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  • 中文名:邵峰 
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生地:吉林四平
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:教師 


近年來在《GigaScience》、《Zoological Research》、《Database》、《Scientific Reports》、《Science》、《Cell》、《NatureCommunications》等期刊上發表論文20餘篇。擔任《Animals》、《Aquaculture Research》、《Biologia》、《Database》、《Fish and Shellfish Immunology》、《Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics》、《Immunity, Inflammation and Disease》、《Journal of Applied Genetics》、《Mobile DNA》等期刊的審稿人。主持國家自然科學基金青年基金、重慶市自然科學基金博士後科學基金項目、重慶市博士後國際學術交流計畫、中央高校基本科研業務費面上項目、中央高校基本科研業務費學生項目各一項。作為骨幹成員參與國家重點研發計畫1項、國家自然科學基金面上項目2項及青年基金1項。搭建了第一個魚類轉座子資料庫(FishTEDB),自2018年以來該資料庫訪問總次數超過30000次。論文多次被Nature Reviews Genetics、Nature Ecology & Evolution等刊物引用20餘次。






(*equal contribution,#corresponding author)
1.Xu M.*, Liao Z.*, Brock J.*, Du K.*, Li G.*, Chen Z.*, Wang Y., Gao Z., Agarwal G., Wei K.,Shao F.,Pang S., Platts A., Velde Z., Li H., Teresi S., Bird K., Niederhuth C., Xu J., Yu G., Yang J., Dai S., Nelson A., Zhang X.#, Schartl M.#, Edger P.#, Han M.#, Zhang H#. 2023 Maternal dominance contributes to subgenome differentiation in allopolyploid fishes.Nature Communications,14, 8357.
2.Dai X., Pradhan A., Liu J., Liu R., Zhai G., Zhou L.,Shao F., Yuan Z., Wang Z.#, Yin Z#. 2023 Zebrafish gonad mutant models reveal neuroendocrine mechanisms of brain sexual dimorphism and male mating behaviors of different brain regions.Biology of Sex Differences, 14, 53.
3.Zheng S.*, Tao W.*, Tao H., Yang H., Wu L.,Shao F.,Wang Z., Jin L., Peng Z.#, Wang D.#, Zhang Y#. 2023 Characterization of the male-specific region containing the candidate sex-determining gene in Amur catfish (Silurus asotus) using third-generation- and pool-sequencing data.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 248, 125908.
4.Mao Y., Peng T.,Shao F.,Zhao Q., Peng Z#. 2023 Molecular evolution of the hemoglobin gene family across vertebrates.Genetica, 151, 201-213.
5.Shao F., Wu Z., Xu Y., Li P., Peng Z#. 2023 Genome of striped eel catfish (Plotosus lineatus) provides insights into the adaptive evolution of amphidromous fish.Zoological Research, 44, 349-352.
6.Shao Y.*, Zhou L.*, Li F., Zhao L., Zhang B.,Shao F., Chen J., Chen C., Bi X., Zhuang X., Zhu H., Hu J., Sun Z., Li X., Wang D., Rivas-González I., Wang S., Wang Y., Chen W., Li G, Lu H., Liu Y., Kuderna L., Farh K., Fan P., Yu L., Li M., Liu Z., Tiley G., Yoder A., Roos C., Hayakawa T., Marques-Bonet T., Rogers J., Stenson P., Cooper D., Schierup M., Yao Y., Zhang Y., Wang W., Qi X.#, Zhang G.#, Wu D#. 2023 Phylogenomic analyses provide insights into primate evolution.Science,380, 913-924.
7.Zhao Q.,Shao F., Li Y., Yi SV., Peng Z#. 2022 Novel genome sequence of Chinese cavefish (Triplophysa rosa) reveals pervasive relaxation of natural selection in cavefish genomes.Molecular Ecology, 31, 5831-5845.
8.Xu Y.*,Shao F.*, Chen W., Ni L., Peng Z#. 2022 A chromosome-level genome of the helmet catfish (Cranoglanis bouderius).Frontiters in Genetics. 13, 962406.
9.Ni L., Xu Y., Zhao Q.,Shao F., Peng Z#. 2022 Genome-wide characterization of the Toll-like receptor gene family inTriplophysa rosaand expression profiles in response toAeromonas hydrophilainfection.Aquaculture, 555, 738208.
