



  • 中文名:郝新梅
  • 出生日期:1974年9月
  • 畢業院校:美國懷俄明大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:土壤學
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學











Hao, X., K. Thelen and J. Gao. 2012. Prediction of Ethanol Yields in Dry-Grind Maize by Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Biosystem Engineering. 112:161-170.
Hao, X., K. Thelen and J. Gao. 2010. Effects of Soil and Topographic Properties on Spatial Variability of Corn Grain Ethanol Yield. Agronomy Journal, 102:998-1006.
Hao, X., K. Thelen and J. Gao. 2010. Earlier Maturing Hybrids Improve Corn Grain Profitability in the Northern Corn Belt. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2010-1203-01-RS.
Hao, X. and A. Kravchenko. 2007. Management Practice Effect on Surface Soil Carbon: Differences along a Textural Gradient. Agronomy Journal, 99:18-26.
Hao, X., R. Zhang and A. Kravchenko. 2005. Effects of Root Density Distribution Models on Root Water Uptake and Water Flow under Irrigation. Soil Science, 170:167-174.
Hao, X., R. Zhang and A. Kravchenko. 2005. A Mass-Conservative Switching Method for Simulating Saturated–unsaturated Flow. Journal of Hydrology, 311: 254-265.
Gao, J., X. Hao, K. Thelen and G. Robertson. 2009. Agronomic Management System and Precipitation Effects on Soybean Oil and Fatty Acid Profiles. Crop Science, 49: 1049–1057.
Kravchenko, A., X. Hao and G. Robertson. 2009. Seven Years of Continuously Planted Bt Corn Did Not Affect Mineralizable and Total Soil C and Total N in Surface Soil. Plant and Soil, 318:269-274.
Kravchenko, A. and X. Hao. 2008. Management Practice Effects on Spatial Variability Characteristics of Surface Mineralizable C. Geoderma, 144:387-394.
Kravchenko, A., G. Robertson and X. Hao. 2006. Management Practice on Surface Total Carbon: Differences in Spatial Variability Patterns. Agronomy Journal, 98:1559-1568.
Gao, J., K. Thelen, D. Min, S. Smith, X. Hao and R. Gehl. 2010. Effects of Manure and Fertilizer Applications on Canola Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition. Agronomy Journal, 102:790-797.
Gao, J., L. Qian, K. Thelen, X. Hao, L,Sousa, M. Lou, V. Balan, B. Dale. 2011. Corn Harvest Strategies for Combined Starch and Cellulosic Bioprocessing to Ethanol. Agronomy Journal, 103:844-850.
Hao, X., R. Zhang and A. Kravchenko. 2005. A Mass-Conservative Switching Method for Simulating Saturated–unsaturated Flow. Journal of Hydrology, 311: 254-265.
Gao, J., X. Hao, K. Thelen and G. Robertson. 2009. Agronomic Management System and Precipitation Effects on Soybean Oil and Fatty Acid Profiles. Crop Science, 49: 1049–1057.
Kravchenko, A., X. Hao and G. Robertson. 2009. Seven Years of Continuously Planted Bt Corn Did Not Affect Mineralizable and Total Soil C and Total N in Surface Soil. Plant and Soil, 318:269-274.
Kravchenko, A. and X. Hao. 2008. Management Practice Effects on Spatial Variability Characteristics of Surface Mineralizable C. Geoderma, 144:387-394.
Kravchenko, A., G. Robertson and X. Hao. 2006. Management Practice on Surface Total Carbon: Differences in Spatial Variability Patterns. Agronomy Journal, 98:1559-1568.
Gao, J., K. Thelen, D. Min, S. Smith, X. Hao and R. Gehl. 2010. Effects of Manure and Fertilizer Applications on Canola Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition. Agronomy Journal, 102:790-797.
Gao, J., L. Qian, K. Thelen, X. Hao, L,Sousa, M. Lou, V. Balan, B. Dale. 2011. Corn Harvest Strategies for Combined Starch and Cellulosic Bioprocessing to Ethanol. Agronomy Journal, 103:844-850.


