郭姝辛,女,博士 ,中共黨員 ,西南交通大學經濟管理學院金融與財務學系講師。在SSCI金融類學術期刊Journal of Futures Markets和學術期刊North American Journal of Economics and Finance上發表論文。
[1] 《含股息的節點重合二叉樹期權定價新方法研究》,中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目,起止時間:2015.5~2017.4,項目編號:JBK1507112,主持,已結項(提前結項)。
[2] 《複雜衍生產品的蒙特卡洛定價方法研究》,國家自然科學基金面上項目,起止時間:2013.1~2016.12,項目編號:7127117,主研。
[3] 《小微金融企業風險管理研究——基於行為金融學視角》,省部級學科平台開放課題,起止時間:2015.6~2017.6,項目編號:JR201513,主研。
[4] 《美式期權的蒙特卡洛定價研究》,西南財經大學“211三期”重點課題,起止時間:2009.1~2012.12,主研,已結題。
[1] Liu, Qiang and Shuxin Guo, 2013. Canonical distribution, implied binomial tree, and the pricing of American options [J]. Journal of Futures Markets. 33(2): 183-198.
[2] Liu, Qiang and Shuxin Guo, 2014. Variance-constrained canonical least-squares Monte Carlo: An accurate method for pricing American options [J]. North American Journal of Economics and Finance. 28: 77-89.
[3] Liu, Qiang, Shuxin Guo and Gaoxiu Qiao, 2015. VIX forecasting and variance risk premium: A new GARCH approach [J]. North American Journal of Economics and Finance. 34: 314-322.
[4] Liu, Qiang and Shuxin Guo, 2011. Approximating the embeddedmout ofn day soft-call option of a convertible bond: An auxiliary reversed binomial tree method [J]. International Review of Applied Financial Issues and Economics. 3(3): 658-672.
[5] Guo, Shuxin and Qiang Liu. A recombining binomial tree for pricing options on stocks with known dollar dividends. Working paper.
[6] Guo, Shuxin and Qiang Liu. Simulated conditional range probabilities: An excellent approximation for the m out of n day provision. Working paper.
[7]Guo, Shuxin, Qiang Liu and Gaoxiu Qiao. VIX futures pricing: An empirical comparison of GARCH and the Heston model. Working paper.
[8] Liu, Qiang , Shuxin Guo, and Fangyi He. Approximating the optimal exercise boundary for American options via least-squares Monte Carlo, Working paper.
[9]Guo, Shuxin, Lijuan Wang and Qiang Liu. The Chinese Stock Market and Industries. Working paper.
[10]Guo, Shuxin and Qiang Liu. The Unconventional China Stock and 50 ETF Options of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Working paper.
[11]Guo, Shuxin and Qiang Liu. CSI 300 Index and its futures. Working paper.
[12]郭姝辛. 期權與期貨的幾種定價新方法研究[D]. 成都:西南財經大學,2016:1-169.(學位論文)