


  • 中文名:邵斌
  • 畢業院校南京大學
  • 專業方向:金融工程 , 利率模型 , 期權定價模型和國債市場的研究
  • 學術代表作:中國企業債券利差的實證分析


7/1991-5/1994: 賓夕凡尼亞大學,從事理論物理博士後研究工作 發表新的學術成果
1/2001-12/2001: 紐約 : 美洲銀行,從事債券及利率衍生產品的定量分析工作
2/2002- 至今 :上海財經大學證券期貨學院,從事金融工程 利率模型期權定價模型和國債市場的研究


金融工程, 期貨期權固定收益證券,美國債券市場及利率衍生品 利率模型 專業英語


單因子利率期限結構模型的極大似然估計—對中國利率的實證分析 投資學評論, 3 (2004) 15-25 與潘冠中合寫
GARCH 模型中美式亞式期權的蒙特卡羅算法 經濟數學, 將發表, 與丁娟合寫
中國企業債券利差的實證分析 天津商學院學報, 24 (2004) 43-47, 與許波,李應龍合寫
遠期利率和國債收益率曲線的構造 投資學評論, 2 (2004) 39-51, 與徐蓉, 陳芳菲合寫
CEV模型和Black-Scholes模型期權套期保值效果的定量分析, 中國金融學, 3 (2004) 154-168,與吳鋒,邵旦合寫
GARCH 模型下美式亞式期權的數值解法, 預測 5(2003) 57-65,與丁娟合寫
“Classical and quantum coherent state description of nucleon anti-nucleon annihilation in the Skyrme model with omega mesons”
Physical Review C 50 (1994) 1787-1795
with R. D. Amado
“Coherent state formulation of pion radiation from nucleon antinucleon annihilation”
Physical Review C 50 (1994) 640-651
with R. D. Amado, F. Cannata, J. P. Dedonder and M. P. Locher
“Coherent pion radiation from nucleon antinucleon annihilation”
Physical Review Letters 72 (1994) 970-972
with R. D. Amado, F. Cannata, J. P. Dedonder and M. P. Locher
“Inertial parameters of the Skyrmion-Skyrmion system with the product ansatz”
Physical Review C 48 (1993) 2498-2508
with Niels R. Walet and R. D. Amado
“The Skyrme model description of the spin-orbit force”
Physics Letters B 314 (1993) 159-162
with R. D. Amado and Niels R. Walet
“Algebraic rotating frame approach to electron molecule scattering II”
Physical Review A 48 (1993) 2832-2843
with Y. Alhassid and V. Liu
“Dynamics of antibaryon-baryon annihilation in the Skyrme model”
Physics Letters B 303 (1993) 1-4
with Niels R. Walet and R. D. Amado
“Mean-field approaches to algebraic treatment of molecules: bent molecules”
Physical Review A 47 (1993) 2064-2074
with Niels R. Walet and R. D. Amado
“Mean-field approaches to algebraic treatment of molecules: linear molecules”
Physical Review A 46 (1992) 4037-4047
with Niels R. Walet and R. D. Amado
“Algebraic eikonal approach to electron-molecule scattering, II. Rotational-vibrational excitations”
Physical Review A 46 (1992) 3991-4002
with Y. Alhassid
“Algebraic eikonal approach to electron-molecule scattering, I. Generalized formalism”
Physical Review A 46 (1992) 3978-3990
with Y. Alhassid
“Algebraic eikonal approach to electron-molecule scattering: a hybrid approach”
Physical Review A 46 (1992) 3865-3869
with Y. Alhassid and V. Liu
“General quadrupole nuclear shapes. An algebraic perspective”
Physics Letters B 243 (1990) 313-318
with Amiram Leviatan
“Wormholes and baby universes in scalar-tensor gravity”
Nuclear Physics B 333 (1990) 212-252
with F. S. Accetta and A. Chodos
“Deformed single-particle levels in the boson-fermion model”
Physical Review Letters 63 (1989) 2204-2207
with Amiram Leviatan
“Properties of wormhole calculus”
Physical Review D 39 (1989) 452-461
with F. S. Accetta, A. Chodos and F. Cooper
“A study of heavy-ion reactions in the algebraic scattering theory”
Physics Letters B 201 (1987) 183-186
with Y. Alhassid and F. Iachello


