邵菊香,1968年9月生於四川省江安縣,中共黨員,教授。2008年6月在四川大學獲得理學博士學位,2008年9月進入四川大學從事博士後研究。2000年任副教授, 2006年晉升教授。現為宜賓學院計算物理重點實驗室研究人員,計算物理學術創新團隊骨幹成員之一,四川省物理學會原子與分子專委會秘書。
- 中文名:邵菊香
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:四川省江安縣
- 出生日期:1968年9月
1、國家自然科學基金項目(No. 10574096, 10376021);結題
2、高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金項目(No. 20050610010);結題
5、宜賓學院課題“硝基炸藥分子鍵強度特性的研究 (No.:2006Z15)”結題
1.Juxiang Shao, Xinlu Cheng, Xiangdong Yang, Calculations of the Bond Dissociation Energies for NO2 Scission in Some Nitro Compounds. Structural Chemistry, 2005, 16(5): 457~460.
2.Juxiang Shao, Xinlu Cheng, Xiangdong Yang, Density functional calculations of bond dissociation energies for removal of the nitrogen dioxide moiety in some nitroaromatic molecules. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2005, 755: 127~130.
3.Shao Juxiang, Cheng Xinlu, Yang Xiangdong, The evaluation of bond dissociation energies for NO2 scission in nitro compounds using density functional and complete basis set methods. Chinese Physics, 2006, 15(2): 329-333.
4.Shao Juxiang, Cheng Xinlu,Yang Xiangdong, Computational investigation on the remove of the nitrogen dioxide group in certain aliphatic nitro compounds. Chinese Physics Letter, 2006, 23(4): 819~821.
5.Juxiang Shao, Xinlu Cheng,Xiangdong Yang, The C-NO2 bond dissociation energies of some nitroaromatic compounds: DFT study, Structural Chemistry, 2006, 17(5): 547~550.
6. Shao Juxiang, Zhu Zhenghe Huang Duohui, Yang Xiangdong, Cheng Xinlu, Potential energy surfaces of ozone in the ground state, Chinese Physics, 2007, 16(9): 2650~2655.
7. Shao Juxiang, Zhu Zhenghe, Cheng Xinlu,Yang Xiangdong, Potential energy surfaces of nitrogen dioxide for the ground state, Chinese Physics Letter,2007, 24( 7): 1879~1882.
8.邵菊香,程新路等,The study of the properties for Dimethylnitramine energetic material. 四川大學學報,2006, 43(4): 859~863.
9.邵菊香, 葛素紅 The study on N- NO2 bond strength in some nitramine molecules. 四川大學學報,2006, 43(5):1070~1073.
10.邵菊香,程新路等,C-H,C-N,C-O,N-N的鍵離解能和鍵長的計算. 原子與分子物理學報, 2006, 23(1):80~84.