

男,1975年生,研究員,臨床醫學工程專業博士生導師,生物醫學工程專業碩士生導師。南京醫大二附院實驗中心納米生物技術課題組(PI)。東南大學生物醫學工程專業博士;江蘇省人民醫院臨床醫學領域博士後;Monash University訪問學者(Cheng Nanobionics Lab)。中國生物醫學工程學會納米醫學與工程分會委員, 中國研究型醫院學會神經再生與修復專業委員會幹細胞產業轉化學組委員, 江蘇生物醫學工程學會體外診斷技術專業委員會委員, 江蘇省生物醫學工程學會納米醫藥專業委員會委員, 江蘇省生物化學與分子生物學學會第十屆理事。江蘇省“333 高層次人才培養工程”青年科學技術帶頭人, 江蘇省“六大人才高峰”項目培養對象,江蘇省“六個一工程”拔尖人才項目A類資助。承擔國家自然科學基金項目3項,江蘇省重點研發項目1項,江蘇省社會發展項目1項。已發表SCI文章60篇,授權國家發明專利5項。


  • 中文名:郭志睿
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校東南大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:等離激元納米材料及其生物醫學套用
  • 主要成就:國家發明專利4項


1992-1996 學士, 南京林業大學, 精細化工 (畢業論文導師:羅慶雲 教授)
1998-2001碩士, 南京工業大學, 材料學 (導師: 魏無際 教授)
2001-2007 博士, 東南大學, 生物醫學工程 (導師:顧寧 教授)
2007-2010博士後,江蘇省人民醫院, 臨床醫學 (合作導師: 張寄南 教授)


2018-2019 Monash University (蒙納士大學), CHENG Nanobionics Group, Supervisor: Prof. Wenlong Cheng


1996-1998 助理工程師, 江蘇索普基團公司, 鎮江
2007-2010助理研究員, 江蘇省人民醫院
2010-2011助理研究員, 南京醫科大學第二附屬醫院
2018.12- 研究員,納米生物技術課題組PI,南京醫科大學第二附屬醫院


1. 等離激元納米材料的可控制備、宏量有序組裝及表面功能修飾;
2. 基於納米材料與器件的生物醫學感測、檢測與診斷,重點關注心腦血管及腎損傷疾病的快速診斷和惡性腫瘤的及早診斷。


2019-2021 江蘇省生物醫學工程學會 體外診斷技術專業委員會 委員
2018-2022 中國研究型醫院學會 神經再生與修復專委會幹細胞產業轉化學組 委員
2017-2020 江蘇省生物醫學工程學會納米醫藥專業委員會 委員
2019-2023 中國生物醫學工程學會 納米醫學與工程分會 委員
2017-2020 江蘇省藥物研究與開發協會醫療器械與藥學裝備專業委員會 委員


2013-2016 江蘇省第十批“六大人才高峰”高層次人才選拔培養項目
2016-2020 江蘇省第五期“333 高層次人才培養工程”第三層次培養對象
2019-2021 江蘇省“六個一工程”拔尖人才項目A類資助對象
2022-2025 共價交聯的超晶格SERS器件的構建及用於檢測心肌損傷標誌物 55萬
中國國家自然科學基金-面上項目(No. 82172111) 項目負責人
2020-2021 高重現性和定量化SERS感測平台的構建及免疫檢測 5萬
江蘇省“六個一工程”拔尖人才項目(LGY2019079) 項目負責人
2017-2021 基於金納米探針識別腫瘤特異外泌體用於癌症診斷 200萬
2015-2018 顯色和光散射雙模感測的免疫金納米探針的構建及檢測生物標誌物研究 73萬
中國國家自然科學基金-面上項目(No.81471783) 項目負責人
2014-2016 金納米顆粒載藥對缺血性腦卒中的治療作用及機制研究 5萬
南京市科技計畫項目(No.201402010) 項目負責人
2013-2016 快速檢測多種標誌物診斷或排除急性心肌梗死(損傷)試劑盒的研製和轉化 40萬
江蘇省科技廳科技支撐-社會發展項目(BE2013725) 項目負責人
2014-2016 基於新型金納米材料為標識的快速診斷急性心肌梗死(損傷)試劑盒的研製 5萬
江蘇省“六大人才高峰”高層次人選拔項目(No.WSN-055) 項目負責人
2012-2013 金-銀空心納米殼作為感測標籤檢驗心臟標誌物 3萬
江蘇省生物材料與器件重點實驗室開放課題 項目負責人
2011-2011 生物編碼的金納米棒探針多通道檢測ACS 標誌物的研究 10萬
中國國家自然科學基金-青年基金項目(No.81000664) 項目負責人
2008-2010 金納米棒作為感測平台檢測心臟標誌物 3萬
中國博士後科學基金 (No. 20090451236) 項目負責人


