“利用生物化學工程技術,藉助海洋工程與裝備學科的科研力量,將微藻培植放到大海里去,從傳統靠電能驅動到利用海浪實現微藻光反應器的充分混和,可以大大降低生產成本,這樣,讓微小藻類為人類造福將不再是夢想。” 這是不久前大連理工大學生命海洋交叉學科論證會上,剛從美國歸來的生命科學與技術學院教授遲占有所作的科研工作匯報。圖為遲占有(左一)指導學生了解微藻培養系統反應器。
- 中文名:遲占有
- 民族:漢
遲占有:男,大連理工大學生命科學與技術學院教師。目前主要從事生物能源方面的研究,聚焦於生物燃料和生物化學品的發酵過程開發、微藻培養系統開發、以及有機廢物處理。以第一作者發表SCI論文9篇,其中包括生物工程領域知名期刊Trends in Biotechnology。另外,以共同作者發表SCI論文8篇。已發表的論文被SCI引用200次以上。參與編寫英文學術專著二部。作為第一發明人申請了美國發明專利二項,其中一項已經授權,第二發明人申請了世界專利一項。作為共同負責人或骨幹成員參與了六個項目,其中包括美國能源部和波音公司資助項目。
Bioresource Technology
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Biomass and Bioenergy
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Aquaculture Engineering
Energy& Fuels
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Biological Engineering
Transaction of ASABE
1. Zhanyou Chi, Current status of using bicarbonate as carbon source for microalgae culture, in Advances and challenges in production of biofuels from algae, Future Science, London, 2014
2. Laura Jarboe and Zhanyou Chi, Inhibition of microbial biocatalysts by biomass-derived aldehydes and methods for engineering tolerance, in New Developments in Aldehydes Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, 2013
3. 遲占有 趙春華,幹細胞的體外大規模擴增,《幹細胞原理技術與臨床》趙春華,化學工業出版社,北京,2006
1. Zhanyou Chi, Farah Elloy, Yuxiao Xie, Yucai Hu, Shulin Chen, Selection of Microalgae and Cyanobacteria Strains for Bicarbonate-based Integrated Carbon Capture and Algae Production System, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,2014, 172: 447-457
2. Zhanyou Chi, Marjorie Rover, Patrick Johnston, Robert C. Brown, Zhiyou Wen, Laura R. Jarboe. Overliming Detoxification of Pyrolytic Sugars for Direct Fermentation of Levoglucosan to Ethanol. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 150 : 220-227
3. Zhanyou Chi, Yuxiao Xie, Farah Elloy, Yubin Zheng, Yucai Hu, Shulin Chen, Bicarbonate-based Integrated Carbon Capture and Algae Production System with Extremely Alkalihalophilic Cyanobacterium. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 133: 513–521
4. Zhanyou Chi, James O’Fallon, Shulin Chen. Bicarbonate Produced from Carbon Capture for Algae Culture. Trends in Biotechnology. 2011, 29: 537-541
5. Zhanyou Chi, Yubin Zheng, Jingwei Ma, Shulin Chen. Yeast Cryptococcus curvatus Culture with Dark Fermentation Hydrogen Production Effluent as Feedstock for Microbial Lipid Production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36: 9542- 9550
6. Zhanyou Chi, Yubin Zheng, Anping Jiang, Shulin Chen. Lipid Production by Culturing Oleaginous Yeast and Algae with Food Waste and Municipal Wastewater in an Integrated Process. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2011, 165: 442–453
7. Zhanyou Chi, Yan Liu, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen. Study of a two-stage growth of DHA producing marine algae Schizochytrium limacinum SR21 with shifting dissolved oxygen level. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2009, 81: 1141-1148
8. Zhanyou Chi, Denver Pyle, Zhiyou Wen, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen. A laboratory study of producing docosahexaenoic acid from biodiesel-waste glycerol by microalgal fermentation. Process Biochemistry, 2007, 42:1537-1545
9. Zhanyou Chi, Bo Hu, Yan Liu, Craig Frear, Zhiyou Wen, Shulin Chen. Production of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from Cull Potato Using an Algae Culture Process. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2007, 137: 805-815
