


  • 中文名:邱安東
  • 畢業院校:英國倫敦國王學院健康與生命科學學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 專業方向:肝腎疾病及其天然藥物
  • 職務:同濟大學安發天然藥物研究院常務副院長


1993 年本科畢業於西南師範大學生物系,1996年在四川大學生物系獲得碩士學位,同年留校任教,2001年破格為副教授並獲得國家留學基金委和香港王寬誠教育基金的資助到英國倫敦國王學院生命與健康學院攻讀博士學位,2004年獲得博士學位。2004年在英國倫敦大學聖喬治醫學院進行博士後研究,2005-2007年在美國紐約阿爾伯特愛因斯坦醫學院腫瘤研究中心從事博士後研究。
2015.5 至今 同濟大學安發天然藥物研究院,常務副院長
2012.2 至今 同濟大學生命科學與技術學院,教授;轉化醫學高等研究院,特聘研究員
2007.9-2016.12哥倫比亞大學醫學系,研究員(Associate Research Scientist)、講師(Instructor)、助理教授、客座助理教授




2006至今: 美國癌症研究學會(American Association of Cancer Research),會員
2011至今:國際生物鐵學會(International BioIron Society),會員


  1. Shi Y, Xu L, Tang J, Fang L, Ma S, Ma X, Nie J, Pi X, Qiu A, Zhuang S, Liu N. Inhibition of HDAC6 protects against rhabdomyolysis-induced acute kidney injury. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 312(3): F502-F515, 2017.
  2. Barasch J, Hollmen M, Deng R, Hod EA, Rupert PB, Abergel RJ, Allred BE, Xu K, Darrah SF, Tekabe Y, Perlstein A, Wax R, Bruck E, Stauber J, Corbin KA, Buchen C, Slavkovich V, Graziano J, Spitalnik SL, Bao G, Strong RK, Qiu A. Disposal of iron by a mutant form of lipocalin 2. Nature Communications. 7: 12973, 2016.
  3. Liu N, Wang L, Yang T, Xiong C, Xu L, Shi Y, Bao W, Chin YE, Cheng SB, Yan H, Qiu A, Zhuang S. EGF Receptor Inhibition Alleviates Hyperuricemic Nephropathy. Journal of American Society of Nephrology. 26(11): 2716-29, 2015.
  4. Wang L, Liu N, Xiong C, Xu L, Shi Y, Qiu A, Zang X, Mao H, Zhuang S. Inhibition of EGF Receptor Blocks the Development and Progression of Peritoneal Fibrosis. Journal of American Society of Nephrology. 27(9): 2631-44, 2016.
  5. Walentin K, Hinze C, Werth M, Haase N, Varma S, Morell R, Aue A, Pötschke E, Warburton D, Qiu A, Barasch J, Purfürst B, Dieterich C, Popova E, Bader M, Dechend R, Staff AC, Yurtdas ZY, Kilic E, Schmidt-Ott KM. A Grhl2-dependent gene network controls trophoblast branching morphogenesis. Development. 142(6): 1125-36, 2015.
  6. Paragas N, Kulkarni R, Werth M, Schmidt-Ott KM, Forster C, Deng R, Zhang Q, Singer E, Klose AD, Shen TH, Francis KP, Ray S, Vijayakumar S, Seward S, Bovino ME, Xu K, Takabe Y, Amaral FE, Mohan S, Wax R, Corbin K, Sanna-Cherchi S, Mori K, Johnson L, Nickolas T, D'Agati V, Lin CS, Qiu A, Al-Awqati Q, Ratner AJ, Barasch J. α-Intercalated cells defend the urinary system from bacterial infection. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 124(7): 2963-76, 2014.
  7. Neal Paragas*, Andong Qiu* (Equal contribution), Qingyin Zhang, Shi-Xian Deng, Faisal Cheema, Benjamin Samstein, Vivette D’Agati, Donald W. Landry, Chyuan-Sheng Lin and Jonathan Barasch. Seeing Kidney Disease in Real Time: NGAL Reporter Mouse Detects Cellular Stressors In Vivo. Nature Medicine, 17(2): 216-22, 2011.
  8. Guanhu Bao*, Matthew Clifton*, Trisha M. Hoette, Shi-Xian Deng, David Williams, Andong Qiu, Neal Paragas, Ritwij Kulkarni, Xiangpo Li, Belinda Lee, Avtandil Kalandadze, Kiyoshi Mori, Adam J. Ratner, Juan Carlos Pizarro, Donald W. Landry, Kenneth N. Raymond, Roland K. Strong and Jonathan Barasch. Siderocalin (Ngal, Lipocalin2) Trafficks Iron with Catecholate Metabolites. Nature Chemical Biology, 6(8): 602-609, 2010.
  9. Jau Yi Li*, Neal Paragas*, Renee Ned, Andong Qiu, Kai Schmidt-Ott, Melanie Viltard, Thomas Leete, Ian Drexler, Xia Chen, Farah Mohammed, David Williams, David Williams, Chyuan-Sheng Lin, Nancy C. Andrews and Jonathan Barasch. Scara5 is a Ferritin Receptor Mediating Non-Transferrin Iron Delivery. Developmental Cell, 16(1): 35-46, 2009.
  10. Rongbao Zhao, Sang Hee Min, Andong Qiu, Antoinette Sakaris, Gary Goldberg, Caudio Sandoval, Jeffrey J. Malatack, David S. Rosenblatt, I. David Goldman. The spectrum of mutations in the PCFT gene, coding for an intestinal folate transporter, that are the basis for Hereditary Folate Malabsorption. Blood, 110 (4): 1147-52, 2007.
  11. Andong Qiu, Michaela Jansen, Antionette Sakaris, Sang Min, Shrikanta Chattopadhayay, Eugenia Tsai, Claudio Sandoval, Rongbao Zhao, Myles H Akabas, I. David Goldman. Identification of a proton-coupled intestinal folate transporter and the molecular basis for Hereditary Folate Malabsorption. Cell, 127 (5): 917-928, 2006.