53. Bai T, Wang L, Wang M, Zhu Y, Li W, Guo Z, Zhang Y: Strategic synthesis of trimetallic Au@Ag-Pt nanorattles for ultrasensitive colorimetric detection in lateral flow immunoassay. Biosensors & bioelectronics 2022, 208:114218.
52. Li W, Yang X, Bai T, Xu J, Qian Z, Li Y, Guo Z*, Zhu Y: Detection of serum EphA2-EVs for pancreatic cancer diagnosis by light initiated chemiluminescent assay. Anal Methods 2022, 14:1335-1341.
51. Zhang Y, Li Y, Liao W, Peng W, Qin J, Chen D, Zheng L, Yan W, Li L, Guo Z, et al: Citrate-Stabilized Gold Nanorods-Directed Osteogenic Differentiation of Multiple Cells. Int J Nanomedicine 2021, 16:2789-2801.
50. Wei W, Bai T, Fu R, Sun L, Wang W, Dong M, Chen L, Guo Z, Xu F: Unravelling the shell growth pathways of Au-Ag core-shell nanoparticles by in situ liquid cell transmission electron microscopy. Nanoscale 2021, 13:3136-3143.
49. Zhang Y, Wang P, Mao H, Zhang Y, Zheng L, Yu P, Guo Z, Li L, Jiang Q: PEGylated gold nanoparticles promote osteogenic differentiation in in vitro and in vivo systems. Materials & Design 2021, 197:109231.
48. Wang W, Xu T, Bai T, Zhu C, Zhang Q, Zhang HT, Zhang H, Guo Z, Zheng H, Sun L: Controlled oxidative etching of gold nanorods revealed through in-situ liquid cell electron microscopy. Sci China Mater 2020, 63:2599-2605.
47. Li W, Guo Z, Tai Q, Li Y, Zhu Y, Bai T: Rapid and fine tailoring longitudinal surface plasmon resonances of gold nanorods by end-selective oxidation. Chin Chem Lett 2020, 31:2447-2451
46. Su Y, Sun L, Guo Z, Li J, Bai T, Cai X, Li W, Zhu Y: Upregulated expression of serum exosomal miR-375 and miR-1307 enhance the diagnostic power of CA125 for ovarian cancer. J Ovarian Res 2019, 12:6.
38. Liu P, Jin H, Guo Z, Ma J, Zhao J, Li D, Wu H, Gu N: Silver nanoparticles outperform gold nanoparticles in radiosensitizing U251 cells in vitro and in an intracranial mouse model of glioma. Int J Nanomedicine 2016, 11:5003-5014.
37. Guo Z*, Bai T, Lu P, Cai S: Research Progress on the Controllable Solution-Synthesis of Nanosilver. Mater. China 2016 35: 1-9 (invited review, in Chinese)
36. Liang Y, Zhang Y, Guo Z, Xie J, Bai T, Zou J, Gu N: Ultrafast Preparation of Monodisperse Fe3O4 Nanoparticles by Microwave-Assisted Thermal Decomposition. Chemistry 2016, 22:11807-11815.
35. Bai T, Tan Y, Zou J, Nie M, Guo Z*, Lu X, Gu N*: AuBr2-Engaged Galvanic Replacement for Citrate-Capped Au–Ag Alloy Nanostructures and Their Solution-Based Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Activity. J Phys Chem C 2015, 119: 28597-28604
34. Lu P, Guo Z, Zhang J, Liu J, Zhang M, Lu X*: Size-controlled Preparation of Monodisperse Gold Nanoparticles for Detection of Cardiactroponin I by Immunochromatography Assay Chin J Geriatri 2015,34:382-386 (in Chinese).
33. Bai T, Sun J, Che R, Xu L, Yin C, Guo Z, Gu N: Controllable Preparation of Core–Shell Au–Ag Nanoshuttles with Improved Refractive Index Sensitivity and SERS Activity. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2014, 6:3331?3340