10. Xuefei Zhao, Zhanyou Chi, Marjorie Rover, Robert Brown, Laura Jarboe, Zhiyou Wen, Microalgae Fermentation on Acetic Acid-rich Pyrolytic Bio-oil: Reducing Bio-oil Toxicity by Alkali Treatment, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy , 2013, 32: 955–961
11. Yubin Zheng, Zhanyou Chi, Ben Lucker, Shulin Chen. Two-stage heterotrophic and phototrophic culture strategy for algal biomass and lipid production. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 103: 484 – 488
12. Yubin Zheng, Zhanyou Chi, Shulin Chen. Oleaginous yeast Cryptococcus curvatus for biofuel production: Ammonia’s effect. Biomass & Bioenergy 2012, 37: 114 -121
13. Shulin Chen, Zhanyou Chi, James V. O’Fallon, Yubin Zheng, Moumita Chakraborty, Dhrubojyoti D. Laskar. System Integration for Producing Microalgae as Biofuel Feedstock. Biofuels, 2010, 1: 889-910
14. Yi Liang, Xuefei Zhao, Zhanyou Chi, and et al., Utilization of acetic acid-rich pyrolytic bio-oil by microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: Reducing bio-oil toxicity and enhancing algal toxicity tolerance. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 133: 500-506
15. Zhimin Li, Yan Liu, Zhanyou Chi, Shulin Chen, Effects of Pluronic F68 on Manganese Peroxidase Production by Pelletized Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2011, 164: 487–496
16. Bo Hu, Yan Liu, Zhanyou Chi, Shulin Chen, biological hydrogen production via bacteria immobilized in calcium alginate gel beads, Biological Engineering, 2008, 1: 25-37
17. Yapeng Chao, Deepak Singh, Liang Yu,Zhiming Li, Zhanyou Chi, Shulin Chen. Secretome Characteristics of Pelletized Trichoderma reesei and Cellulase Production. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2012, 28: 2635–2641
18. 遲占有,姜華,蔡海波,譚文松,戴乾策, 攪拌式生物反應器中造血細胞的灌注培養, 生物工程學報, 2005, 21(4):622-627
19. 遲占有,姜華,蔡海波等,羥乙基澱粉沉降法分離臍血過程的深入分析及條件最佳化,中國輸血雜誌,2004,17(2):71-74
20. 遲占有,蔡海波,姜華,譚文松,戴乾策 在攪拌培養和靜態培養中造血細胞亞群組成的分析,中國生物製品學雜誌,2004,17(4):233-236
21. 遲占有,顧小華,趙一鳴,譚文松,戴乾策 臍血單個核細胞的攪拌懸浮培養,華東理工大學學報,2004,30(3):349-353
22. 遲占有,夏泉鳴,康自珍,譚文松,戴乾策 造血細胞體外懸浮培養和生物反應器開發,生物工程學報,2003,19(5):587-592
23. 遲占有 趙佼 譚文松, 造血幹細胞懸浮培養技術研究,國外醫學 輸血及血液學分冊,2000, 23(4): 257-259
24. 姜華、遲占有、蔡海波、譚文松,(一種測定動物細胞平均沉降速率的新方法, 華東理工大學學報,2004, 30(5):28-32
25. 姜華、遲占有、蔡海波、譚文松, 動物細胞沉降分離截留過程的模型研究, 中國醫藥工業雜誌,2004, 35(9):10-13
26. 沈華萍 丁春梅, 遲占有 不同降溫速率對臍血幹細胞冷凍復甦後生物學特性的影響 生物工程學報-2003年4期
27. 王斌 康自珍, 遲占有 臍血CD34^ 細胞與單個核細胞的體外擴增特性研究, 中華血液學雜誌-2003年2期
28. 王斌,康自珍,遲占有,譚文松 體外培養臍血單個核細胞與CD34+富集細胞, 《生物工程學報》-2002年3期
29. 王斌,康自珍,遲占有,譚文松 臍血單個核細胞和CD34+細胞體外擴增造血乾/祖細胞, 《華東理工大學學報(自然科學版)》-2002年6期
1. Zhanyou Chi, Laura Jarboe, Zhiyou Wen, Robert Brown, Marjorie Rover , Patrick Johnston, Overliming Detoxification of Pyrolytic Sugars for Direct Fermentation of Levoglucosan to Ethanol, SIMB 63rdAnnual Meeting, August 11-115, 2013, San Diego, CA (Poster)
2. Zhanyou Chi, Laura Jarboe, Zhiyou Wen, Yi Liang, Xuefei Zhao, Tao Jin, Mark Deaton, Robert Brown, Hybrid processing: Fermentation of pyrolytic bio-oil for production of biofuel and biochemicals, SIMB 62nd Annual Meeting, August 12-16, 2012, Washington, DC (Poster)
3. Zhanyou Chi, Shulin Chen, Carbon Capture and Conversion into Bicarbonate for Algae Culture, 10th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture & Sequestration May 2-5, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Oral presentation)
4. Zhanyou Chi, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, High density culture of Aurantiochytrium limacinum SR21 for DHA production with crude glycerol from biodiesel industry as feedstock, 2010 World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing, June 27-30, 2010, National Harbor, Washington, D.C. (Oral presentation)
