Dahong Qiu,The Maximun Total Wave Forces on Pile Group,Procof Coastal Strcture,1983,83.
D.H.Qiu,Y.X.Wang,The Nonlinear Wave Force on Large Cylinder,Proc,of 5th Intern.Symp.on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering,Tokyo,Japan,1986 (O.MAE):海洋學報(中文版),1986,8(4).
D.H.Qiu,L.Li,The Uplift Wave Force Acting on a Breakwater Sitting on a RubbleMound Embedded in the Seabed,Proc.of 8th Intern.Conf.on OMAE,Hague,The Netherland,1989.
Dahong Qiu,Zhaochen Sun,Nonlinear Wave Action on a Buried Pipeline in Shallow Water,Proc of 8th Intern,Conf on OMAE Hague,The Netherland,1989.
D.H.Qiu,Y.X.Yu,B.Xiao,Generation and Horizontal Particle Velocity of Nonlinear Shallow Water Waves,Proc.of 1stPacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium,Seoul,South Korea,1990.
Dahong Qiu,Zhaochen Sun,Wave Action on the Bottrn of Multi-Pier,Proc of 9th Intern.Conf.on OMAEHonston,V.SA,1990.
D.H.Qiu,H.Y.Pan,Wave Induced Pressure Vnder a Two Dimensional Gravity Structure,Proc.of 9th Intern.Conf.on OMAE.Jpistpm.U.S.A.,1990.
邱大洪,淺水區圓柱墩群上的非線性波浪力,海洋工程,1991(1);英文稿發表於Proc of 9th Intern Conf on OMAE ,Stavanger,Norway.
Dahong Qiu,Jun Zang,Numerical Analysis of Wave Induced Porous Fluid Pressure on Three Dimensional Structures of Arbitrary Shape Resting on Seabed ,Proc of 10th Intern.Comnf on OMAE,Stavanger,Norway,1991.
Qiu Dahong,Zhou Yuanheng,Jia Ying,Nonlinear Wave Force on Piergroup in Shallow Water,China Ocean Engineering,1992,6(1)
Qiu Dahong,Wang Hong,Zang Jun,Nonlinear Wave Induced Seepage Force on Cylinder in Shallow Water,Proc of Isope’93,1993.
Qiu Dahong,Zang Jun,Wave Force Action on a Pier Sitting on Deformable Seabed,J of Hydrodynamics,Ser B,1993,5(1).
邱大洪,孫昭晨,關於波浪在多孔介質內的滲流對結構作用的研究,水動力研究與進展, Ser B,1993,5(1)
Qiu Dahong,Wang Yongxue,Wang Lisheng,Numerical Simulation of Wave Motion Coupled with Porous Flow inside a Submerged Permeable Breakwater,Proc of Asia Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics,1994
Qiu Dahong,Zang Jun,Jia Ying,Action of Cnoidal Waves on Vertical Walls,China Ocean Engineering,1996,10(2).
Qiu Dahong,Wang Qilong,The Irregular Wave Induced Seepage Force on the Bottom of a Circular Cylinder,J of Offshore and Polar Engineering,1997,7(1).