邵會波,男,1965年出生,現任北京理工大學理學院化學系教授。在分子有序體系的構築、表征及其長程電子轉移機理等電化學基礎和電浮選套用研究方面已發表論文62篇, 其中28篇被SCI收錄。
- 中文名:邵會波
- 出生日期:1965年10月
- 畢業院校:北京大學
- 聘任博導時間:2004年11月
- 所在學科:化學
- 職稱:教授
1983.9 - 1987.7 東北師範大學化學系,獲得理學學士學位。
1991.11 - 1996.1 俄羅斯,莫斯科大學化學系佛魯姆金電化學教研室,公派博士生。
1996.1 – 1997.12 北京大學化學學院納米科技研究中心,博士後。
1997.12 – 2000.8 首都師範大學化學系,副教授,研究員。
2000.9 – 2005.12 首都師範大學化學系,研究員。
2005.12 至今 北京理工大學理學院化學系,教授
在分子有序體系的構築、表征及其長程電子轉移機理等電化重微射學基礎和電浮選套用研究方面已發表論文62篇, 其中28篇被SCI收連疊錄棗諒組。作為項目負責人承擔了國家、北京市自然科學基金,教立講歸朽育部的“優秀青年教師計畫”和“高等學校骨幹教師資助計畫”,北京市“科技新星鑽煮擊疊”培養計畫等7項。
[1] Tian H. H.; Dai Y.; Shao H. B.; Yu H. Z..Modulated Intermolecular Interactions in Ferrocenylalkanethiolate Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117(2), 1006–1012. IF = 4.814.
[2] Cui M.; Xu B.; Hu C. G.; Shao H. B.; Qu L.T.. Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of glucose oxidase on three-dimensional interpenetrating, porous graphene modified electrode. Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 98(1), 48–53. IF = 3.777.
[3] Huang C. C.; Wang Q.; Gu C. T.; Shao H.B.. Determination of serum glucose using flow injection analysis and highly selective glucose sensor based on composite films. Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 65(1), 90–96. IF = 3.777.
[4] Xiang D. B.; Merbouh N.; Shao H. B.; Yu H.Z. Investigation of liquid-liquid interfacial electron transfer kinetics using multicenter ferrocenyl complexes. Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56(16), 5788–5793. IF = 3.833.
[5] Huang C. C.; Brisbois E.; Meyerhoff Mark E.. Flow injection measurements of S-nitrosothiols species in biological samples using amperometric nitric oxide sensor and soluble organoselenium catalyst reagentAnal. Bioanal. Chem., 2011, 400, 1125 – 1135. IF = 3.48.
[6] Wang Q.; Rodriguez-Lopez J.; Bard A. J.Evaluation of the Chemical Reactions from Two Electrogenerated Species in Picoliter Volumes by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Chem PhysChem., 2010, 11, 2969–2978. IF = 3.45.
[7] Xiang D. B.; Gao G. Y.; Shao H. B.; Li H.L.; Zhang H. L.; Yu H. Z. Redox Behavior and Ion-Pairing Thermodynamics of Ferrocene and Its Derivatives in the Organic Phase.J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114(1), 617–621. IF = 4.22.
[8] Wang Q.; Rodriguez-Lopez J.; Bard A. J.Reaction of Br2 with Adsorbed CO on Pt,Studied by the Surface Interrogation Mode of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 17046–17047. IF = 8.58.
[5] Huang C. C.; Brisbois E.; Meyerhoff Mark E.. Flow injection measurements of S-nitrosothiols species in biological samples using amperometric nitric oxide sensor and soluble organoselenium catalyst reagentAnal. Bioanal. Chem., 2011, 400, 1125 – 1135. IF = 3.48.
[6] Wang Q.; Rodriguez-Lopez J.; Bard A. J.Evaluation of the Chemical Reactions from Two Electrogenerated Species in Picoliter Volumes by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Chem PhysChem., 2010, 11, 2969–2978. IF = 3.45.
[7] Xiang D. B.; Gao G. Y.; Shao H. B.; Li H.L.; Zhang H. L.; Yu H. Z. Redox Behavior and Ion-Pairing Thermodynamics of Ferrocene and Its Derivatives in the Organic Phase.J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114(1), 617–621. IF = 4.22.
[8] Wang Q.; Rodriguez-Lopez J.; Bard A. J.Reaction of Br2 with Adsorbed CO on Pt,Studied by the Surface Interrogation Mode of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 17046–17047. IF = 8.58.