5. Zhanyou Chi, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, Fed batch two-stage culture of Aurantiochytrium limacinum SR21 for DHA production, 2010 ASABE Annual International Meeting from June 20 to 23, at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania (Oral presentation)
6. Zhanyou Chi, Yubin Zheng, Anping Jiang, Shulin Chen, Integrated Process of Food Waste and Wastewater Treatment for Biodiesel Feedstock Production, ASABE Bioenergy Engineering, October 11-14, 2009, Bellevue, WA (Poster)
7. Zhanyou Chi, Yan Liu, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, Study of a two- stage culture of DHA producing marine algae Schizochytrium limacinum SR21 with shifting dissolved oxygen level, AIChE Annual Meeting, 2008, Philadelphia, PA (Oral presentation)
8. Zhimin Li, Yan Liu, Zhanyou Chi, and Shulin Chen, Effectiveness of Shear Protective Additives in Enzyme Production by Pelleted Phanerochaete Chrysosporium, AIChE Annual Meeting, 2008, Philadelphia, PA (Oral presentation)
9. Zhanyou Chi, Yubin Zheng, Chenlin Li, Zhimin Li, Bo Hu, Shulin Chen, Oleaginous yeast Cryptococcus curvatus culture for biodiesel feedstock with wastewater from dark fermentative hydrogen production, 30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, 2008, New Orleans, LA (Poster)
10. Zhanyou Chi, Yan Liu, Bo Hu, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, DHA production from high biomass concentration culture of Schizochytrium sp. with a shift strategy, The World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology & Bioprocessing, 2007, Orlando, FL (Poster)
11. Zhanyou Chi, Yan Liu, Bo Hu, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, High cell density culture of Schizochytrium to produce DHA with a “Shift” strategy, 29th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, 2007, Denver, CO (Poster)
12. Zhanyou Chi, Bo Hu, Yan Liu, Shulin Chen, Production of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from Cull Potato Using an Algae Culture Process. 28th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, 2006, Nashville, TN (Poster)
13. Zhanyou Chi, Demin Wen, Wensong Tan, and Gance Dai, Culture materials affect ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic cells, Proceeding of the 12th interdisciplinary research conference on biomaterials, P44, 2002,Shanghai, China (Oral presentation)
14. Zhanyou Chi, Zhiyou Wen and Wensong Tan, Effect of protective additives on cell-bubble interactions: a comparative study. The 4th Asia-Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference, 1997, Beijing, China (Oral presentation)
1. Zhanyou Chi, Laura Jarboe, Zhiyou Wen, Robert Brown, Marjorie Rover , Patrick Johnston, Overliming Detoxification of Pyrolytic Sugars for Direct Fermentation of Levoglucosan to Ethanol, SIMB 63rdAnnual Meeting, August 11-115, 2013, San Diego, CA (Poster)
2. Zhanyou Chi, Laura Jarboe, Zhiyou Wen, Yi Liang, Xuefei Zhao, Tao Jin, Mark Deaton, Robert Brown, Hybrid processing: Fermentation of pyrolytic bio-oil for production of biofuel and biochemicals, SIMB 62nd Annual Meeting, August 12-16, 2012, Washington, DC (Poster)
3. Zhanyou Chi, Shulin Chen, Carbon Capture and Conversion into Bicarbonate for Algae Culture, 10th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture & Sequestration May 2-5, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Oral presentation)