10.Shao F., Pan H., Li P., Ni L., Xu Y.,Peng Z#. 2021Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of the Asian Red-Tail Catfish (Hemibagrus wyckioides).Frontiers in Genetics, 12, 747684.
11.Mao Y.,Shao F., Zhao, Q.,Peng Z#.2021 Molecular evolution of clock genes in vertebrates.Journal of Molecular Evolution, 89, 19.
12.Wang K.*, Wang J.*, Zhu C.*, Yang L.*, Ren Y.*, Ruan J.*, Fan G.*, Hu J.*, Xu W., Bi X., Zhu Y., Song Y., Chen H., Ma T., Zhao R., Jiang H., Zhang B., Feng C., Yuan Y., Gan X., Li Y., Zeng H., Liu Q., Zhang Y.,Shao F., Hao S., Zhang H., Xu X., Liu X., Wang D., Zhu M., Zhang G.#, Zhao W.#, Qiu Q.#, He S.#, Wang W#. 2021. African lungfish genome sheds light on the vertebrate water-to-land transition.Cell, 184, 1362-1376.e18.
13.Zhao Q., Zhang R., Xiao Y., Niu Y.,Shao F., Li Y., Peng, Z#. 2020. Comparative Transcriptome Profiling of the LoachesTriplophysa bleekeriandTriplophysa rosaReveals Potential Mechanisms of Eye Degeneration.Frontiers in Genetics, 10, 1334.
14.Zheng S.*,Shao F.*, Tao W.*, Liu Z.*, Long J., Wang X., Zhang S., Zhao Q., Carleton K.L., Kocher T.D., Jin L., Wang Z.,Peng Z.#, Wang D.#, Zhang Y#. 2021. Chromosome-level assembly of Southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis) provides insights into visual adaptation to the nocturnal and benthic lifestyles.Molecular Ecology Resources,21(5), 1575-1592.
15.Shao F., Ludwig A., Mao Y., Liu N.,Peng Z#. 2020. Chromosome-level genome assembly of the female western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis).GigaScience, 9(8):giaa092.
16.Pang X.,Shao F., Ding S., Fu S., Zhang, Y#. 2020. Interspecific differences and ecological correlations of energy metabolism traits in freshwater fishes.Functional Ecology, 34(3), 616-630.
17.Zhao L.,Shao F., Hu J., Zhang Y.,Peng Z#. 2020. Identification and evolutionary analysis ofTc1/Marinertransposons in four catfish genomes.Journal of Fisheries of China (水產學報), 44(4): 539-550. (In Chinese with English abstract)
18.Hu J.,Shao F., Zhao L., Han M.,Peng Z#. 2020. Identification of MITE transposons in 33 fish genomes.Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica (水生生物學報), 44(1): 1-9. (In Chinese with English abstract)
19.Shao F., Han M.,Peng Z#. 2019. Evolution and diversity of transposable elements in fish genomes.Scientific Reports, 9: 15399.
20.Shao F., Wang J., Xu H.,Peng Z#. 2018. FishTEDB: a collective database of transposable elements identified in the complete genomes of fish.Database, 2018: bax106.
21.Xie M., Ming Y,Shao F, Jian J, Zhang Y., Peng Z#. 2018 Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing for SNP discovery and high-density genetic map construction in southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis).Royal Society Open Science, 5, 172054.
22.Xie M.,Shao F., Zhang Y.,Peng Z#.2015. Development and characterization of 21 novel microsatellite markers for the Amur catfish (Silurus asotusLinnaeus, 1758).Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 31: 917-918.


擔任Animals、Aquaculture Research、Database、Journal of Applied Genetics、Mobile DNA等刊物的審稿專家。


