

郭學軍,男,博士,北京師範大學環境學院導師,博士生導師,副教授,主要從事環境多孔材料(膜,吸附劑);納米與分子環境化學、水環境 、等領域的教學和研究工作。


  • 中文名:郭學軍
  • 職業:副教授
  • 畢業院校: 湖南農業大學
  • 性別:男




2001.9-2005.1 南開大學環境科學與工程學院,環境科學專業,獲環境科學博士學位
1998.9-2001.7 華中農業大學資源、環境與農業化學系,環境工程專業,獲環境工程工學碩士學位
1994.9-1998.7 湖南農業大學資源與環境學院,土壤與農業化學專業,獲農學學士學位
2007.9-至今 北京師範大學環境學院,水污染控制與模擬國家聯合重點實驗室 2006.12-2007.6 蔚山大學市政與環境工程系(Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Ulsan Univesity), 博士後 2005.8 –2006.12 阿爾伯特研究所環境技術部(Environmental Technology Unit, Alberta Research Council),加拿大,博士後研究
Environmental Science &Technology; Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research; Journal of Hazardous Materials等雜誌的審稿人
環境學院青年教師教學比賽三等獎 2008;環境學院教學特等獎 2008;優秀青年教師獎 2009
1,砷和天然有機質(NOM)在金屬(氫)氧化物納米顆粒表面的吸附與解吸研究 國家自然科學基金,2009-2012 主持 2,國家支撐計畫“持久性有機污染物控制與削減的關鍵技術研究與示範”,2009-2012 參與 3,國家支撐計畫“若爾蓋濕地生態需水項目”,2008-2012 參與 4,國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項“白洋淀流域污染負荷削減技術與工程示範”,2008-2011 參與
[1] Guo, X. *, Chen, F. Removal of arsenic by bead cellulose loaded with Fe oxide hydroxide (β-FeOOH) from groundwater. Environmental Science &Technology, 2005, 39, 6808-6818. Cited by 40 times
[2]Guo,X., Wu, Z., He, M. Removal of Antimony (V) and Antimony(III) from Drinking Water by Coagulation-Flocculation-Sedimentation (CFS). Water Research 2009, 43,4327-4335
[3] Guo, X. *, Du, Y., Chen, F., Park, H.-S., Xie, Y. Removal Mechanism of Arsenic by Bead Cellulose Loaded with Iron Oxyhydroxide (β-FeOOH): EXAFS Study. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 314, 427-433.
[4] Guo, X. *, Zeng, L., Li, X., Park, H. -S. Ammonium and potassium removal for anaerobically digested wastewater using natural clinoptilolite followed by membrane pretreatment. Journal of hazardous materials 2008, 151, 125-133.
[5] Guo, X. *, Zeng, L., Li, X., Park, H.-S. Removal of ammonium from RO permeate of anaerobically digested wastewater by natural zeolite. Separation Science and Technology 2007, 42, 3169-3185.
[6] Kim, J.-H., Guo, X., Park, H.-S. Nitrification and nitrite accumulation at various temperature and free ammonia combinations by acclimated nitrifiers. Process Biochemistry, 2008, 43, 154-160.
[7] Huang, Q., Chen, W., Guo, X. Immobilization and species of heavy metals in soils in the absence and presence of bacterial biomass. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2004, 50, 935-939.
[8] Huang, Q., Chen, W., Guo, X. Chemical Fractionation of Cu, Zn and Cd in Two Chinese Soils as influenced by Rhizobia. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2004, 35, 947-960.
[9] Behera, S.K., Kim, J.-H., Guo, X., Park, H.-S. Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics of polyvinyl alcohol from aqueous solution on powdered activated carbon. Journal of hazardous material, 2008, 153,1207-1214.
[10] Guo, J., Kim, J.-H., Behera, S.K., Park, H.-S. “Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration and aeration time on nitrite accumulation in partial nitrification process”, Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 2008.Vol. 5 (4), 527-534,
[11] Jung-Hoon Kim, Xuejun Guo, Hung-Suck, Park. Effects of ammonium strength and acitve nitrifier concentration on nitrification kinetics. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100, 2118-3123.
[12] Xuejun Guo, Jin Kwon Tak, Richard L. Johnson. Ammonia removal from air stream and biogas by a H2SO4 impregnated adsorbent originating from waste wood-shavings and biosolids. Journal of hazardous material. 2009,166, 372-376.
[13] Huang, Q, X.Guo and W. Chen. 2001. Influence of rhizobia on the forms of Cu, Zn and Cd in two Chinese soils. In: Biogeochemical Processes and Cycling of Elements in the Environment (J.Weber, E. Jamroz, J. Drozd and A. Karczewska eds.), pp. 271-272, Polish Society of Humic Substances, Wroclaw, Poland.
[14]Guo, X., Larry Zeng, Xiaomei Li. Removal of ammonium and potassium from RO permeate of anaerobically digested cattle manure by natural zeolite. The Canadian society for Bioengineering, 2006 National Technical Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Paper No: 06-117, 1-10.
[15] Wang H.Y., Shen Z.Y., Guo X.J., Niu J.F., Kang B. Ammonia adsorption and nitritation in sediments resourced from Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Environmental Geology, 2010, 60: 1653-1660.
[16] Xi Chen, Xinghui Xia, Shan Wu, Fan Wang, Xuejun Guo. Mercury in urban soils with various types of land use in Beijing, China. Environmental Polution, 2009, Environmental Polution, 2010,158,48-54.
[17] ZhijunWu, Mengchang He, Xuejun Guo*, Ruijing Zhou. Removal of antimony (III) and antimony (V) from drinking water by ferric chloride coagulation: Competing ion effect and the mechanism analysis. Separation and Puri?cation Technology, 2010, 76, 184-190.
[18] Xiongye Zhao, Xuejun Guo*, Zhifeng Yang, Hong Liu, Qingqing Qian. Phase-controlled preparation of iron (oxyhydr)oxide nanocrystallines for heavy metal removal. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2011, 13: 2853–2864.
[19] Mengchang He, Ruijing Zhou, Xuejun Guo*. Behavior of stabilized multiwalled carbon nanotubes in a FeCl3 coagulation system and the structure characteristics of the produced flocs, 2011, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Accepted.
[20]郭學軍,陳甫華. 載鐵(β-FeOOH)棉纖維素吸附劑固定床去除地下水砷.化工學報. 2005, 56(9), 1757-1764. (EI)
[21] 郭學軍,陳甫華. 載鐵(β-FeOOH)球形棉纖維素吸附劑去除地下水As(Ⅴ)的研究.環境科學. 2005, 26(3): 66-72.(EI)
[22] 郭學軍,陳甫華. 載鐵(β-FeOOH)球形棉纖維素吸附劑去除地下水砷(Ⅲ)的研究.高等學校化學學報. 2005, 26(7): 1258-1263(SCI)
[23] 郭學軍, 黃巧雲, 趙振華,陳雯莉. 微生物對土壤環境中重金屬活性的影響. 套用環境與生物學報. 2002. 8(1):105-110 (被他人引用40次)
[24] 陳雯莉, 黃巧雲, 郭學軍.2003. 根瘤菌對土壤中Cu, Zn 和Cd形態的影響. 套用生態學報. 14 (8) ∶1278~1282(SCI)