32. Liu Z, Wu Y, Guo Z, Liu Y, Shen Y, Zhou P, Lu X: Effects of Internalized Gold Nanoparticles with Respect to Cytotoxicity and Invasion Activity in Lung Cancer Cells. PLoS ONE 2014, 9:e99175
31. Wan Y, Guo Z, Jiang X, Fang K, Lu X, Zhang Y, Gu N*: Quasi-spherical silver nanoparticles: Aqueous synthesis and size control by the seed-mediated Lee-Meisel method. J Colloid Interface Sci 2013, 394:263-268
30. Liu Z, Shen Y, Wu Y, Yang Y, Wu J, Zhou P, Lu X, Guo Z: An Intrinsic Therapy of Gold Nanoparticles in Focal Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rats. J Biomed Nanotechnol 2013, 9:1017-1028
29. Wang M, Cao M, Guo Z, Gu N*: Two-Step Decomposition of Plasmon Coupling in Plasmonic Oligomers. J Phys Chem C 2013, 117:11713-11717
28. Ma M, Zhang Y, Guo Z, Gu N*: Facile synthesis of ultrathin magnetic iron oxide nanoplates by Schikorr reaction. Nanoscale Res Lett 2013, 8:16
27. Huang Z, Wang Q, Guo Z, Xu L, Liu D, Ding Q, Gu N*: Rapid Synthesis of High-Stable Silver Nanoparticles by Electrochemical Method. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 2013, 5:232-236.
26. Jiang H, Wang C, Guo Z*, Wang Z, Liu L: Silver Nanocrystals Mediated Combination Therapy of Radiation with Magnetic Hyperthermia on Glioma Cells. J Nanosci Nanotechnol 2012, 12:8276-8281
25. Yang G, Zhou YW, Guo Z, Wan Y, Ding Q, Bai TT, Wang CL, Gu N*: Microwave-assisted one-step patterning of aqueous colloidal silver. Nanotechnol 2012, 23:265302
24. Guo Z, Wan Y, Wang M, Xu L, Lu X*, Yang G, Fang K, Gu N*: High-purity gold nanobipyramids can be obtained by an electrolyte-assisted and functionalization-free separation route. Colloids Surf, A 2012, 414:492-497.
23. Guo Z, Fan X, Xu L, Lu X, Gu C, Bian Z, Gu N, Yang D*, Zhang J*: Shape separation of colloidal gold nanoparticles through salt-triggered selective precipitation. Chem Commun 2011, 47:4180–4182
22. Liu L, Ni F, Zhang J, Jiang X, Lu X, Guo Z*, Xu R*: Silver nanocrystals sensitize magnetic-nanoparticle-mediated thermo-induced killing of cancer cells. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2011, 43:316-323
21. Fan X, Liu L, Guo Z, Gu N, Xu L, Zhang Y: Facile synthesis of networked gold nanowires based on the redox characters of aniline. Mater Lett 2010, 64:2652-265
20. Fan X, Guo Z, Hong J, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Gu N*: Size-controlled growth of colloidal gold nanoplates and their high-purity acquisition. Nanotechnol 2010, 21:105602
19. Guo Z, Fan X, Liu L, Bian Z, Gu C, Zhang Y, Gu N, Yang D*, Zhang J*: Achieving high-purity colloidal gold nanoprisms and their application as biosensing platforms. J Colloid Interface Sci 2010, 348:29-36
18. Guo Z, Gu C, Fan X, Bian Z, Wu H, Yang D, Gu N, Zhang J: Fabrication of Anti-human Cardiac Troponin I Immunogold Nanorods for Sensing Acute Myocardial Damage. Nanoscale Res Lett 2009, 4:1428-1433
