


  • 中文名:邵寧生
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1965年2月14日
  • 職業軍事醫學科學院基礎醫學研究所研究員
  • 性別:男




1995年7月-1998年4月美國Thomas Jefferson大學和Allegheny大學博士後;


1. 非編碼RNA結構與功能研究,主要是miRNA在生命過程及重大疾病發生髮展過程中的功能研究。
2. 隨機生物文庫技術包括隨機肽庫技術及SELEX技術在重大疾病及傳染性病原微生物診斷和治療方面的套用基礎研究。
3. 革蘭氏陽性菌毒素產生及其調控機制的研究,這方面的研究對認識革蘭氏陽性菌感染的防治具有重要意義。


先後承擔和參加國家“973”課題、國家“863” 課題、國家自然科學基金兩地模式項目、國家自然科學基金面上項目、北京市自然科學基金面上項目總計20餘項。申請國家發明專利10餘項,已經獲得授權5項,申請國際PCT專利4項。在國內外專業雜誌發表研究論文及綜述90餘篇,其中國外SCI雜誌發表研究論文30餘篇。參編學術專著和譯著7部。獲北京科技進步二等獎2項(2003,2008)。
1. 國家“973”課題子課題(學術骨幹):非編碼RNA及其調控網路研究,2005-2010;
2. 北京市科技攻關項目:組織切片SELEX技術用於卵巢癌特異標記物研究,2009-2011;
3. 國家“863”基金課題:耐藥金葡菌毒力刺激因子抑制肽的研究,2001-2005;
4. 國家“863”基金課題:致病微生物aptamer特徵譜技術的建立及其套用,2006-2008;
5. 國家基金面上課題:體外micoRNA 模型的建立及microRNA對靶mRNA翻譯阻抑機制的研究,2005-2007。


1. Li S, Xu H, Ding H, Huang Y, Cao X, Yang G, Li J, Xie Z, Meng Y, Li X, Zhao Q, Shen B, Shao N(corresponding author). Identification of an aptamer targeting hnRNPA1 by tissue slide-based SELEX. J Pathology 2009 Feb (Epub ahead of print)
2. Sun Qiang , Zhang Yan , Yang Guang , Chen Xiaoping , Zhang Yingai, Cao Guojun,Wang Jian, Sun Yanxun, Zhang Peng, Fan Ming, Shao Ningsheng and Yang Xiao(co-corresponding author).Transforming growth factor-b-regulated miR-24 promotes skeletal muscle differentiation. Nucl Acid Res 2008;38:2690-9
3. Cai Y, Shao N, Rao R, Aysola P, Reddy V, Oprea-llies G, Lee L, Okoli J, Partridge E, Reddy ESP, Rao VN. BRCA1 has antitumor activity in TN breast, ovarian and prostate cancers. Oncogene 2007 ;261-7
4. Liu H, Guo S, Roll R, Li J, Diao Z, Shao N, Riley MR, Cole AM, Robinson JP, Snead N, Shen G, Guo P. Phi29 pRNA vector for efficient escort of hammerhead ribozyme targeting surviving in multiple cancer cells. Cancer Biology & Therapy 2007,6: 697-704
5. Tang J, Yu T, Guo L, Xie J, Shao N, He Z. In vitro selection of DNA aptamer against abrin toxin and aptamer-based abrin direct detection. Biosens Bioelectron 2006, 10:1016
6. Li J, Yang G, Li S, Cao G, Zhao Q, Liu X, Fan M, Shen B, Shao N (corresponding author). 3’-Poly(A) tail enhances siRNA activity against exogenous reporter genes in MCF-7 cells. J RNAi and Gene Silencing 2006, 2:195-204
7. Dong J, Liu C, Zhang J, Xin ZT, Yang G, Gao B, Mao CQ, Liu NL, Wang F, Shao NS, Fan M, Xue YN. Selection of Novel Nickel-binding Peptides from Flagella Displayed Secondary Peptide Library. Chem Bio Drug Des. 2006 Aug;68(2):107-12
8. Xie W, Shao N (co-corresponding author), Ma X, Ling B, Wei Y, Ding Q, Yang G, Liu N, Wang H, Chen K.Bacteria endotoxin Lipopolysaccharide induces upregulation of glyceraldehyde- 3- phosphate dehydrogenase in rat liver and lungs. Life Sciences.2006 Oct 4;79(19):1820-7
9. Tang J, Xie J, Shao N, Yan Y. DNA aptamers that specifically recognize ricin toxin are selected by two in vitro selection methods. Electrophoresis. 2006, 29(7):1303-11.
10. Yang G, Gao Y, Dong J, Xue Y, Fan M, Shen B, Liu C, Shao N(corresponding author). A novel peptide isolated from phage library to substitute a complex system for a vaccine against staphylococci infection. Vaccine. 2006, 24(8):1117-23.
11. Yang G, Gao Y, Dong J, Liu C, Xue Y, Fan M, Shen B, Shao N (corresponding author).A novel peptide screened by phage display can mimic TRAP antigen epitope against Staphylococcus aureus infections. J Biol. Chem. 2005, 280: 27431-27435
12. Cao G, Liu Z, Liu X, Zhang J, Zhang D, Liu N, Ding H, Fan M, Shen B, Shao N (corresponding author). Identification of the RNA chaperone activity of recombinant human tumor necrosis factor alpha in vitro. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005, 11;328:573-9.
13. Liu X,Cao G, Ding H, Zhang D, Yang G, Liu N, Fan M, Shen B, Shao N (corresponding author). Screening of functional antidotes of RNA aptamers against bovine thrombin, FEBS Letters. 2004, 562:125-128
14. Yang G, Cheng H, Liu C, Xue Y, Gao Y, Liu N, Gao B, Wang D, Li S, Shen B, Shao N (corresponding author). Inhibition of staphylococcus aureus pathogenesis in vitro and in vivo by RAP-binding peptides, Peptides. 2003, 24:1823-1828
15. Liu X, Zhang D, Cao G, Yang G, Ding H, Liu G, Fan M, Shen B, Shao N (corresponding author). RNA apatamers specific for bovine thrombin. J Mol Recognition. 2003, 16:23-27
16. Wang C, Zhaning M, Yang G, Zhang D, Ding H, Wang H, Fan M, Shen B, Shao N(corresponding author). Single stranded DNA aptmers that bind differentiated but not parental cells: subtractive systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment. J Biotechnol. 2003, 102:15-22
17. Xin Z, Liu C, Dong B, Gao Y, Shao N, Liu W, Zhang J, Dong J, Ling S, Xue Y.A subtractive fluorescence-activated cell-sorting strategy to identify mimotopes of HBV- preS protein from bacterially displayed peptide library. J Immunol Methods. 2004, 293(1-2):13-21.
18. Xin ZT, Liu C, Gao YP, Mao CQ, Zhao A, Zhang J, Shao NS, Ling SG, Yang NX . Identification of mimotopes by screening of a bacterially displayed random peptide library and its use in eliciting an immune response to native HBV-preS Vaccine 2003, 21(27-30):4373-9
19. Zhang J, Zheng L, Zhao A, Gao B, Liu NL, Wang F, Dong J, Xin ZT, Shao NS, Wang HX, Xue YN. Identification of anti-TNFalpha peptides with consensus sequence. BBRC 2003, 31;310(4):1181-7
20. Zhang X, Li Q, Shi Y, Wu J, Shao N, Liu G, Sun M. Specific oligobodies against human brain acetylcholinesterase Brain Res 2003, 989(2):147-51