4. Zhanyou Chi, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, High density culture of Aurantiochytrium limacinum SR21 for DHA production with crude glycerol from biodiesel industry as feedstock, 2010 World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing, June 27-30, 2010, National Harbor, Washington, D.C. (Oral presentation)
5. Zhanyou Chi, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, Fed batch two-stage culture of Aurantiochytrium limacinum SR21 for DHA production, 2010 ASABE Annual International Meeting from June 20 to 23, at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania (Oral presentation)
6. Zhanyou Chi, Yubin Zheng, Anping Jiang, Shulin Chen, Integrated Process of Food Waste and Wastewater Treatment for Biodiesel Feedstock Production, ASABE Bioenergy Engineering, October 11-14, 2009, Bellevue, WA (Poster)
7. Zhanyou Chi, Yan Liu, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, Study of a two- stage culture of DHA producing marine algae Schizochytrium limacinum SR21 with shifting dissolved oxygen level, AIChE Annual Meeting, 2008, Philadelphia, PA (Oral presentation)
8. Zhimin Li, Yan Liu, Zhanyou Chi, and Shulin Chen, Effectiveness of Shear Protective Additives in Enzyme Production by Pelleted Phanerochaete Chrysosporium, AIChE Annual Meeting, 2008, Philadelphia, PA (Oral presentation)
9. Zhanyou Chi, Yubin Zheng, Chenlin Li, Zhimin Li, Bo Hu, Shulin Chen, Oleaginous yeast Cryptococcus curvatus culture for biodiesel feedstock with wastewater from dark fermentative hydrogen production, 30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, 2008, New Orleans, LA (Poster)
10. Zhanyou Chi, Yan Liu, Bo Hu, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, DHA production from high biomass concentration culture of Schizochytrium sp. with a shift strategy, The World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology & Bioprocessing, 2007, Orlando, FL (Poster)
11. Zhanyou Chi, Yan Liu, Bo Hu, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, High cell density culture of Schizochytrium to produce DHA with a “Shift” strategy, 29th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, 2007, Denver, CO (Poster)
12. Zhanyou Chi, Bo Hu, Yan Liu, Shulin Chen, Production of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from Cull Potato Using an Algae Culture Process. 28th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, 2006, Nashville, TN (Poster)
13. Zhanyou Chi, Demin Wen, Wensong Tan, and Gance Dai, Culture materials affect ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic cells, Proceeding of the 12th interdisciplinary research conference on biomaterials, P44, 2002,Shanghai, China (Oral presentation)
14. Zhanyou Chi, Zhiyou Wen and Wensong Tan, Effect of protective additives on cell-bubble interactions: a comparative study. The 4th Asia-Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference, 1997, Beijing, China (Oral presentation)
Zhanyou Chi, Zhiyou Wen, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, Heterotrophic algae high cell density production method and systems, US Patent # 7,989,195. Issued on August 2, 2011.
Zhanyou Chi, Shulin Chen, Craig Frear, Tianxi Zhang, Ben Lucker, Integrated Algae System for Production of Biofuel Feedstock, US Patent, Application number: 12/512,337
Shulin Chen, Zhanyou Chi, Yuxiao Xie, Baisuo Zhao, Integrated carbon capture and algae culture. PCT/US2011/064127
譚文松,遲占有,蔡海波, 一種造血細胞灌注培養方法和裝置,ZL200410016212.5
譚文松,遲占有,顧小華,蔡海波, 用於幹細胞體外培養的生物反應器系統,L200310109169.2
譚文松,姜華,蔡海波,遲占有, 造血細胞連續灌注懸浮培養過程細胞沉降截留裝置,ZL200310109264.2