17. Xu K, Guo Z, Gu N*: Facile synthesis of gold nanoplates by thermally reducing AuCl4 with aniline. Chin Chem Lett 2009, 20:241-244
16. Huang L, Peng F, Guo Z, Gu N: Voltammetric Detection of Dopamine at Gold Nanotadpoles Modified Electrode. J Nanosci Nanotechnol 2009, 9:1619-1622
15. Xu R, Ma J, Sun X, Chen Z, Jiang X, Guo Z, Huang L, Li Y, Wang M, Wang C, et al: Ag nanoparticles sensitize IR-induced killing of cancer cells. Cell Res 2009, 19:1031-1034
14. Fan X, Guo Z, Cao M, Zhou X, Gu N*: Contrast Agents for Computed Tomography Based on Gold Nanoparticles. CT Theory and Applications 2009, 18: 21-27 (in Chinese)
13. 黃嵐, 張宇, 郭志睿, 顧寧: 半胱氨酸誘導金納米帶室溫合成. 科學通報 2008, 53:2531-2533.
12. Guo Z, Zhang Y, Xu A, Wang M, Huang L, Xu K, Gu N*: Layered Assemblies of Single Crystal Gold Nanoplates: Direct Room Temperature Synthesis and Mechanistic Study. J Phys Chem C 2008, 112:12638-12645
11. He S, Zhang Y, Guo Z, Gu N: Biological synthesis of gold nanowires using extract of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata. Biotechnol Prog 2008, 24:476-480
10. He S, Guo Z, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Wang J, Gu N: Biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using the bacteria Rhodopseudomonas capsulata. Mater Lett 2007, 61:3984-3987
9. Huang L, Wang M, Zhang Y, Guo Z, Sun J, Gu N: Synthesis of Gold Nanotadpoles by a Temperature-Reducing Seed Approach and the Dielectrophoretic Manipulation. J Phys Chem C 2007, 111:16154-16160.
8. Guo Z, Zhang Y, Huang L, Wang M, Wang J, Sun J, Xu L, Gu N*: One-step controlled synthesis of anisotropic gold nanostructures with aniline as the reductant in aqueous solution. J Colloid Interface Sci 2007, 309:518-523
7. Huang L, Guo Z, Wang M, Gu N: Facile Synthesis of Gold Nanoplates by Citrate Reduction of AuCl4 at Room Temperature. Chin Chem Lett 2006, 17:1405-1408
6. Guo Z, Zhang Y, DuanMu Y, Xu L, Xie S, Gu N*: Facile synthesis of micrometer-sized gold nanoplates through an aniline-assisted route in ethylene glycol solution. Colloids Surf A 2006, 278:33-38
5. Guo Z, Zhang Y, Mao Y, Huang L, Gu N*: Synthesis of microsized gold nanoplates by a self-seeding method in ethanol solution. Mater Lett 2006, 60:3522-3525.
4. Guo Z, DuanMu Y, Gu N: One-Step Preparation of Fibrous Aggregates of Gold Nanoparticles Using Aniline as Reducing Agent as well as Monomer, Solid State Phenomena2007, 121-123:251-254
3. Sun J, Guo Z, Gu N*: Investigation on Chaining of Au/Aniline Polymerid Nanocomposites with Different Electrodes Configuration and Characterization , Solid State Phenomena, 2007, 121-123:755-758
2. Sun J, Guo Z, Wang C, Gu N*: Electric field-induced chaining of Au/aniline polymeric particle pairs and TEM characterization. Chemphyschem 2005, 6:2485-2488
1. Sun Y, Duan L, Guo Z, DuanMu Y, Ma M, Xu L, Zhang Y, Gu N: An improved way to prepare superparamagnetic magnetite-silica core-shell nanoparticles for possible biological application. J Magn Magn Mater 2005, 285:65-70


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