jiwen Meng,Gang Li,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Integrated process of hydrogen peroxide and propylene oxide production,Modern Chemical Industry,2003,23⑿: 19.
69. Junhong Zhang,Jing Liu,Xiangsheng Wang,Yongchun Zhang,Xinwen Guo,Study on removal of trace water in propylene oxide with adsorption stripping,Applied Chemical Industry,2003,32⑷: 20-22.
70. Xuewu Liu,Xiangsheng Wang,Xinwen Guo,Gang Li,Study of propylene epoxidation catalyzed by TS-1 after recycling use,Journal of Dalian University of Technology,2004,44⑶: 356-361.
71. Qi Zhao,Xiuwen Han,Xiumei Liu,Runsheng Zhai,Liwu Lin,Ⅺnhe Bao,Xinwen Guo,Gang Li,Xiangsheng Wang,Studies on the process of Ti incorporation into the framework during the crystallization of TS-1 zeolite,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,1999,20⑴: 54-59.
Synthesis and Characterization of nano-scale molecular sieves
1. Weiping Zhang,Xinhe Bao,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,A high-resolution solid state NMR study on nano-structured HZSM-5 zeolites,Catal. Lett,1999,60 (1-2): 89-94.
2. Weiping Zhang,Ding Ma,Xiuwen Han,Xinhe Bao,Xinwen Guo,Xaingsheng Wang,Methane dehydro-aromatization over Mo/ZSM-5 in the absence of oxygen: a multinuclear solid-state NMR study of the interaction between supported Mo species and HZSM-5 zeolite with different crystal sizes,J. of Catalysis,1999,188:393-402.
3. Weiping Zhang,Xiuwen Han,Xiumei Liu,Xinhe Bao,Xinwen Guo,Xaingsheng Wang,Thermostability of nanosized HZSM-5 zeolite,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2000,21⑶:195-196。
4. Xinwen Guo,Yihui Liu,Xiangsheng Wang,Yongying Chen,Low temperature synthesis and characterization of ultra-fine ZSm-11 molecular sieves,Journal of Dalian University of Technology,2001,41⑷:426-430.
5. Lan Wang,Shuanghe Meng,Zhicheng Tan,Dongbai Liang,Xinwen Guo,Xiangsheng Wang,Study on thermostability of nanosized ZSM-5 zeolite,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2001,22⑸: 491-493.
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2002年獲中國石油和化學工業協會科技進步一等獎(部級,即原昊華獎,排名3)。2003年獲國家科技進步二等獎(排名3)。2004年入選遼寧省百千萬人才工程百人層次,2005年入選新世紀優秀人才支持計畫,2006年獲得遼寧省第五屆青年科技獎, 2007年被評為大連市第四批優秀專家。


