

郭振遠,男,1982年7月, 湖南大學數學學院教授博士生導師,嶽麓學者,香江學者。


  • 中文名:郭振遠
  • 畢業院校:湖南大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:高等數學
  • 任職院校:湖南大學數學學院
  • 性別:男


02/2019-至今 教授 湖南大學
10/2013–01/2019 副教授 湖南大學
01/2018-03/2018 訪問學者 香港理工大學
06/2017-09/2017 訪問學者 德州農工大學卡達分校
03/2013–02/2015 香江學者 香港中文大學
03/2010–09/2013 助理教授 湖南大學
10/2008–09/2009 聯合培養博士 加拿大西安大略大學
09/2004–12/2009 博士 湖南大學
09/2000–06/2004 本科 湖南大學


本科生課程:高等數學 常微分方程 複變函數
研究生課程: 差分方程 泛函微分方程 常微分方程的定性與穩定性理論 無窮維動力系統



1、國家自然科學基金面上項目 (61573003): 基於憶阻的群集神經動力學分析及其在最佳化中的套用, 2016.01-2019.12.
2、國家自然科學基金青年科學基金 (11101133): 右端不連續泛函微分方程理論及其套用, 2012.01-2014.12.
3、中國博士後基金面上項目(2013M542104): 不連續神經網路理論及其套用, 2013.01-2014.12.
4、中國博士後基金特別資助項目(2012T50714): 憶阻神經動力學及其套用, 2012.01-2013.12.


1、 美國數學會數學評論評論員;
2、 第六屆以及第八屆國際信息與科學技術會議 (ICIST 2016,2018)的出版主席(Publications Chair);
3、 第12屆,13屆以及14屆國際神經網路會議(ISNN 2014, 2015, 2016)的出版主席;
4、 第五屆國際信息與科學技術會議 (ICIST 2015)的組委會成員(Local Arrangement Chair)。
5、2013年、2016年國際計算智慧型大會(WCCI2013, 2016),以及第11屆、15屆國際神經網路會議(ISNN 2013, 2017)的程式委員會成員。


1. 黃立宏,郭振遠,王佳伏. 右端不連續微分方程理論與套用. 北京:科學出版社,2011.
2. Zhenyuan Guo, Linlin Liu, Jun Wang, Multistability of switched neural networks with piecewise linear activation functions under state-dependent switching, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2018, DOI:10.1109/TNNLS.2018.2876711
3. Zhenyuan Guo, Shuqing Gong, Shiping Wen, Tingwen Huang, Event-based synchronization control for memristive neural networks with time-varying delay, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2018.2839686
4. Zhenyuan Guo, Linlin Liu, Jun Wang, Multistability of recurrent neural networks with
piecewise-linear radial basis functions and state-dependent switching parameters, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018, DOI:10.1109/TSMC.2018.2853138
5. Zhenyuan Guo, Jun Wang, Zheng Yan, Global Exponential Synchronization of Two Memristor-based Recurrent Neural Networks with Time Delays via Static or Dynamic Coupling, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2015,45(2):235-249
6. Zhenyuan Guo, Shaofu Yang, Jun Wang, Global exponential synchronization of multiple memristive neural networks with time delay via nonlinear coupling, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2015, 26(6): 1300-1311
7. Zhenyuan Guo, Jun Wang, Zheng Yan, Passivity and passification of memristor-based recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2014, 25(11):2099-2199
8. Zhenyuan Guo, Jun Wang, Zheng Yan, Attractivity analysis of memristor -based cellular neural networks with time-varying delays, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2014, 25(4): 704-717
9. Shaofu Yang, Zhenyuan Guo, Jun Wang,Global Synchronization of Multiple Recurrent Neural Networks With Time Delays via Impulsive Interactions, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2016,28(7), 1657-1667
10. Shaofu Yang, Zhenyuan Guo, Jun Wang, Robust synchronization of multiple memristive neural networks with uncertain parameters via nonlinear coupling, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2015, 45(7): 077-1086
11. Zhenyuan Guo, Shuqing Gong, Shaofu Yang, Tingwen Huang, Global exponential synchronization of multiple coupled inertial memristive neural networks with time-varying delay via nonlinear coupling, Neural Networks, 2018, 108: 260-271
12. Shuqing Gong, Shaofu Yang, Zhenyuan Guo, Tingwen Huang, Global exponential synchronization of inertial memristive neural networks with time-varying delay via nonlinear controller, Neural Networks, 2018, 102: 138-148
13. Zhenyuan Guo, Shaofu Yang, Jun Wang, Global synchronization of memristive neural networks subject to random disturbances via distributed pinning control, Neural Networks, 2016, 84: 67-79
14. Zhenyuan Guo, Jun Wang, Zheng Yan, A systematic method for analyzing robust stability of interval neural networks with time-delays based on stability criteria, Neural Networks, 2014, 54: 112-122
15. Zhenyuan Guo, Jun Wang, Zheng Yan, Global exponential dissipativity and stabilization of memristor-based recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays, Neural Networks, 2013, 48: 158–172
17. Zhenyuan Guo, Xingfu Zou, Impact of discontinuous harvesting on fishery dynamics in a stock-effort fishing model, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2015, 20(2):594-603
18. Zhenyuan Guo, Shuqing Gong, Tingwen Huang, Finite-time synchronization of inertial memristive neural networks with time delay via delay-dependent control, Neurocomputing, 2018, 108: 260-271
19. Zhenyuan Guo, Lihong Huang, Generalized Lyapunov method for discontinuous systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 2009, 71(7-8):3083-3092
20. Zhenyuan Guo, Lihong Huang, Global exponential convergence and global convergence in finite time of non-autonomous discontinuous neural networks, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2009, 58: 349–359
21. Zhenyuan Guo, Lihong Huang, LMI conditions for global robust stability of delayed neural networks with discontinuous neuron activations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009, 215(3):889-900
22. Zhenyuan Guo, Shaofu Yang, Jun Wang, Global synchronization of stochastically disturbed memristive neurodynamics via discontinuous control laws, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2016, 3(2): 121-131
23. Zhenyuan Guo, Lihong Huang, Stability analysis for delayed neural networks with discontinuous neuron activations, Asian Journal of Control, 2013, 15(4):1-10
24. Zhenyuan Guo, Lihong Huang, Xingfu Zou, Impact of discontinuous treatments on disease dynamics in an SIR epidemic model, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2012, 9(1):97-110
25. Zhenyuan Guo, Lihong Huang, Global exponential stability of a general class of recurrent neural networks with variable delays, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 2011, 19(1-2):133-148
26. Zhenyuan Guo, Lihong Huang, Global output convergence of a class of recurrent delayed neural networks with discontinuous neuron activations, Neural Processing Letters, 2009, 30(3):213-227
27. Shuqing Gong, Shaofu Yang, Zhenyuan Guo, Tingwen Huang, Global exponential Synchronization of Memristive Competitive Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delay via Nonlinear Control, Neural Processing Letters, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11063-017-9777-1 (通訊作者)
28. Zengyun Wang, Zhenyuan Guo, Lihong Huang, Xinzhi Liu, Dynamical Behavior of Complex-Valued Hopfield Neural Networks with Discontinuous Activation Functions, Neural Processing Letters, 2017, 45(3), 1039-1061 (通訊作者)



